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Immune system

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The Immune System (also known as the Immunological System) and the Lymphatic System is made up of all the mechanisms through which a multicellular organism defends itself from internal invaders such as bacteria, viruses or parasites.

The immune system can be divided into two main branches:

This division is useful for categorizing the different components of the immune system, but it is important to recognize that in the immune response there is continuous interplay between members of both branches.

Innate Non-specific Mechanisms

The innate system is comprised of all the mechanisms that defend an organism in non-specific form, against an invader, responding in the same fashion, regardless of what it is. It constitutes older defense strategies, some of these being found in primitive multicellular forms, in plant and fungi.

Physical Barriers

  • The skin is the first and main line of defense. The surface is made up of dead skin cells rich in keratin, which impedes microorganisms from entering the body. Lightly acidic and lipidic secretions from sebaceous gland and sweat glands create a hostile cutaneous environment impeding the excessive growth of bacteria.
  • Gastric acid is a powerful defense against invading bacteria from the intestines. Few species are able to survive the low pH and destructive enzymes that exist in the stomach.
  • Saliva and tears contain antibacterial enzymes, such as Lysozyme, which destroy the cellular walls of bacteria.
  • In the intestines, the bacterial flora compete with one another and non-commensal pathogens for food and space, diminishing the probability of pathogenic bacteria multiplying in sufficient numbers to cause illness. For this reason the excessive ingestion of oral antibiotics can lead to the depletion of benign bacteria in the intestine. Upon ending treatment, dangerous species can multiply without any competition, thereby causing many illnesses.
  • Mucus is another defense, coating the mucous membranes. It catches and immobilizes invading bodies, its composition is deadly to many microorganisms. It also contains Type Iga antibodies (which are a component of the adaptive immune system).


Phagocytes are cells, such as neutrophils and macrophages, that have the capacity to directionally extend cellular portions (pseudopod), engulfing and overtaking a foreign particle or microorganism. This microorganism is contained inside a vacuole which is then merges with lysosomes, vacuoles rich in enzymes and acids, which digest the particle or organism. Phagocytes react to cytokines produced by lymphocytes, but also patrol the body autonomously , without stimulus, albeit in a less eficient manner. This form of defense is important against bacterial infections, as viruses typically have their own means of entering host cells and the majority of parasites too large to be consumed. Phagocytosis is also an important part of the cleaning process after cellular destruction following infection or any other process that leads to cellular death. Should many phagocytes die after phagocytosis, both phagocytes and bacteria can be trapped in a pasty liquid rich in stuctural proteins, known as pus.

Some bacteria, such as Mycobacterium tuberculosis, which causes tuberculosis, have defense mechanisms against digestion after phagocytosis, and survive within the phagocyte undetectable by lymphocytes.

Phagocytes and related cells:

  • Natural killer (NK) cells constitute a major component of the innate immune system, and are distinctive in that they NK cells attack cells that have been infected by microbes, but not microbes themselves. They were named "natural killer" because of the initial notion that they do not require activation in order to kill cells which are "missing self" ("missing-self" recognition is a term used to describe cells with low levels of MHC (major histocompatibility complex) class I cell surface marker molecules—a situation which could arise due to viral infection, or in tumors under strong selection pressure of killer T cells).

NK cells were discovered due to their non-MHC-restricted killer activity that disturbed early attempts to generate tumour-specific, MHC-restricted cytotoxic T lymphocytes (CTLs) from mice shortly after the discovery of the phenomenon of MHC restriction.

They are large granular lymphocytes that do not express T-cell antigen receptors (TCR) or Pan T marker CD3 or surface immunoglobulins (Ig) B cell receptor but which usually express the surface markers CD16 (FcγRIII) and CD56 in humans, and NK1.1/NK1.2 in certain strains of mice.

