User:OberMegaTrans/Pacific Crest Trail
Official English Page: Pacific Crest Trail
Official German Page: Pacific Crest Trail
Pacific Crest Trail | |
Length | 2,663 mi (4,286 km)[1] |
Location | California / Oregon / Washington, USA / British Columbia, Canada |
Designation | National Scenic Trail |
Trailheads | Campo, California Manning Park, British Columbia |
Use | Hiking Horse riding |
Elevation change | 420,880 ft (128,284 m)[2] |
Highest point | Forester Pass, 13,153 ft (4,009 m)[5] |
Lowest point | Cascade Locks, 140 ft (43 m)[6] |
Difficulty | Moderate to Strenuous |
Months | Late April to Late September |
Sights | Sierra Nevada (U.S.) Cascade Range |
Hazards | Severe Weather Dehydration Wildlife |
The Pacific Crest Trail (commonly abbreviated as the PCT, and occasionally designated as the Pacific Crest National Scenic Trail) is a long-distance hiking and equestrian trail closely aligned with the highest portion of the Sierra Nevada and Cascade mountain ranges, which lie 100 to 150 miles (160 to 240 km) east of the U.S. Pacific coast. The trail's southern terminus is on the U.S. border with Mexico, just south of the Campo, California and its northern terminus on the U.S.–Canada border on the edge of Manning Park in British Columbia; its corridor through the U.S. is in the states of California, Oregon, and Washington.
Der Pacific Crest Trail (üblicherweise abgekürzt als PCT, vereinzelt auch ausgewiesen als Pacific Crest National Scenic Trail) ist ein Weitwander- und Reiterweg, der eng an den höchsten Teil der Sierra Nevada und Cascade-Gebirge angepasst ist, die 160 bis 240 km östlich der US-amerikanischen Pazifikküste liegen. Der südliche Endpunkt des Wanderwegs liegt im Süden von Campo (Kalifornien) auf der Grenze der USA zu Mexiko, und der nördliche Endpunkt auf der Grenze zu Kanada am Rande von Manning Park in British Columbia; in den USA läuft er durch die Staaten Kalifornien, Oregon und Washington.
User: AggressiveHoneybee
Der Pacific Crest Trail ist 4286 km (2663 Meilen) lang und erstreckt sich von einer Höhe knapp über dem Meeresspiegel an der Grenze von Oregon und Washington bis zum Forester Pass auf 4009 m (13153 Fuß) in der Sierra Nevada. Die Route verläuft durch 25 Staatsforste und sieben Nationalparks. Die Mitte der Strecke liegt bei der Stadt Chester in Kalifornien, nahe des Lassen Peak, wo die Gebirgszüge der Sierra Nevada und des Kaskadengebirges aufeinandertreffen.
Der Weg wurde 1968 als National Scenic Trail ausgewiesen, obwohl er bis 1993 noch nicht offiziell fertiggestellt war. 1932 wurde der PCT von Clinton Churchill Clarke entworfen, einen offiziellen Status bekam er aber erst durch das National Trails System Gesetz von 1968.
The Pacific Crest Trail is 2,663 mi (4,286 km) long[1] and ranges in elevation from just above sea level at the Oregon–Washington border to 13,153 feet (4,009 m)[5] at Forester Pass in the Sierra Nevada. The route passes through 25 national forests and 7 national parks.[7] Its midpoint is near Chester, California (near Mt. Lassen), where the Sierra and Cascade mountain ranges meet.[8]
It was designated a National Scenic Trail in 1968, although it was not officially completed until 1993.[9] The PCT was conceived by Clinton Churchill Clarke in 1932.[10] It received official status under the National Trails System Act of 1968.
User: Saadrimind
It is the westernmost and second longest component of the Triple Crown of Hiking, and is part of the 6,875-mile Great Western Loop.
Es handelt sich um den westlichsten und längsten Weg der sogenannten Triple Crown of Hiking, welches die drei längsten Fernwanderwege der Vereinigten Staaten sind. Er ist außerdem Bestandteil des 6,875 Meilen (~11.065km) langen Great Western Loop.
The route is mostly through National Forest and protected wilderness. The trail avoids civilization, and covers scenic and pristine mountainous terrain with few roads. It passes through the Laguna, Santa Rosa, San Jacinto, San Bernardino, San Gabriel, Liebre, Tehachapi, Sierra Nevada, and Klamath ranges in California, and the Cascade Range in California, Oregon, and Washington.
