bakkudaijo > bakkudaiju, Mahaparanirvana > Mahaparinirvana
Tiny corrections; from bakkudaij"o" to bakkudaij"u", and Mahapar"a"nirvana sutra to Mahapar"i"nirvana sutra. These are more accurate than the previous description. I forgot to leave these explanation when I posted on the discussion page on the other day.
This article should be modified and improved because
- it is not Verifiable and
- not Neutral.
- Also it reveals too much detail about Shinnyo-en to the general public. Shinnyo-en is supposed to be esoteric. Some Shinnyo-en publications are designed for the general public (such as the pamphlet "What is Shinnyo-en") and some publications should be given only to people who are connected (such as the kangi-seki). Go to your nearby temple and ask the gymi-koku (office-people) -- I believe the pamphlet "What is Shinnyo-en" is the limit of what should be said in public.
I intend to modify this article according to Wiki policy and Shinnyo-en policy. --Danwri 20:58, 20 July 2006 (UTC)