With the discovery of activating receptors almost two decades after the discovery of the inhibitory receptors it continues to be called by the same name though the “natural” does not mean the same any more. However the term “natural killer” continues to be justified by:

a morphology characteristic of activated cytotoxic lymphocytes—e.g., large size, high protein synthesis activity in the abundant endoplasmic reticulum (ER), and preformed granules; the mature state (does not require much new protein synthesis and remodelling before starting to kill); and the rapid killing activity observed in freshly isolated NK cells. NK cells are cytotoxic; small granules in their cytoplasm contain special proteins such as perforin and proteases known as granzymes. Upon release in close proximity of a cell to be killed, perforin forms pores in the cell membrane of the target cell through which the granzymes and associated molecules can enter, where they induce apoptosis. The distinction between apoptosis and cell lysis is important in immunology— lysing a virus-infected cell would only release the virions, whereas apoptosis leads to destruction of the virus inside.

NK cells are activated in response to interferons or macrophage-derived cytokines. They serve to contain viral infections while the adaptive immune response is generating antigen-specific cytotoxic T cells that can clear the infection. Patients deficient in NK cells prove to be highly susceptible to early phases of herpes virus infection.

In order for NK cells to defend the body against viruses and other pathogens, they require mechanisms which enable the determination of whether a cell is infected or not. The exact mechanisms are as yet unknown, but recognition of an "altered self" state is thought to be involved. To control their cytotoxic activity, NK cells possess two types of surface receptors: "activating receptors" and "inhibitory receptors". Most of these receptors are not unique to NK cells and can be present in other T cell subsets as well.

These inhibitory receptors recognize MHC class I alleles, which could explain why NK cells kill cells possessing low levels of MHC class I molecules.

NK cell receptor types (with inhibitory as well as some activating members) are differentiated by structure:

CD94 : NKG2 (heterodimers) — a C-type lectin family receptor, conserved in both rodents and primates and identifies non-classical (also non-polymorphic) MHC I molecules like HLA E. Though indirect, this is a way to survey the levels of classical (polymorphic) HLA molecules, however, because expression of HLA-E at the cell surface is dependent upon the presence of classical MHC class I leader peptides. Ly49 (homodimers) — a relatively ancient, C-type lectin family receptor; are of multigenic presence in mice, while humans have only one pseudogenic Ly49; the receptor for classical (polymorphic) MHC I molecules. KIR (Killer cell Immunoglobulin-like Receptors) — belong to a multigene family of more recently-evolved Ig-like extracellular domain receptors; are present in non- rodent primates; and are the main receptors for both classical MHC I (HLA A,HLA B,HLA C) and also non-classical HLA G in primates. Some KIRs are specific for certain HLA subtypes. ILT or LIR (leucocyte inhibitory receptors) — are recently-discovered members of the Ig receptor family.

  • Neutrophil granulocyte: the most abundant type of phagocyte and is always the first to arrive at the scene of infection. Along with its lysosomal enzymes, it destroys foreign substances or kills pathogens with its "respiratory burst." The neutrophil respiratory burst is a chain of reactions that produces hydrogen peroxide, which almost immediately releases its oxygen ion to form hypochlorite by combining with surrounding chloride ions. Hydrogen peroxide, with its release of oxygen ion, and hypochlorite, are strong oxidizing agents which accomplish destruction of foreign substances and pathogens. For this respiratory burst, the neutrophil increases its oxygen uptake a hundred fold. Niacin (as NADPH) is also essential in the reaction.

Function: Neutrophils are active phagocytes, capable of ingesting microorganisms or particles. However, they can only execute one phagocytic event, expending all of their glucose reserves in an extremely vigorous "respiratory burst".

The respiratory burst involves the activation of an NADPH oxidase enzyme, which produces large quantities of superoxide, a reactive oxygen species, which generally kills the ingested organism.

Being highly motile, neutrophils quickly congregate at a focus of infection, attracted by cytokines expressed by activated endothelium, mast cells and macrophages.