A parallel route for bicycles, the Pacific Crest Bicycle Trail (PCBT) is a 2,500-mile (4,000 km) route designed closely parallel to the PCT on roads. The PCT and PCBT cross in about 27 places along their routes.
Die Route
Die Route führt hauptsächlich durch Staatsforst und geschützte Wildnis. Der Weg meidet bewohntes Gebiet, durchquert malerisches und unberührtes Gebirgsterrain und kreuzt nur sehr wenige Straßen. Er durchläuft die kalifornischen Gebirgszüge Laguna, Santa Rosa, San Jacinto, San Bernardino, San Gabriel, Liebre, Tehachapi, Sierra Nevdada, Klamath, sowie die Kaskadenkette, welche durch die zwei weiteren Bundesstaaten Oregon und Washington führt.
Die parallel führende Route für Radfahrer, der sogenannte Pacific Crest Bicycle Trail (PCBT), ist eine 2,500 Meilen (~4.000km) lange Straße, welche in unmittelbarer Nähe zum PCT liegt. Beide Routen kreuzen sich insgesamt 27 Mal.
User: Fraeulein_frei
The Pacific Crest Trail was first proposed by Clinton C. Clarke, as a trail running from Mexico to Canada along the crest of the mountains in California, Oregon, and Washington. The original proposal was to link the John Muir Trail, the Tahoe-Yosemite Trail (both in California), the Skyline Trail (in Oregon) and the Cascade Crest Trail (in Washington).[9]
The Pacific Crest Trail System Conference was formed by Clarke to both plan the trail and to lobby the federal government to protect the trail. The conference was founded by Clarke, the Boy Scouts, the YMCA, and Ansel Adams (amongst others).
Der “Pacific Crest Trail” wurde zuerst von Clinton C. Clarke als ein Fernwanderweg, welcher an den Berggipfeln von Kalifornien, Oregon und Washington entlang von Mexiko nach Kanada führt, vorgeschlagen.
Der ursprüngliche Vorschlag war es, die Pfade des “John Muir Trail” und des “Tahoe-Yoesmite Trail” in Kalifornien, den “Skyline Trail” in Oregon und den “Cascade Crest Trail” in Wahington miteinander zu verbinden.
Ein Kongress, genannt “Pacific Crest Trail System Conference” wurde von Clarke einberufen, um das Wegenetz zu planen und um sich dafür einzusetzen, dass die Länderregierungen den “Pacific Crest Trail” beschützen würden.
Der Kongress wurde u.a. von Clarke, den Pfadfindern, der YMCA und Ansel Adams gegründet.
From 1935 through 1938, YMCA groups explored the 2000 miles of potential trail and planned a route, which has been closely followed by the modern PCT route.[9]
In 1968, President Lyndon B. Johnson defined the PCT and the Appalachian Trail with the National Trails System Act. The PCT was then constructed through cooperation between the federal government and volunteers organized by the Pacific Crest Trail Association. In 1993, the PCT was officially declared finished.[9]
Thru hiking
Thru hiking is a term used in referring to hikers who complete long distance trails from end-to-end in a single trip. User:789wxy
The Pacific Crest Trail, Appalachian Trail, and Continental Divide Trail were the first three long-distance trails in the U.S. Successfully thru-hiking all of these three trails is known as the Triple Crown of Hiking.[11] Thru-hiking is a long commitment, usually taking between four and six months, that requires thorough preparation and dedication. Although the actual number is difficult to calculate, it is estimated that around 180 out of approximately 300 people who attempt a thru-hike complete the entire trail each year.[12] The Pacific Crest Trail Association estimates that it takes most hikers between 6 and 8 months to plan their trip.[12]
Der Pacific Crest Trail, der Appalachian Trail und der Continental Divide Trail waren die ersten drei Fernstreckenpfade in den USA. Das erfolgreiche „thru-hiking“ (Durchwandern) aller drei Pfade ist bekannt als der Triple Crown of Hiking. Ihn zu bezwingen erfordert mit einer durchschnittlichen Durchquerungszeit von vier bis sechs Monaten langes Durchhaltevermögen, und bedarf ausgiebiger Planung und Willensstärke. Obwohl die exakte Anzahl nur schwer zu ermitteln ist, schätzt man, dass etwa 180 von insgesamt etwa 300 Wanderern jedes Jahr den gesamten Pfad durchqueren. Die Pacific Crest Trail Association geht davon aus, dass die meisten Wanderer zwischen sechs und acht Monate für die Planung der Tour benötigen.
