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This is the current revision of this page, as edited by Manzana16 (talk | contribs) at 14:31, 16 January 2016 (Work log). The present address (URL) is a permanent link to this version.

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Welcome to my userpage!


I am currently studying English and Spanish in Germany and this term I will be part of a university class called "Translating Wikipedia" (click) where we will be translating german wikipedia articles into English.

This is our work page.

This is the work page of the first article we translated.

And the finished article looks like this: Konzerthaus Freiburg

This is the work page of the second article I was working on.

And the finished article: Green Spaces in Freiburg

Our current project.

Work log


- 10/11.11.2015: translated 81 + 94 words (175 words) for the Konzerthaus article (section on architecture + entrance area)

- 14.11.2015: translated 114 words for the Konzerthaus article (conference rooms and administration)

- 16.11.2015 proofread 144 words of the Konzerthaus article

- 10.12.2015 translated 196 words for our second project Grünanlagen Freiburg / section on Dietenbachpark

- 17.12. 2015 translated 31 words for Grünanlagen Freiburg / section on Seepark

- 18.12.2015 translated 97 words for Grünanlagen Freiburg /introduction paragraph

- 18.12.2015: proofread 57 + 250 words for Green Spaces in Freiburg

- 16.01.2016: updated userpage, created german userpage, rough draft of first translation for new project (249 words)

Konzerthaus Freiburg




Dem Architekten Dietrich Bangert zufolge ist das Konzerthaus in seiner Bauweise nicht einer gängigen Schule oder einem Baustil zuzuordnen. Vielmehr repräsentieren die lose in die asymmetrische Grundfläche eingefügten Säle und das großzügig auf mehreren Ebenen angelegte und an vielen Punkten über Treppen verbundene Foyerein kleines Stück Stadt unter einem Dach“. Die Fassaden stellen die alten Blockgrenzen nahezu vollständig wieder her und durch Übernahme der angrenzenden Gebäudehöhen passt sich das Gebäude in das umgebende Stadtbild ein und überragt es nicht.

According to the architect Dietrich Bangert, the Konzerthaus cannot be associated with any common construction style. Instead, the halls which have loosely been integrated in the asymmetrical floor area of the building and the foyer which extends over several floors and is connected by multiple staircases represent „a small piece of city under a single roof.“ The facades reconstruct the former borders of the city block almost completely and the building adapts to the surrounding townscape by having the same height as the neighboring buildings.

Comments: Ubiquitousness This sounds really good! I just have a few minor changes to suggest. Also, I like the word townscape. I wouldn't have come up with that.

My suggestion: According to the architect Dietrich Bangert, the Konzerthaus cannot be associated with any currently established architectural style or tradition. The halls have been loosely integrated into the asymmetrical base of the building and the foyer extends over several floors and multiple staircases; in this way, the hall's construction is said to represent "a small piece of the city under a single roof.“ Furthermore, the facades almost completely reconstruct the former borders of the city block and the building adapts to the surrounding townscape by having the same height as the neighboring buildings.

Eingangsbereich und Foyer


Während die Nordfassade in graurosa Granit mit einem Säulengang (Kolonnade) einen geschlossenen Eindruck bietet und damit die in der Bertoldstraße durchgängig hohe Bauflucht übernimmt, öffnet sich nach Westen eine breite Glasfront mit dem Haupteingang. In etwa 20  m Höhe wird sie von einer großen, spitzwinklig zulaufenden und von Säulen getragenen Stadtloggia in grauweißem Sichtbeton überspannt. Sie bildet den „Außenbereich des inneren Raumgefüges“ und soll bei Betreten des Platzes schon das Gefühl erzeugen, das Gebäude betreten zu haben. Die Stadtloggia war als einziges markantes Außenmerkmal auf dem früheren Logo des Konzerthauses abgebildet.