Neutrophils are much more numerous than the longer-lived monocyte/macrophages. The first phagocyte a pathogen (disease-causing microorganism) is likely to encounter is a neutrophil. Some authorities feel that the short lifetime of neutrophils is an evolutionary adaptation to minimize propagation of those pathogens that parasitize phagocytes. The more time such parasites spend outside a host cell, the more likely they will be destroyed by some component of the body's defenses. However, because neutrophil antimicrobial products can also damage host tissues, other authorities feel that their short life is an adaptation to limit damage to the host during inflammation.

  • Macrophages: a gigantic cell, the mature form of a monocyte, has the capacity to consume many more bacteria than a neutrophil. Differentiation is stimulated through cytokine. It is more efficient in destroying bacteria than neutrophils, but lives for a shorter amount of time, having to be reformed through monocytes during each infection. It has its own respiratory burst, releasing nitric oxide from arginine. Nitric oxide and chemicals that arise from it, particularly peroxynitrite, can kill viruses, bacteria, fungi, protozoa, some helminths, and tumor cells. With this powerful mechanism, the only reason sickness still occurs is because it could not function fully.


Steps of a macrophage ingesting a pathogen:

a. Ingestion through phagocytosis, a phagosome is formed b. The fusion of lysosomes with the phagosome creates a phagolysosome; the pathogen is broken down by enzymes c. Waste material is expelled or assimilated (the latter not pictured)


1. Pathogens 2. Phagosome 3. Lysosomes 4. Waste material 5. Cytoplasm 6. Cell membrane[edit] Phagocytosis One important main role of macrophage is the removal of necrotic debris and dust in the case of the lungs. Removing dead cell material is important in chronic inflammation as the early stages of inflammation are dominated by neutrophil granulocytes, which are ingested by macrophages if they come of age (see CD-31 for a description of this process.)

The removal of dust and necrotic tissue is to a greater extent handled by fixed macrophages, which will stay at strategic locations such as the lungs, liver, neural tissue, bone, spleen and connective tissue, ingesting foreign materials such as dust and pathogens, calling upon wandering macrophages if needed.

When a macrophage ingests a pathogen, the pathogen becomes trapped in a food vacuole, which then fuses with a lysosome. Within the lysosome, enzymes and toxic oxygen compounds digest the invader. However, some bacteria, such as Mycobacterium tuberculosis, have become resistant to these methods of digestion. Macrophages can digest more than 100 bacteria before they finally die due to their own digesting compounds.

Macrophages are involved in cell-mediated immunity along with NK cells and cytotoxic T cells.

Role in specific immunity After digesting a pathogen, a macrophage will present the antigen (a molecule, most often a protein found on the surface of the pathogen, used by the immune system for identification) of the pathogen to a corresponding helper T cell. The presentation is done by integrating it into the cell membrane and displaying it attached to a MHC class II molecule, indicating to other white blood cells that the macrophage is not a pathogen, despite having antigens on its surface.

Eventually the antigen presentation results in the production of antibodies that attach to the antigens of pathogens, making them easier for macrophages to adhere to with their cell membrane and phagocytize. In some cases, pathogens are very resistant to adhesion by the macrophages. Coating an antigen with antibodies could be compared to coating something with Velcro to make it stick to fuzzy surfaces.

Neutrophils, eosinophils and basophils are also known as polymorphonuclear leukocytes (due to their lobed nuclei) or granulocytes.

Complement System

The complement system is a biochemical cascade of the immune system that helps clear pathogens from an organism. It is derived from many small plasma proteins working together to form the primary end result of cytolysis by disrupting the target cell's plasma membrane. The proteins are sythesized in the liver, mainly by hepatocytes.

Other non-specific proteins include Protease C3-convertase, which is also sythesized in the liver and connects to other molecules that are commonly found in bacteria but non-existent in humans, stimulating the complement system and phagocytosis.

Inflammatory Response

The inflammatory response is fundamentally a non-specific reaction, despite in practice controlled by specific mechanisms (lymphocytes). It is characterized by the following quintet, defined in Greco-Roman antiquity: redness (rubor), heat (calor), swelling (tumor), pain (dolor) and dysfunction of the organs involved (functio laesa).