User:Anismaro Suggestions: Maybe translate Triple Crown of Hiking in parentheses as something like "Dreifache Wanderkrone"
The first thing prospective thru hikers have to do before attempting a thru hike is to plan out and sketch out their trip. In general the decision of which route to take needs to be considered. While most hikers travel from the Southern Terminus at the Mexico Border northward to Manning Park, British Columbia, some hikers prefer a southbound route. In a normal weather year, northbound hikes are most practical due to snow and temperature considerations. If snowpack in the Sierra Nevada is high in early June and low in the Northern Cascades, some hikers may choose to 'flip-flop.'
Den Trip grob zu planen ist das erste, das angehende “thru hikers” (Durchwanderer) vor ihrer Reise tun sollten. Generell sollte wohlüberlegt entschieden werden, für welche Route man sich entscheidet. Während die meisten Wanderer von den Southern Terminus nahe der mexikanischen Grenze aus nordwärts Richtung Manning Park, British Columbia reisen, starten andere Richtung Süden. Aufgrund von Temperaturbedingungen und Schnee ist die Route Richtung Norden am geeignetsten. Liegt Anfang Juni in der Sierra Nevada und den unteren Northern Cascades viel Schnee, entscheiden sich manche Wanderer für das “flip-flopping”.
Flip-flopping can take many forms but often describes a process whereby a hiker begins at one end (on the PCT, usually the southern end) of the trail and then, at some point, like reaching the Sierra, 'flips' to the end of the trail (Manning Park in B.C.) and hikes southbound to complete the trail. However, it is not currently possible to legally enter the United States from Canada by using the Pacific Crest Trail.[13]
“Flip-flopping” kann viele verschiedene Formen annehmen aber bedeutet meistens, dass ein Wanderer an einem Ende des Wanderwegs, beim PCT üblicherweise das südliche Ende, seinen Weg beginnt und dann nach Erreichen eines bestimmten Ortes, wie etwa die Sierra, zum anderen Ende des Weges reist, beim PCT also Manning Park in British Columbia, und von dort aus südlich wandert, um so den Wanderweg zu vervollständigen. Allerdings ist es momentan nicht möglich von Kanada legal über den PCT in die USA einzureisen.
nach Erreichen eines bestimmtes Ortes, wie etwa DER Sierra... (?!)
Hikers also have to determine their resupply points. Resupply points are towns or post offices where hikers replenish food and other supplies such as cooking fuel. Hikers can ship packages to themselves at the U.S. Post Offices along the trail, resupply at general and grocery stores along the trail, or any combination of the two.[14] The final major logistical step is to create an approximate schedule for completion. Thru hikers have to make sure they complete enough miles every day to reach the opposite end of the trail before weather conditions make sections impassable.
User: nothing fits
Eine dichte Schneedecke in Sierra Nevada kann Wanderer an einem frühen Start hindern Sie müssen ihre Zeit so aufteilen, dass sie nicht zu früh in der Sierra aber auch nicht zu spät in den Northern Cascades sind. Die meisten Wanderer schaffen ungefähr 32km (20 Meilen) an einem Tag.
Um die Wanderzeit zu minimieren, und so die Chancen zu erhöhen den Wanderweg zu beenden, reduzieren viele Wanderer ihr Gepäck erheblich. Seit es den PCT gibt, verabschiedet sich ein Großteil der Wanderer von großen und schweren Ausrüstungen. Wanderer werden in drei Hauptgruppen unterschieden: Traditionelle, Leicht- und Ultraleichtwanderer. In den letzten paar Jahren ist die Zahl der traditionellen Wanderer stark zurückgegangen.
For northbound thru hikers, deep snow pack in the Sierra Nevada can prevent an early start. The timing is a balance between not getting to the Sierra too soon nor the Northern Cascades too late. Most hikers cover about 20 miles (32 km) per day.[12]
In order to reduce their hiking time, and thereby increase their chances of completing the trail, many hikers try to substantially reduce their pack weight. Since the creation of the Pacific Crest Trail there has been a large movement by hikers to get away from large heavy packs with a lot of gear. There are three general classifications for hikers: Traditional, Lightweight, and Ultralight.[15] Over the past few years the number of traditional hikers has dropped considerably.