While the northern facade, which consists of greyish rose colored granite, looks rather closed because of its colonnade and hence continues the consistently high building alignment of the Bertoldstraße, there is a wide glass front, including the main entrance, to the west. At a height of approximately 20 m the front is traversed by a big, sharp cornered city loggia out of grey concrete. The loggia is carried by several pillars and is supposed to represent the “outdoor area of the inner spatial structure.” This intends to create the feeling of already entering the Konzerthaus when entering the square in front of the building. Furthermore, the city loggia was the only construction feature that was depicted on the previous logo of the Konzerthaus.

Comments: Ubiquitousness This is also a good translation. I would rearrange the first sentence a little, as I have below. Also, I don't think traversed is the right word here, that (to me) would mean that something was intersecting the building, coming up from the floor and cutting across it in a diagonal line. I've suggested something else below. I've also rearranged the quote a bit, though I took out the direct quotation marks because of the change.

My suggestion: While the northern facade looks rather closed because of its pink-gray granite colonnade and its adherence to the consistently large height of the buildings on Bertoldstraße, the western side offers a wide glass front and includes the main entrance. The northern facade also features a sharp-cornered, grey concrete loggia at a height of approximately 20m. The loggia is carried by several columns and is supposed to be an outdoor representation of the the inner spatial structure. It is intended to create the feeling of entering the concert hall itself when simply entering the square in front of the building. Furthermore, the city loggia was the only construction feature that was depicted on the previous logo of the Konzerthaus.

Angefangen mit der kleinen Trommel im Nordosten des Gebäudes, stehen im zweiten Obergeschoss insgesamt neun Tagungsräume entlang der Bertoldstraße zur Verfügung. Von den acht rechteckigen Räumen lassen sich die mittleren sechs variabel kombinieren und so unterschiedlichen Anforderungen anpassen. Sie sind, wie die darüber liegenden Büros, mit moderner Kommunikationstechnologie ausgestattet.

Für den Konzertbetrieb existieren im Erdgeschoss Künstlergarderoben, ein Aufenthaltsraum im Zwischengeschoss hinter dem großen Saal, Räume für Regie, Tontechnik, Übersetzer und Verwaltung unter dem Dach sowie Instrumentenlager im Untergeschoss. Alle Räume sind über interne Treppen oder Aufzüge ohne Kontakt zum Publikumsbereich erreichbar. Externe Veranstalter können den Innenhof über die Sedanstraße anfahren und die Bühne ebenerdig über die Rückwand des großen Saals beliefern.

(121 words) Manzana16

Starting with the so called “small drum“, there are in total nine conference rooms located in the second floor along the Bertoldstraße. Of the eight rooms in rectangular shape, six can be adjusted individually and for this reason be fitted for various occasions. All of these rooms are, similar to the offices one floor above, equipped with modern communication technology.

Wardrobes for artists can be found on the ground floor, a staffroom in the mezzanine behind the big hall, rooms for production, sound engineering, translators and administration in the attic and storage space for instruments in the basement. All of these rooms are accessible via staircases and elevators that are not connected to the audience area. External producer can enter the inner courtyard via Sedanstraße and access the stage on ground level through the back wall of the big hall.

Comments: Ubiquitousness Not trying to single you out here! Just thought it would make sense to do your second one too so I didn't disturb the other people trying to proofread the text below them. I just made some small changes below. Only thing I don't understand is external producers, but I don't understand it really in the German text either. I changed it to event organizers but I'm unsure about the change.

Starting with the so called “small drum“, there are a total of nine conference rooms located in the second floor along Bertoldstraße. Of the eight rectangular rooms, six can be adjusted individually and can therefore be fitted for various occasions. All of these rooms are equipped with modern communication technology, as are the offices on the floor above.

Performer's dressing rooms can be found on the ground floor and there is a staff room in the mezzanine behind the big hall. Rooms for production, sound engineering, interpreters and administration are all in the attic. Likewise, there is storage space for instruments in the basement. All of these rooms are accessible via staircases and elevators that are not connected to the public space. Event organizers can enter the inner courtyard via Sedanstraße and access the stage on ground level through the back wall of the main hall.

An apple a day...

