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[edit]In Medicine
[edit]- Nobel Prize
- Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine
- Emil Adolf von Behring
- Ronald Ross
- Niels Ryberg Finsen
- Ivan Pavlov
- Robert Koch
- Camillo Golgi
- Santiago Ramón y Cajal
- Charles Louis Alphonse Laveran
- Élie Metchnikoff
- Paul Ehrlich
- Emil Theodor Kocher
- Albrecht Kossel
- Allvar Gullstrand
- Alexis Carrel
- Charles Richet
- Róbert Bárány
- Jules Bordet
- August Krogh
- Archibald Hill
- Otto Fritz Meyerhof
- Frederick Banting
- John James Rickard Macleod
- Willem Einthoven
- Johannes Fibiger
- Julius Wagner-Jauregg
- Charles Nicolle
- Christiaan Eijkman
- Frederick Gowland Hopkins
- Karl Landsteiner
- Otto Heinrich Warburg
- Charles Scott Sherrington
- Edgar Adrian, 1st Baron Adrian
- Thomas Hunt Morgan
- George Whipple
- George Minot
- William P. Murphy
- Hans Spemann
- Henry Hallett Dale
- Otto Loewi
- Albert Szent-Györgyi
- Corneille Heymans
- Gerhard Domagk
- Henrik Dam
- Edward Adelbert Doisy
- Joseph Erlanger
- Herbert Spencer Gasser
- Alexander Fleming
- Ernst Boris Chain
- Howard Florey
- Hermann Joseph Muller
- Carl Ferdinand Cori
- Gerty Cori
- Bernardo Houssay
- Paul Hermann Müller
- Walter Rudolf Hess
- António Egas Moniz
- Philip Showalter Hench
- Edward Calvin Kendall
- Tadeus Reichstein
- Max Theiler
- Selman Waksman
- Hans Adolf Krebs
- Fritz Albert Lipmann
- John Franklin Enders
- Frederick Chapman Robbins
- Thomas Huckle Weller
- Hugo Theorell
- André Frédéric Cournand
- Werner Forssmann
- Dickinson W. Richards
- Daniel Bovet
- George Wells Beadle
- Edward Lawrie Tatum
- Joshua Lederberg
- Arthur Kornberg
- Severo Ochoa
- Frank Macfarlane Burnet
- Peter Medawar
- Georg von Békésy
- Francis Crick
- James Watson
- Maurice Wilkins
- John Eccles (neurophysiologist)
- Alan Lloyd Hodgkin
- Andrew Huxley
- Konrad Emil Bloch
- Feodor Felix Konrad Lynen
- François Jacob
- André Michel Lwoff
- Jacques Monod
- Francis Peyton Rous
- Charles Brenton Huggins
- Ragnar Granit
- Haldan Keffer Hartline
- George Wald
- Robert W. Holley
- Har Gobind Khorana
- Marshall Warren Nirenberg
- Max Delbrück
- Alfred Hershey
- Salvador Luria
- Julius Axelrod
- Ulf von Euler
- Bernard Katz
- Earl Wilbur Sutherland, Jr.
- Gerald Edelman
- Rodney Robert Porter
- Karl von Frisch
- Konrad Lorenz
- Nikolaas Tinbergen
- Albert Claude
- Christian de Duve
- George Emil Palade
- David Baltimore
- Renato Dulbecco
- Howard Martin Temin
- Baruch Samuel Blumberg
- Daniel Carleton Gajdusek
- Roger Guillemin
- Andrew Schally
- Rosalyn Sussman Yalow
- Werner Arber
- Daniel Nathans
- Hamilton O. Smith
- Allan McLeod Cormack
- Godfrey Hounsfield
- Baruj Benacerraf
- Jean Dausset
- George Davis Snell
- Roger Wolcott Sperry
- David H. Hubel
- Torsten Wiesel
- Sune Bergström
- Bengt I. Samuelsson
- John Vane
- Barbara McClintock
- Niels Kaj Jerne
- Georges J. F. Köhler
- César Milstein
- Michael Stuart Brown
- Joseph L. Goldstein
- Stanley Cohen (biochemist)
- Rita Levi-Montalcini
- Susumu Tonegawa
- James Black (pharmacologist)
- Gertrude B. Elion
- George H. Hitchings
- J. Michael Bishop
- Harold E. Varmus
- Joseph Murray
- E. Donnall Thomas
- Erwin Neher
- Bert Sakmann
- Edmond H. Fischer
- Edwin G. Krebs
- Richard J. Roberts
- Phillip Allen Sharp
- Alfred G. Gilman
- Martin Rodbell
- Edward B. Lewis
- Christiane Nüsslein-Volhard
- Eric F. Wieschaus
- Peter C. Doherty
- Rolf M. Zinkernagel
- Stanley B. Prusiner
- Robert F. Furchgott
- Louis Ignarro
- Ferid Murad
- Günter Blobel
- Arvid Carlsson
- Paul Greengard
- Eric Kandel
- Leland H. Hartwell
- Tim Hunt
- Paul Nurse
- Sydney Brenner
- H. Robert Horvitz
- John Sulston
- Paul Lauterbur
- Peter Mansfield
- Richard Axel
- Linda B. Buck
- Barry Marshall
- Robin Warren
- Andrew Fire
- Craig Mello
- Mario Capecchi
- Martin Evans
- Oliver Smithies
- Harald zur Hausen
- Françoise Barré-Sinoussi
- Luc Montagnier
- Elizabeth Blackburn
- Carol W. Greider
- Jack W. Szostak
- Robert Edwards (physiologist)
- Bruce Beutler
- Jules A. Hoffmann
- Ralph M. Steinman
- John Gurdon
- Shinya Yamanaka
- James Rothman
- Randy Schekman
- Thomas C. Südhof
- John O'Keefe (neuroscientist)
- May-Britt Moser
- Edvard Moser