User: Splashofgrenadine Suggestions: +... kann für Wanderer einen frühen Start verhindern / kann Wanderer an einem frühen Start hindern
Notable hikers
Before the PCT was planned, Martin Papendick was the first known person to hike across three states of the PCT in 1952.[16] After being one of the first to finish the Appalachian trail in 1951, Papendick hiked between July 4 and December 1, 1952, from British Columbia to the Mexican border over the crests of the mountains along the Pacific Coast, a feat he reported in a periodical under the title "Pacific Crest Trails".[17]
On October 16, 1970, Eric Ryback, an 18-year-old student, completed the first PCT thru-hike. His personal congratulations came by telegram from no less than Edward P. Cliff, Chief of the U.S. Forest Service.[18]
Bevor der PCT geplant wurde, war Martin Pependick die erst bekannte Person, die durch drei Staaten des PCT 1952 gewandert ist.[16] Nachdem er einer der ersten war, der den Appalachian Trail 1951 geschafft hatte, ist Papendick zwischen dem 4. Juli und 1. Dezember, 1952 von British Columbia bis zur mexikanischen Grenze über den Berggipfeln, der pazifischen Küste entlang, gewandert. Diesen Sieg hat er in einem Journal unter dem Titel „Pacific Crest Trails“ verzeichnet.[19] Am 16. Oktober, 1970, hat der 18 jährige Student Eric Ryback den ersten PCT thru-hike geschafft. Ihm wurde persönlich von niemand anderem als Edward P. Cliff, dem Chief der Forstverwaltung der Vereinigten Staaten[20], per Telegramm gratuliert.
User: CurlMission - die DURCH drei Staaten gewandert ist - der DEN (?) Trail geschaffen hat. - IHM wurde persönlich von niemand ANDEREM
Ryback is credited, recognized, and has been honored by the Pacific Crest Trail Associated as the official first thru-hiker of the entire trail.[21] Ryback completed the Appalachian Trail in 1969 (as a 16-year-old); the Pacific Crest Trail in 1970; and a route approximating today’s Continental Divide Trail in 1972.[22] Ryback's 1971 book The High Adventure of Eric Ryback: Canada to Mexico on Foot focused public attention on the PCT. Ryback carried an 80-pound pack on his 1970 thru-hike. He had only five resupply packages on the entire trip, and was loaded with 40 pounds of food at the start of each leg. He often ran out of food and foraged or went hungry.[21] Ryback also helped the Forest Service lay out future plans for the PCT.[23]
Ryback's claim is disputed. When the guidebook publisher, Wilderness Press, stated in print that Ryback had used motor transport in places along the PCT, Ryback sued for $3 million, but withdrew the suit after Wilderness Press revealed statements from the people who claim to have picked up the young hiker along highways parallel to the 2,600-mile trail.[24] Ryback is in Smithsonian's top 9 list of people Cheating Their Way to Fame though it notes that The claims that Ryback “cheated” are still doubted by some.[25]
The first person to hike the PCT from south to north[citation needed] was Richard Watson, who completed the trail on September 1, 1972.[16]
Watson was often credited as the first PCT thru-hiker, because Papendick was generally unknown, and Ryback may have accepted rides.[16] The first woman to complete the PCT was Mary Carstens, who finished the journey later in 1972 accompanied by Jeff Smukler.[16]
The first person to thru-hike the entire PCT both ways in a single continuous round-trip was Scott Williamson, who completed the "yo-yo" circuit on his fourth attempt in November 2004. Williamson traveled a total of 5,300 miles (8,530 km) in 197 days, covering an average of 35 to 40 miles (56 to 64 km) per day when not in snow – an overall average of 27 miles (43 km) per day – wearing an extremely ultra-lightweight pack, which "without food, weighed about 8.5 pounds (3.9 kg)".[26]
Watson wird oft als erster Wanderer gezählt, der den PCT komplett durchlaufen hat, da Papendick eher unbekannt ist und Ryback Mitfahrgelegenheiten akzeptiert haben könnte. Die erste Frau, die den PCT durchlaufen hat, war Mary Carstens , die ihre Reise, später in Begleitung von Jeff Smukler, im Jahre 1972 beendet hat. Die erste Person, die den komplettem PCT in beiden Richtungen am Stück durchwandert hat, war Scott Williamson, der seinen "yo-yo"-Rundlauf beim vierten Anlauf im November 2004 vollendet hat. Williamson reiste insgesamt 5300 Meilen (8530 km) in 197 Tagen, lief, in trockenem Gelände, durchschnittlich 35 bis 40 Meilen (56 bis 64 km) am Tag. Die durchschnittlich zurückgelegte Strecke auf der ganzen Reise pro Tag betrug 27 Meilen (43 km). Während seiner Reise trug er einen sehr leichten Rucksack, der ohne Proviant ungefähr 8,5 Pfund, also rund 3,9kg wog.