Inflammation is stimulated by factors released by injured cells. These factors (histamine, bradicine) sensitize pain receptors and cause dilation of the blood vessels at the scene (rubor and tumor), and also attract phagocytes, especially neutrophils. Phagocytosis causes the neutrophils to release other factors that call lymphocytes and other phagocytes.

Inflammation is the first response of the immune system to infection or irritation and may be referred to as the innate cascade. Inflammation is characterised by the following quintet: redness (rubor), heat (calor), swelling (tumor), pain (dolor) and dysfunction of the organs involved (functio laesa). The first four characteristics have been known since ancient times and are attributed to Celsus; functio laesa was added to the definition of inflammation by Rudolf Virchow in 1858.

Contents [hide] 1 Characteristics 2 Leukocytes and cytokines 3 Outcomes 4 Systemic inflammation 4.1 Sepsis 4.2 Low-grade 5 Inflammation examples

Characteristics Inflammation has two main components - cellular and exudative.

The exudative component involves the movement of fluid, usually containing many important proteins such as fibrin and immunoglobulins (antibodies). Blood vessels are dilated upstream of an infection (causing redness and heat) and constricted downstream while capillary permeability to the affected tissue is increased, resulting in a net loss of blood plasma into the tissue - giving rise to edema or swelling. The swelling distends the tissues, compresses nerve endings, and thus causes pain.

The cellular component involves the movement of white blood cells from blood vessels into the inflamed tissue. The white blood cells, or leukocytes, take on an important role in inflammation; they extravasate (filter out) from the capillaries into tissue, and act as phagocytes, picking up bacteria and cellular debris. They may also aid by walling off an infection and preventing its spread.

If inflammation of the affected site persists, released cytokines IL-1 and TNF will activate endothelial cells to upregulate receptors VCAM-1, ICAM-1, E-selectin, and L-selectin for various immune cells. Receptor upregulation increases extravasation of neutrophils, monocytes, activated T-helper and T-cytotoxic, and memory T and B cells to the infected site.

Neutrophils are characteristic of inflammation in the early stages - they are the first cells to appear in an infected area, and any section of recently inflamed (within a couple of days or so) tissue viewed under a microscope will appear packed with them. They are easily identified by their multilobed nuclei and granular cytoplasm and perform many important functions, including phagocytosis and the release of extracellular chemical messengers. Neutrophils only live for a couple days in these interstitial areas, so if the inflammation persists for a longer duration then they are gradually replaced by longer lived monocytes.

[edit] Leukocytes and cytokines Various leukocytes are involved in the initiation and maintenance of inflammation. These cells can be further stimulated to maintain inflammation through the action of adaptive cascade through lymphocytes: T cells, B cells, and antibodies. These inflammation cells are:

Mast cells which release histamine and prostaglandin in response to activation of stretch receptors. This is especially important in cases of trauma. Macrophages which release TNF-α, IL-1 in response to activation of toll-like receptors. [edit] Outcomes The outcome in a particular circumstance will be determined by the tissue in which the injury has occurred, and the injurious agent that is causing it.

There are four possible results to inflammation:

Resolution, the complete reconstitution of damaged tissue, does not usually occur in the body. Connective tissue scarring. Some 24 hours after inflammation in a wound first occurs, the wound healing response will commence. This response involves the formation of connective tissue to bridge the gap caused by injury, and the process of angiogenesis, the formation of new blood vessels, to provide nutrients to the newly formed tissue. Often healing can not occur completely and a scar will form; for example after laceration to the skin, a connective tissue scar results which does not contain any specialised structures such as hair or sweat glands. abscess formation - primarily in infections by pyogenic bacteria Ongoing or chronic inflammation. If the injurious agent continues, chronic inflammation will ensue. This process, marked by inflammation lasting many days, months or even years, may lead to the formation of a chronic wound. Chronic inflammation is characterised by a dominating presence of macrophages in the injured tissue, which extravasate via the same methods discussed above (ICAM-1 VCAM-1). These cells are powerful defensive agents of the body, but the toxins they release (including reactive oxygen species) are injurious to the organism's own tissues as well as invading agents. This is why chronic inflammation is almost always accompanied by tissue destruction. Finally, an abscess, or a collection of pus, can form in chronic inflammation.

