Smile PreCure! is the ninth Pretty Cureanimetelevision series produced by Toei Animation. It follows Miyuki Hoshizora and her friends as she helps Candy gather all the Cure Décor and stop the Bad End Kingdom from giving the whole world the "Worst Ending". The series aired in Japan between February 5, 2012 and January 27, 2013, replacing Suite PreCure in its initial timeslot and was succeeded by DokiDoki! PreCure). The opening theme is "Let's go! Smile PreCure!" (Let's go!スマイルプリキュア!, Retsu gō! Sumairu Purikyua) by Aya Ikeda. For the first 24 episodes, the ending theme is "Yay! Yay! Yay!" (イェイ!イェイ!イェイ!, Yei! Yei! Yei!) by Hitomi Yoshida, whilst the ending theme for episodes 25-48 is "Mankai * Smile!" (満開*スマイル!, Mankai*Sumairu!, Full Bloom * Smile!) by Yoshida.[1] All of the songs are composed by Hideaki Takatori.