User: GeniusNextDoor Suggestions: Do we need the distances in miles, or are the km numbers enough for a German audience? Papendick eher unbekannt ist --> war (now he is known?!) comma after Mary Carstens (delete space) ... in 197 Tagen, --> und instead of a comma
Williamson then went on to complete a second round trip on November 28, 2006, cutting two weeks off his 2004 time.[27]
The youngest person to hike the trail is Christian Thomas, who completed a flip-flop thru-hike of the trail from April 5, 2014 through November 24, 2014 at the age of 6. He completed his hike with his mother Andrea Rego and father Dion Pagonis.[28][29]
The youngest girl to thru-hike the trail is Sierra Burror, who completed a continuous thru-hike of the trail from April through September 2012 at the age of 9. She completed her hike with her mother, Heather Burror.[30][31][32][33]
Other notable young hikers include Reed Gjonnes and Mary Chambers. Reed Gjonnes, who hiked the trail in 2011 at age 11, went on to complete the Triple Crown of Hiking, becoming the youngest person ever to do so.[34] Mary Chambers hiked the route with her parents in 2004 at age 10. A book about their experiences on the trail Zero Days was published in January 2008 by Wilderness Press.[35]
An autobiographical account of a woman hiking a portion of the PCT alone in 1995, at age 26, was written by Cheryl Strayed. Her memoir Wild: From Lost to Found on the Pacific Crest Trail was published in 2012 and reached #1 on the New York Times Best Sellers list.[36] Her hike is the subject of the 2014 Film "Wild," starring Reese Witherspoon.
The oldest person to thru-hike the trail is not known.[37]
On August 7, 2013, Heather Anish Anderson set a new unsupported speed record completing the entire PCT in 60 days, 17 hours, 12 minutes.
On August 10, 2014, Joseph McConaughy, a former Boston College middle distance runner, set a new supported speed record and the overall fastest time for the PCT. The distance was covered in 53 days, 6 hours, and 37 minutes.[38][39][40] This overcame the previous record of 59 days, 8 hours, 14 minutes,[41][42][43][44] set by Josh Garret on August 8, 2013, by more than 6 days.
Joe was supported by a team of three hikers, Jordan Hamm (a former Boston College distance runner), Michael Dillon, and Jack Murphy.
Also in 2014, Olive McGloin (from Ireland) became the first woman to thru-hike the PCT both ways in a single continuous round-trip.[45]
The first two reported deaths were in November 1995, when through hikers Jane and Flicka Rodman were killed during a detour. They were taking detour down California State Route 138 in Southern California, when they were struck and killed by a motorist who lost control of his vehicle. They were less than 400 miles from their goal of reaching the Mexican border.[46][47]
User: User:Hemahwiki
In May 2005, John Donovan died just 5 days shy of his 60th birthday after becoming lost on San Jacinto Peak in an unseasonal snowstorm. His body was not recovered until more than a year later. The cause of death is unknown, but hypothermia is suspected.[48]
Wendell Ray Echols (“No Way Ray”) of Mariposa, California died on May 15, 2006 near Deep Creek Hot Springs in a remote part of the San Bernardino National Forest. Ray was hiking with his wife, Alice Tulloc, when he lost his footing and fell approximately 200 feet to his death. Alice was hiking roughly 20 yards behind him when he went around a corner and disappeared.
User: User:Hemahwiki
Fortunately, another group of hikers heard Alice’s cries for help and were able to use a satellite phone to call for assistance. Ray was pronounced dead at the scene.[49]
At the age of 19, Timothy Evan Nodal died on April 24, 2014 of heat stroke near Lake Morena. Timothy Nodal began to feel sick and phoned his stepfather for help. When firefighters arrived, they were going over his symptoms when he suddenly went into arrest. Emergency personnel was unable to revive him. There was no evidence of dehydration, alcohol or substance abuse according to the coroner's report.[50]
User: CurlMission
Equestrian use
Don and June Mulford made the first verifiable equestrian Thru-Ride of the PCT in 1959.[51][52][53] In that year the Pacific Crest Trail stretched a poorly marked 2,400 miles from Mexico to Canada. More concept than footpath, the trail was an oft-broken, high-ridge track disappearing regularly from map and terrain. On April 19, 1959, on an empty scrub sage plain seven miles east of Tijuana, with four horses, Don and June Mulford began their journey north to the Washington/Canadian border. The Mulfords went to Hollywood for three months immediately after the ride and were featured on network television.