Specific or Adaptive Immune System

The basis of specific immunity lies in the capacity of immune cells to distinguish between proteins produced by the body's own cells ("self" antigen - those of the original organism), and proteins produced by invaders or cells under control of a virus ("non-self" antigen - or, what is not recognized as the original organism). This distinction is made via T-Cell Receptors (TCR) or B-Cell Receptors (BCR). For these receptors to be efficient they must be produced in thousands of configurations, this way they are able to distinguish between many different invader proteins. This immense diversity of receptors would not fit in the genome of a cell, and millions of genes, one for each type of possible receptor, would be impractical. What happens is that there are a few families of genes, each one having a slightly different modification. Through a special process, unique to cells of jawed vertebrates (Gnathostomata), the genes in these lymphocytes recombine, one from each family, arbitrarily into a single gene.

This way, for example, each antibody or BCR of B lymphocytes has six portions, and is created from two genes unique to this lymphocyte, created by the recomniation (union) of a random gene from each family. If there are 6 families, with 50, 30, 9, 40, and 5 members, the total possible number of antibodies is 50x30x6x9x40x5 = 16 million. On top of this there are other complex processes that increase the diversity of BCR or TCR even more, by mutation of the genes in question. The variability of antibodies is practically limitless, and the immune system creates antibodies for any molecule, even artificial molecules that do not exist in nature.

Many TCR and BCR created this way will react with their own peptides. One of the functions of the thymus and bone marrow is to hold young lymphocytes until it is possible to determine which ones react to molecules of the organism itself. This is done by specialized cells in these organs that present the young lymphocytes with molecules produced by them (and effectively the body). All the lymphocytes that react to them are destroyed, and only those that show themselves to be indifferent to the body are released into the bloodstream.

The lymphocytes that do not react to the body number in the millions, each with millions of possible configurations of receptors, each with a receptor for different parts of each microbial protein possible. The vast majority of lymphocytes never find a protein that its receptor is specified for, those few that do find one are stimulated to reproduce. Effective cells are generated with the specific receptor and memory cells. These memory cells are quiescent, they have long lives and are capable of identifying this antigen some time later, multiplying themselves quickly and rapidly responding to future infections.

The specific immune system is controlled directed largely by lymphocytes. There are various types of lymphocytes:

B Lymphocytes and Antibody Production

see B cells

B cells are lymphocytes that play a large role in the humoral immune response (as opposed to the cell-mediated immune response). The abbreviation "B" stands for the bursa of Fabricius which is an organ unique to birds, where avian B cells mature. It does not stand for bone marrow, where B cells are produced in all other vertebrates except for rabbits (where B cells develop in the appendix-sacculus rotundus).

The human body makes millions of different types of B cells each day, and each type has a unique receptor protein (referred to as the B cell receptor (BCR)) on its membrane that will bind to one particular antigen; at any one time in the human body millions of B cells are circulating in the blood and lymph, but are not producing antibodies. Once a B cell encounters its cognate antigen and receives an additional signal from a helper T cell, it can further differentiate into one of the two types of B cells listed below. The B cell can either directly become one of these cell types or go through an intermediate differentiation step - the germinal center reaction where the B cell will hypermutate the variable region of the antibody and possibly class switch.

Plasma B cells secrete antibodies which assist in the destruction of antigens by binding to them and making them easier targets for phagocytes (a process known as opsonization). Antibodies can also elicit the complement cascade, which also makes antigens an easier target for other cells. Memory B cells are formed specific to the antigen(s) encountered during the primary immune response; able to live for a long time, these cells can respond quickly upon second exposure to the antigen for which they are specific. Humoral immunity (the creation of antibodies that circulate in blood plasma and lymph) involves B cell activation. Cell activation can be gauged using the ELISPOT technique, which can determine the percentage of B cells that secrete any particular antibody.

