Coderx is a (well known) Psp coder who has released many homebrew games for the psp. Such games include:
1.AOE - Demo
2.Pengbob Sled 0.9
3.Pengbob 1.0
4.Pengbob - V1,1 - FW 3.71 Edition 10-16-07
5.Pengbob - V1,2 - FW 3.71 Halloween Edition 10-25-07
6.Penguin Snowboarding Halloween Edition V2.0 (10-10-08))
7.Penguin Snowboarding V3.0 (12-6-08))
He seems to come and go from the sceen but does his part to feed apps in to the community
His most well known work would have to be his efforts in porting all remaining 1.5 homebrew over to the new 3.xx Kernel
website :