Durchquerung per Pferd
Don und June Mulford machten ihre erste nachweisbare berittene Durchquerung des Pacific Crest Trails im jahre 1959. In jenem Jahr zog sich der spärlich markierte Pacific Crest Trail 2,400 Meilen lang von Mexiko nach Kanada. Mehr eine Idee als ein Fußweg, der Trail war ein oft durchbrochener Höhenwanderweg, welcher regelmäßig von der Karte und dem Gelände verschwand. Am 19. April 1959, in einer leeren, von Salbei-Gestrüpp bewachsenen Ebene 7 Meilen von Tijuana, begannen Don und June Mulford mit vier Pferden ihre Reise gen Norden zur Grenze von Washington und Kanada. Direkt nach ihrer berittenen Reise gingen die Mufords für drei Monate nach Hollyood und wurden im Fernsehen gezeigt.
Don und Jule Mulford
User: Kich0rerbse Suggestions: Der Trail, der zu diesem Zeitpunkt eher ein Konzept als ein Fußweg war,... ... und traten im Fernsehen auf.
June's old press book yields a half-dozen TV-Guide pages, and she recalls, "Art Linkletter was such a nice man. We appeared on his 'House Party' show and he had coffee with us afterward." "High Road to Danger," a syndicated TV show, made an episode on their ride. Even after returning home to the Northwest, there was continued TV coverage. A January 1961 TV Guide records their appearance on Portland's KOIN Red Dunning Show. The Mulfords even made a 90-minute movie and showed it around 12 western states for 10 years.
The Murray family – Barry, Bernice, Barry Jr. and Bennette – completed the trek on horseback on October 7, 1970.[54]
In 2008, an agreement for realignment through Tejon Ranch was reached.[citation needed]
Portland, Oregon's 40 Mile Loop proposes to extend the Springwater Corridor hiking and bicycling spur trail to connect to the Pacific Crest Trail[55] with the proposed Cazadero Trail.[56]
Notable locations
The following notable locations are found along or adjacent to the route of the Pacific Crest Trail. They are listed from south to north to correspond with the itinerary typically followed by thru-hikers to take advantage of the best seasonal weather conditions. The numbers in parentheses correspond to the numbers on the PCT overview map above.
- Campo, California, near the trail's southern terminus at the Mexico–United States border
- Anza-Borrego Desert State Park (41)
- Cleveland National Forest (40)
- Mount San Jacinto State Park
- Big Bear Lake
- Cajon Pass
- Angeles National Forest (35)
- Vasquez Rocks
- Agua Dulce, California
- Walker Pass
- Owens Peak Wilderness (34)
- South Sierra Wilderness (34)
- Golden Trout Wilderness (34)
- Kings Canyon National Park (33)
- Forester Pass, highest point on the trail
- John Muir Wilderness (31)
- Ansel Adams Wilderness (30)
- Yosemite National Park (29)
- Sonora Pass, Ebbetts Pass, Carson Pass
- Desolation Wilderness
- Lassen National Forest (22)
- McArthur-Burney Falls Memorial State Park (21)
- Shasta-Trinity National Forest (19)
- Klamath Mountains
- Cascade–Siskiyou National Monument (17)
- Rogue River National Forest (16) and Winema National Forest (14)
- Crater Lake National Park (15)
- Umpqua National Forest (13)
- Willamette National Forest (11) and Deschutes National Forest (12)
- Diamond Peak Wilderness
- Waldo Lake
- Three Sisters Wilderness
- Dee Wright Observatory and McKenzie Pass (water supply 250 m west of the observatory)
- Mount Washington Wilderness
- Mount Jefferson Wilderness
- Mount Hood National Forest (9)
- Columbia River Gorge National Scenic Area (8)
- Mark O. Hatfield Wilderness (formerly the Columbia Wilderness)
- Cascade Locks, Oregon, lowest point on the trail
- Bridge of the Gods (links Oregon and Washington, crossing the Columbia River)
- Gifford Pinchot National Forest (7)
- Mount Rainier National Park (6)
- Mount Baker-Snoqualmie National Forest (5)
- Snoqualmie Pass
- Stevens Pass
- Lake Chelan National Recreation Area
- Stehekin, Washington, last town along the trail, 10 miles (16 km) from PCT by NPS bus
- North Cascades National Park (2)
- Okanogan National Forest (3)
- Pacific Northwest National Scenic Trail
- Boundary Monument 78, at the Canada–United States border
British Columbia, Canada
- E.C. Manning Provincial Park, the northern terminus of the trail (1)
Location coordinates
Point | Coordinates (links to map & photo sources) |
Notes |
United States – Mexico border | 32°35′23″N 116°28′07″W / 32.5898°N 116.4685°W | |
Forester Pass | 36°41′39″N 118°22′19″W / 36.6941°N 118.3720°W | highest point |
Midpoint | 40°12′48″N 121°21′17″W / 40.2132°N 121.3546°W | |
Oregon – California border | 42°00′14″N 122°54′36″W / 42.0038°N 122.9100°W | |
Columbia River | 45°39′45″N 121°53′58″W / 45.6624°N 121.8994°W | lowest point |
Canada – United States border | 49°00′00″N 120°47′55″W / 49.0000°N 120.7987°W |
40°12′48″N 121°21′17″W / 40.2132°N 121.3546°W
See also
- Additional U.S. long distance trails
- Connected U.S. long distance trails
- Allegheny Trail
- Benton MacKaye Trail
- Horse Shoe Trail
- International Appalachian Trail
- Long Path
- Long Trail
- Mason-Dixon Trail
- Mountains-to-Sea Trail
- Pinhoti National Recreation Trail
- Tuscarora Trail
- Virginia Creeper Trail
- Connected National Historic Trails
- ^ a b Go, Benedict; Pacific Crest Trail Association (2005). Pacific Crest Trail Data Book. Wilderness Press. p. 15. ISBN 978-0-89997-369-2.
