89 (number)
89 (eighty-nine) is the natural number following 88 and preceding 90.
Template:Numbers 80s | |
Cardinal | 89 eighty-nine |
Ordinal | 89th eighty-ninth |
Factorization | |
Roman numeral | LXXXIX |
Binary | 01011001 |
Hexadecimal | 59 |
In mathematics
Eighty-nine is the 24th prime number, following 83 and preceding 97. 89 is a Chen prime. It is the smallest Sophie Germain prime to start a Cunningham chain of the first kind of six terms, {89, 179, 359, 719, 1439, 2879}. 89 is an Eisenstein prime with no imaginary part and real part of the form .
89 is a Fibonacci number. Its reciprocal has a curious relationship to the Fibonacci sequence F(n):
89 is also a Markov number, appearing in solutions to the Markov Diophantine equation with other odd-indexed Fibonacci numbers.
Being the solution to x - φ(x) more often than any lower number, 89 is a highly cototient number.
Although 89 is not a Lychrel number in base 10, it is unusual that it takes 24 iterations of the reverse and add process to reach a palindrome. Among the known non-Lychrel numbers in the first 10000 integers, no other number requires that many or more iterations.
In astronomy
- Messier object M89, a magnitude 11.5 elliptical galaxy in the constellation Virgo.
- The New General Catalogue object NGC 89, a magnitude 13.5 peculiar spiral galaxy in the constellation Phoenix and a member of Robert's Quartet.
- The Saros number of the solar eclipse series which began on 18 February 4 and ended on 1316 March 24. The duration of Saros series 89 was 1298.1 years, and it contained 73 solar eclipses. Furhter the Saros number of the lunar eclipse series which began on 67 June 15 and ended on 1347 July 23. The duration of Saros series 89 was 1280.1 years, and it contained 72 lunar eclipses.
== In other fields ==
Eighty-nine is also:
- The atomic number of actinium.
- the model number of CBU-89 Gator and the TI-89 graphing calculator
- part of the name of the baseball team Oklahoma City 89ers (1962-1997)
- the number of the French department Yonne
- the designation of Interstate 89, a freeway that runs from New Hampshire to Vermont
- The ISBN Group Identifier for books published in Korea
- The capital letter Y in ASCII
- The year AD 89, 89 BC, 1989, or 1789 starting year of the French Revolution.