B cells are characterised immunohistochemically in humans by the presence of CD20 on the cell membrane. In mice, CD45 (B220) is often used.

A critical difference between B cells and T cells is how each cell "sees" an antigen. B cells recognize their cognate antigen in its native form. In contrast, T cells recognize their cognate antigen in a processed form - as a peptide in the context of an MHC molecule.

Susumu Tonegawa won the 1987 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine for demonstrating how B cells create the enormous diversity of antibodies from only a few genes. The Nobel presentation [1] gives an overview.

Production of B cells B cells are produced through several stages, each stage represents a change in the genome content, in which the variety of antibodies are produced. The human antibody is composed of two light and two heavy chains, and there are genes specifying them, which is known as the 'H' chain loci and the 'L' chain loci. In the H chain loci there are three regions, V, D and J, and combinations of threes are drawn, in terms of rearrangement which results in deletions of bases between the two selected points, and results in formation of a unique combination. In the L chain loci there are only two regions, namely V and J, which undergoes the same process.

Progenitor B cells - Contains Germline H genes, Germline L genes Early Pro-B cells - undergoes D-J rearrangement on the H chains Late Pro-B cells - undergoes V-DJ rearrangement on the H chains Large Pre-B cells - the H chain is VDJ rearranged, Germline L genes Small Pre-B cells - undergoes V-J rearrangement on the L chains Immature B cells - VJ rearranged on L chains, VDJ rearranged on H chains. There is start of expression of IgM receptors. Mature B cells - There is start of expression of IgD When the B cells fails in any step of the maturation process, it will undergo apoptosis, and if it recognizes self-antigen during the maturation process, it will become suppressed (known as anergy) or undergo apoptosis.

B cells are continuously produced in the bone marrow, but only a small portion of newly made B cells survive to participate a part in the long-lived peripheral B cell pool.

CD8+ T Lymphocytes and Cytotoxicity

see Cytotoxic T cells Cytotoxic T cell

A cytotoxic T cell (also known as TC or killer T cell) is a sub-group of T lymphocyte (a type of white blood cell) which is capable of inducing the death of infected somatic or tumor cells; they kill cells that are infected with viruses (or other pathogens), or are otherwise damaged or dysfunctional.

Most cytotoxic T cells express T-cell receptors (TcRs) that can recognise a specific peptide antigen bound to Class I MHC molecules. These TC cells also express CD8, which is attracted to portions of the Class I MHC molecule. This affinity keeps the TC cell and the target cell bound closely together during antigen-specific activation. TC cells with CD8 surface protein are called CD8+ T cells, and CD8+ T cells are generally classified as having a pre-defined cytotoxic role within the immune system.

Contents [hide] 1 Cytotoxic T cell development 2 Cytotoxic T cell activation 3 Cytotoxic T cell role in disease pathogenesis 4 References

Cytotoxic T cell development Hematopoetic stem cells in the bone marrow migrate into the thymus, where they undergo VDJ rearrangement of their beta-chain TcR DNA to form a developmental form of the TcR protein, known as pre-TcR. If that rearrangement is successful, the cells then rearrange their alpha-chain TcR DNA to create a functional alpha-beta TcR complex. This highly-variable genetic rearrangement product in the TcR genes helps create millions of different T cells with different TcRs, helping the body's immune system respond to virtually any protein invader. The vast majority of T cells express alpha-beta TcRs, but some T cells in epithelial express beta-gamma TcRs, which recognize non-protein antigens.

T cells with functionally stable TcRs express both the CD4 and CD8 co-receptors and are therefore termed "double-positive" T cells (CD4+/CD8+). The double-positive T cells are exposed to a wide variety of self-antigens in the thymus and undergo two selection criteria: (1) negative selection, in which those double-positive T cells that bind too strongly to MHC-presented self antigens undergo apoptosis because their propensity to become autoreactive could lead to autoimmunity; and (2) positive selection, in which those double-positive T cells that bind too weakly to MHC-presented self antigens undergo apoptosis because of their inability to recognize MHC-protein complexes. Only those T cells that bind to the MHC-self-antigen complexes weakly are positively selected. Those cells that survive positive and negative selection differentiate into single-positive T cells (either CD4+ or CD8+).