- ^ Parks, Scott (2011-04-06). " Pacific Crest Trail Data Book". Retrieved 2011-04-18.
- ^ "Pacific Crest Trail – Central California Online Map and Guide". USFS. 2005-04-26. Archived from the original on 2006-05-25. Retrieved 2006-09-23.
- ^ "Forester Pass". Geographic Names Information System. United States Geological Survey, United States Department of the Interior.
- ^ a b Sources disagree on Forester Pass's elevation. The Forest Service claims 13,180 feet (4,017 m)[3] while the USGS says 13,153 feet (4,009 m),[4] but topographic maps showing 36°41′39″N 118°22′19″W / 36.6941°N 118.3720°W indicate a little less than 13,123 feet (4,000 m).
- ^ "Pacific Crest National Scenic Trail". USFS. Archived from the original on 2010-01-16.
- ^ "Pacific Crest National Scenic Trail." Parks Directory of the United States. 2004 ed.
- ^ Backpacker Magazine. "Pacific Crest Trail: CA Section 31". Trimble Outdoors.
- ^ a b c d "History of the Pacific Crest Trail". Archived from the original on 2010-01-22. Retrieved 2010-03-28.
- ^ Gally, Sid. "The Pacific Crest Trail had its roots in Pasadena". Pasadena Star News.
- ^ Berger, Karen (2001). Hiking the Triple Crown: How to Hike America's Longest Trails : Appalachian Trail, Pacific Crest Trail, Continental Divide Trail. Seattle: Mountaineers Press. ISBN 0-89886-760-6.
- ^ a b c "FAQs". Pacific Crest Trail Association. Archived from the original on 2011-12-25. Retrieved 2006-12-19.
- ^ Wilson, Kimberly (2010-07-02). "Mind the border: Feds warn Pacific Crest Trail hikers crossing from Canada to U.S." The Oregonian.
- ^ "Pacific Crest Trail Resupply Points". Retrieved 2010-03-01.
- ^ Jardine, Ray (2000). Beyond Backpacking: Ray Jardine's Guide to Lightweight Hiking. LaPine, OR: AventureLore. ISBN 0-9632359-3-1.
- ^ a b c d e Schifrin, Ben; Schaffer, Jeffrey P; Jenkins, Ruby Johnson (2003). The Pacific Crest Trail: Southern California. Wilderness Press. p. 5. ISBN 0-89997-316-7.
- ^ Papendick, Martin. "Pacific Crest Trails". Appalachia. XXVIII. Appalachian Mountain Club, 1953: 374–376.
- ^ "Ryback Returns" (PDF). Retrieved 13 January 2015.
- ^ Papendick, Martin. "Pacific Crest Trails". Appalachia. XXVIII. Appalachian Mountain Club, 1953: 374–376.
- ^ "Ryback Returns" (PDF). Retrieved 13 January 2015.
- ^ a b "Fun Facts". Pacific Crest Trail Association. Archived from the original on 2012-08-28. Retrieved 13 January 2015.
- ^ "Medals for Miles" (PDF). Retrieved 13 January 2015.
- ^ "Muir Trail Story". Retrieved 13 January 2015.
