Marianne Hauser
Marianne Hauser was an American novelist and short story writer. She was born on December 11, 1910 in Strasbourg, Alsace Lorraine and died in New York City on June 21, 2006 at the age of 95.[1] She moved to the United States in 1937 after spending 5 years traveling through China, Taiwan, Cambodia, Malaysia, Sri Lanka, India, Japan and Hawaii, writing a weekly feuilleton for the Swiss newspaper Basler National Zeitung. She married Fred Kirchberger, a German émigré, concert pianist and music teacher.[2] She became a citizen in 1944. They had one child, Michael Kirchberger, born in 1945. She published 9 novels (7 in English) and 2 collections of short stories, as well as book reviews for the New York Times, the Saturday Review of Literature, the New York Herald Tribune, the New Republic, the American Book Review and the Sewanee Review. Her short stories appeared in Harper's Bazaar, Mademoiselle, the Carleton Miscellany, Botteghe Oscure, the Tiger's Eye and Fiction International. In 1951 they moved to Kirksville, Missouri, where Fred Kirchberger taught in the music department of the Northeast Missouri State College. In 1962 she and Fred Kirchberger divorced and she returned to live in New York City. From 1966-1978 she was a lecturer in the Department of English at Queens College in New York.[2] [1] She is best known for the novel The Talking Room (Fiction Collective, 1976).[3] She was known to her friends as Bear. Her published works are:
Novels and Collections
Monique. Zurich: Ringier, 1934. (written in German, lost)
Indisches Gaukelspiel (Shadow Play in India). Vienna: Zinnen, 1937. (an edition was published by an underground press in French, but that is now lost. It has never been translated from German into English)
Dark Dominion. New York: Random House, 1947.
The Choir Invisible. New York: McDowel, Obolensky, 1958. Published in England under original title, The Living Shall Praise Thee. London: Gollancz, 1957.
A Lesson in Music. Austin: University of Texas Press, 1964.
Prince Ishmael. New York: Stein and Day, 1963. Reprinted, Los Angeles: Sun and Moon Classics Series, 1991.
The Talking Room. New York: Fiction Collective, 1976.
The Memoirs of the Late Mr. Ashley: An American Comedy. Los Angeles: Sun and Moon Press, 1986. Trans. In German, Suhrfkamp, 1992.
Me and My Mom. Los Angeles: Sun and Moon Classics, 1993.
Shootout with Father. Normal [Ill.]: FC2, 2002.
The Collected Short Fiction of Marianne Hauser. Normal [Ill.]: FC2 She also wrote and published a story for her granddaughter, Nell Charley, Little Butter Cup, the Happiest Bear in the World, with pictures by artist Joel Fisher and music composed by Fred Kirchberger, in 2003.
Uncollected Stories
“The Colonel’s Daughter.” The Tiger’s Eye 3 (March 1948): 21-34
“The Rubber Doll.” Mademoiselle (1951).
“The Sun and the Colonel’s Button.” Botteghe Oscure 12 (Fall 1953): 255-72
“The Seersucker Suit.” Carleton Miscelany 9 (Fall 1968): 2-14. Reprinted in American Made: New Fiction from the Fiction Collective, ed. Mark Leyner, Curtis White, and Thomas Glynn, 93-106. New York: Fiction Collective, 1986.
“Heartlands Beat.” Fiction International 18, 1 (Spring 1988): 11-22
“The Indomitable Spirit of Alsace.” Travel 70 (1938): 28 – .
“Swan Song of the Middle Ages.” Travel 72 (1939).
“Pantomime in Blue and Silver.” Travel 72 (1938): 18 – .
“Bamboo, Symbol of Old China.” Travel. 73 (July 1939): 30.
“Successful Small Home That Suits the Environment.” Arts and Decoration 49 (February 1939): 18 – .
“Home Industries of the Swiss Peasants.” Arts and Decoration 50 (April 1939): 22–40.
“Marrakesh: Descent into Spring.” Harper’s Bazaar, 3054 (May 1966): 188-203.
“Mimoun of the Mellah.” Harper’s Bazaar, 3061 (December 1966): 114-82.
She published an autobiographical entry About My Life So Far in the Contemporary Author’s Series, Volume 11, Gale (Detroit), 1990.
Her interview with Larry McCaffery is published in Some Other Frequency.
Hauser’s papers are housed at the University of Florida, Gainesville.
Critical Studies
Caserio, Robert L. Supreme Court Versus Homosexual Fiction South Atlantic Quarterly, 88.1 (1989):269-99
Dillon, Steven. Wolf-Women and Phantom Ladies: Female Desire in 1940s US Culture. Albany: State Univ of New York Pr, 2015.
Friedman, Ellen G. and Miriam Fuchs, eds Breaking the Sequence: Women’s Experimental Fiction Princeton, NJ : Princeton University Press, 1989
Gregory, Sinda. Contemporary Novelists. Sixth. Detroit, MI: St. James Press, 1996.
Harris, Andrea L. Other Sexes: Rewriting Difference from Woolf to Winterson Albany, NY: State University of New York Press, 2000
Punday, Daniel. “Narrative Order and Representing the Body in ‘The Talking Room.’” Narrative 6, no. 1 (January 1, 1998): 31–48.
Ziareck, Ewa ‘Taking Chances’: The Feminine Genealogy of Style in Marianne Hauser’s The Talking Room Contemporary Literature, 33 (1992): 480-501
Federman. Raymond: "Marianne Hauser has Changed Tense." at: Jdeshell. “Now What: Marianne Hauser Changed Tense.” Now What, June 23, 2006.
Messerli, Douglas Greenintegerblog. “American Cultural Treasures - ACT: A WAR AGAINST DEATH.” American Cultural Treasures - ACT, February 4, 2010.
“Marianne Hauser--1910-2006.” American Book Review 27, no. 6 (October 2006).
McCaffery, Larry. Some Other Frequency: Interviews with Innovative American Authors. Penn Studies in Contemporary American Fiction. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 1996.
Mifflin, Margot. “Dreams and the Writer.” DREAMWORKS 2, no. 4 (1982): 255–59.
- ^ a b "Biographical/Historical Note". A Guide to the Marianne Hauser Papers. Special and Area Studies Collections, George A. Smathers Libraries, University of Florida, Gainesville, Florida. Retrieved 16 April 2015.
- ^ a b Hauser, Marianne (1990). Contemporary Authors Autobiography Series. Detroit, MI: Gale Research Co.
- ^ Punday, Daniel (January 1, 1998). "Narrative Order and Representing the Body in 'The Talking Room". Narrative. 6 (1): 31–48.
Gregory, Sinda. Contemporary Novelists. Sixth. Detroit, MI: St. James Press, 1996.
Hauser, Marianne. Contemporary Authors Autobiography Series. Vol. 11. Detroit, MI: Gale Research Co, 1990.
Marianne Hauser Papers, Special and Area Studies Collections, George A. Smathers Libraries, University of Florida, Gainesville, Florida.
McCaffery, Larry. Some Other Frequency: Interviews with Innovative American Authors. Penn Studies in Contemporary American Fiction. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 1996.