Cytotoxic T cell activation With the exception of some cell types such as non-nucleated cells (including erythrocytes), Class I MHC is expressed by all host cells. When these cells are infected with a virus (or another intracellular pathogen), the cells "break down" foreign proteins via antigen processing. These result in peptide fragments, some of which can bind to MHC Class I and become antigenic to CD8+ T cells.

Cytotoxic T cells are activated when their TcR strongly interacts with a peptide-bound MHC class I molecule. Once activated they undergo clonal expansion (with the help of Interleukin-2 provided by helper T cells. They then travel throughout the body in search of antigen-positive somatic cells.

When exposed to infected/dysfunctional somatic cells, TC cells release the cytotoxins perforin and granulysin, which forms pores in the target cell's plasma membrane; this causes ions and water to flow into the target cell, making it expand and eventually lyse. TC also release granzyme, a serine protease, that can enter target cells via the perforin-formed pore and induce apoptosis (cell death).

A second way to induce apoptosis is via cell-surface interactions between the TC and the infected cell. When a TC is activated it starts to express the surface cytokine FAS ligand, which can bind to Fas molecules on the target cell. This Fas-Fas ligand interaction is the main route to dispose of unwanted T lymphocytes during their development.

Cytotoxic T cell role in disease pathogenesis Hepatitis B virus (HBV) infection During HBV infection cytotoxic T cells play an important pathogenetic role. They contribute to nearly all of the liver injury associated with HBV infection and, by killing infected cells and by producing antiviral cytokines capable of purging HBV from viable hepatocytes, cytotoxic T cells also eliminate the virus. Recently platelets have been shown to facilitate the accumulation of virus-specific cytotoxic T cells into the infected liver.


Though phagocytes are an innate mechanism, since they respond to any foreign body, they are also the first line decision makers for lymphocytes.

Phagocytes, especially macrophages, respond to cytokines generated by lymphocytes. Monocytes are the precursors to macrophages and they transform into macrophages when stimulated by CD4+ T cytokines. They are also attracted by other cytokines and factors emitted by cells in areas of active infection.

If properly stimulated by cytokines emitted in a localized and controlled manner by CD4+ T lymphocytes, the macrophages release sufficient quantities of enzymes and free radicals to completely destroy a localized area, killing both invaders and human cells.

On top of this, under control of lymphocytes, macrophages are responsible for some specific immunological reactions such as granuloma and abscesses. Granuloma occurs during an invasion of microbacteria and fungi, the most well-known example being tuberculosis. It is a reaction commanded by cytokines fro CD4+ T cells, when there is intracellular infection of the phagocytes themselves. In order to stop the invader from entering the bloodstream and spreading throughout the body in these mobile cells, the CD4+ lymphocytes secrete cytokines that call more macrophages, and make them more resistant to infection. Cytokines also provoke an adaptation in macrophages of epithelial morphology around the area of invasion, with numerous layers of immobilized cells connected by water-resistant links as to close off the invader. The tuberculosis microbacteria cannot propagate and remains stagnant. Today hundereds of millions of healthy people have microbacteria controlled in this form within their lungs (visible in x-rays). Only in those that have severely debilitated immunities do these pathogens escape and cause tuberculosis. The abscess is similar, surrounded by a cyst of pus. It is important to sequester pathogenic bacteria whose toxicity kills phagocytes (forming the pus) and does not permit efficient cleaning.

CD4+ Lymphocytes and Response Supervision

CD4+ Lymphocytes, or helper T cells, are immune response controllers. They "decide" which actions to take during an invasion, promoting or inhibiting all other immune cells via cytokines. HIV, being a virus that directly attacks the CD4+ T cells, causes a collapse of the entire system by attacking the root.