- ^ Dropping the suit is not necessarily a confession of cheating, but could have been motivated by the difficulty of litigating the case, unavailability of witnesses, misplacement of journals, photos, and other evidence after many years.
- ^ Alastair Bland (April 17, 2013). "Cheating Their Way to Fame". Retrieved October 10, 2014.
- ^ "Hiker Completes First Round-Trip of Pacific Crest Trail". Outside Magazine. November 18, 2004. Archived from the original on 2004-12-04. Retrieved 2009-09-14.
- ^ "A solo accomplishment is appreciated by many". San Diego Union-Tribune. 2006-12-02. Retrieved 2006-12-02.
- ^ PCT Records
- ^ Pacific Crest Trail Thru Hikers
- ^ Nine-Year-Old Monkey Completes the PCT
- ^ An Interview with Monkey
- ^ Burror, Heather (March 29 & 30, 2014) "Adventures on the Pacific Crest Trail" Inyo Register p. 15.
- ^ See also Heather and Sierra's PCT Thru Hike Journal
- ^ Zach Urness, (Salem, Ore.) Statesman Journal (27 October 2013). "Ore. girl, 13, youngest to claim hiking 'Triple Crown'". Retrieved 13 January 2015.
{{cite web}}
: CS1 maint: multiple names: authors list (link) - ^ Zero Days. Wilderness Press. ISBN 0-89997-438-4.
- ^ Taylor, Ihsan. "Best Sellers - The New York Times". Retrieved 2012-03-06.
- ^ "Interview with John Craig". RadioNZ. In this interview, John was stated as being the oldest person to walk the trail but this was as a result of miscommunication. In 2010, White Beard walked the trail at 70 but he may not be the oldest.
- ^ "Seattle Runner Smashes Speed Record For Full Length of Pacific Crest Trail". Northwest Public Radio.
- ^ "55 miles a day: Blistering pace for hiker seeking Pacific Crest record". The Seattle Times.
- ^ "Run For Colin". Retrieved 13 January 2015.
- ^ "Pacific Crest Trail (CA, OR, WA)". Fastest Known Time. Retrieved 13 January 2015.
- ^ "PCT speed record is shattered twice". Pacific Crest Trail Association. Retrieved 13 January 2015.
- ^ "Vegan Hiker Sets New Record On Pacific Crest Trail". Oregon Public Broadcasting. Retrieved 13 January 2015.
- ^ "Man, woman set records on Pacific Crest Trail". Seattle Times. Retrieved 13 January 2015.
- ^ "A walk on the wild side: meet the first woman to YoYo the Pacific Crest Trail". Irish Times.
- ^ "Jane and Flicka Rodman", Pacific Crest Trail Association', Retrieved 2015-05-07.
- ^ "Sierra hikers remembered in trek by family, friends". The Las Vegas Sun. Aug 18, 1997. Retrieved 8 May 2015.
- ^ Donahue, Bill. "Lost & Found". Retrieved 8 May 2015.
- ^ "Ray Echols". Pacific Crest Trail Association. Retrieved 8 May 2015.
- ^ Stickney, R. (Jul 28, 2014). "Death of Teenager Along Pacific Crest Trail Ruled an Accident". NBC San Diego. Retrieved 8 May 2015.
- ^ Meadows, Mel (1959-09-06). Seattle Post Intelligencer.
{{cite news}}
: Missing or empty|title=
(help) - ^ Mann, Barney (2009-09-25). Portland Oregonian.
{{cite news}}
: Missing or empty|title=
(help) - ^ Mann, Barney (December 2009). PCTA Communicator.
{{cite journal}}
: Missing or empty|title=
(help) - ^ Life Magazine, September 3, 1971
- ^ "40 Mile Loop map". 40-Mile Loop Land Trust. Archived from the original (PDF) on 2009-04-27. Retrieved 2008-07-10.
- ^ "Cazadero Trail". Metro (Oregon). Retrieved August 16, 2013.
External links
- Pacific Crest Trail Association – Non-profit that maintains and promotes the trail, and provides advice to hikers
- Postholer.Com – An extensive source of PCT information, journals, Google trail maps, printed maps, data book and more.
- PlanYourHike.Com – A website dedicated to helping hikers plan their Pacific Crest Trail thru hikes.
- – PCT Photos & 1,000+ Pacific Crest Trail Journals
- Pacific Crest Trail: A Ride to Remember Documentary produced by Oregon Public Broadcasting
- Islands In The Sky: Tales From The Pacific Crest Trail – KCET Covers the PCT
- BLM, Pacific Crest National Scenic Trail – BLM's Summary of the PCT