CD4+ lymphocytes are able to decide of there is an invasion due to the fact that each cell contains a randomly created TCR. All phagocytes and some other cells, such as dendrites, after digesting the proteins of an invader retain some of the peptides in a protein membrane, MHC. The TCR of the CD4+ T lymphocytes attach to the MHC II via the peptide and if the connection is effective, liberates cytokines. Almost no CD4+ T lymphocytes contain TCRs that react against self peptides, these were destroyed during the cell development in the thymus. If the levels of these cytokines are sufficiently high, and if other, less known factors exist in the blood, the CD4+ T lymphocytes "decide" that there is an invasion and what sort, beginning the specific immune response. The CD4+ T lymphocytes then produce other cytokines activating other cells for the appropriate response. As with other lymphocytes, stimulated CD4+ T lymphocytes multiply and some serve as memory cells to speed up future responses.

There are essentially two types of CD4+ T helpers, corresponding to two types of responses. The TH1 response is characterized by the production of cytokines such as IL-2, IFN-gamma and TNF-beta. Macrophages are activated, and through cytotoxic mechanisms (T lymphocytes), the infected areas are extensively destroyed. It is efficient in elimination of intracellular pathogens (intracellular viruses and bacteria). In the TH2 response there is a release of IL-4 and IL-5. It is characterized by the production of antibodies from B lymphocytes. It is effective against organisms in the blood, such as extra-cellular bacteria and parasites.

Which response (TH1 or TH2) is produced is important to the progression of the infection. For example, in leprosy, an infection caused by the intracellular Mycobacterium leprae, the TH1 response is extremely effective and the infection is kept to minimum (lepra tuberculoide) ; but if a response TH2 is activated, ineffective against intracellular organisms, common leprosy occurs causing extensive damage and loosening of the skin (lepra lepromatosa).

There is a third type of T lymphocyte, the regulatory T cells (Treg), which limit and suppress the immune reaction against self-antigens, an important mechanism considering the extreme destruction the immune system can cause.

Disorders of the human immune system

The most important function of the human immune system occurs at the cellular level of the blood and tissues. The lymphatic and blood circulation systems are paths for specialized white blood cells to travel around the body. White blood cells include B cells, T cells, natural killer cells, macrophages, and dendritic cells. Each has a different responsibility, but all function together with the primary objective of recognizing, attacking and destroying bacteria, viruses, cancer cells, and all other pathogens. Without this coordinated effort, a person would not be able to survive more than a few days before succumbing to an overwhelming infection. When a pathogen has entered the body, it sets off a chain reaction that starts with the activation of macrophages and natural killer cells that reach the site of infection and destroy as much of the pathogen as possible. While this is happening, it is the job of the dendritic cells to take “snap-shots” of the battle-ground to take to the lymph nodes in order to activate T cells which then activate B cells to produce antibodies against the pathogen.

Many disorders of the human immune system fall into two broad categories that are characterized by:

Other factors that affect immune response

Many factors can also contribute to the general weakening of the immune system:


Despite high hopes, there are no medications that directly increase the activity of the immune system. Various forms of medication that activate the immune system may cause autoimmune disorders. Adjuvants (often Aluminium Hydroxide) can be used in conjunction with a vaccine to provoke a quicker immunological reaction.

Suppression of the immune system is often used to control autoimmune disorders or inflammation when this causes excessive tissue damage, and to prevent transplant rejection after an organ transplant. Commonly used immunosuppressants include glucocorticoids, azathioprine, methotrexate, ciclosporin, cyclophosphamide and mercaptopurine. In organ transplants, ciclosporin, tacrolimus, mycophenolic acid and various others are used to prevent organ rejection through selective T cell inhibition.

See also

Further reading

  • A standard textbook on the immune system is Immunobiology, by Charles Janeway, et al. The paperback of the sixth edition is ISBN 0815341016. NCBI makes the 5th edition available electronically at [1].

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