Mysteries is a Serbian action series that aired on Pink TV (2016-____). It follows Nikola and Viktor solving mysteries in the first season, and their personal lives in the second one. The programme's original working title had been The Mystery Radar but was changed during its first day of filming due to the viewers's protestations. The show was created and written by the actors in the show themselves. The series was then produced.
| starring =
Nikola Djokic
Viktor Tasic
Bojan Mihajlovski
| editor = Nikola Djokic (2016)
| country = Serbia
| network = Pink TV
| first_aired = 24 January 2016
| status = In progress
| num_series = 2
| num_episodes = 7 (for now)
- Nikola Djokic (Nikola Djokic) – Viktor's friend
- Viktor Tasic (Viktor Tasic) – Nikola's friend
- Mad Dog (Bojan Mihajlovic) – their enemy
- Oja (no one) – the villain in the second case
- A man beneath the hood (Nikola Djokic) – the villain in the first case
Nikola's friend calls him to come at his place, it's very urgent. He and Viktor go immediately, but when they can't find his house they give up. They want to go back home, but they discover that their car is gone. Viktor goes looking for help. A mysterious man beneath the hood appears and explains him what happened on the graveyard last night...
No. | No. in series |
Title | Directed by | Written by | Airdate | Summary |
1 | 1 | A man beneath the hood: Part 1 | Nikola Djokic, Viktor Tasic | Nikola Djokic, Viktor Tasic | 24 January 2016 | Nikola's friend calls him to come at his place, it's very urgent. He and Viktor go immediately, but when they can't find his house they give up. They want to go back home, but they discover that their car is gone. Viktor goes looking for help. |
2 | 2 | A man beneath the hood: Part 2 | Nikola Djokic, Viktor Tasic | Nikola Djokic, Viktor Tasic | 31 January 2016 | A mysterious man beneath the hood appears and explains him what happened on the graveyard last night. Viktor tells that to Nikola, who solves the case. The man beneath the hood breaks into his house and somehow teleports them. |
3 | 3 | A man beneath the hood: Part 3 | Nikola Djokic, Viktor Tasic | Nikola Djokic, Viktor Tasic | 7 February 2016 | They are teleported to Viktor's house in the past and they are trapped in a room with a chip. They have to figure out the properties of the chip and the way that the man used it. At the end of the episode, everything is cleared. |
4 | 4 | Marrascaud: Part 1 | Nikola Djokic, Viktor Tasic | Nikola Djokic, Viktor Tasic | 14 February 2016 | A man called Marrascaud is an international thief. While Viktor is reading an article in the newspapers about him, Nikola gets a call from his cousin from the police and he gets a mission to do. Now Nikola and Viktor have to remember how to summon Oja, a chip from a case that they solved three years ago. |
5 | 5 | Marrascaud: Part 2 | Nikola Djokic, Viktor Tasic | Nikola Djokic, Viktor Tasic | 21 February 2016 | Marrascaud makes his last move and steals Nikola's mystery-radar, hides it and jumps from a building. Why would he do that? To escape from Oja? But Oja is dead. Or not... |
6 | 6 | Marrascaud: Part 3 | Nikola Djokic, Viktor Tasic | Nikola Djokic, Viktor Tasic | 28 February 2016 | Oja is somewhere out there, and Nikola goes to the place where they summoned it many years ago and he does it again. After he destroys it, Viktor receives a message from Marrascaud. Is he alive? They decide that they don't care so they go to a pub and get drunk. But on the way there, Viktor gets a call. This is the series finale. |
7 | 1 | The call: Part 1 | Nikola Djokic, Viktor Tasic | Nikola Djokic, Viktor Tasic | 28 March 2016 | This is the premiere of the second season. They wake up tomorrow, in pain, hangover. They remember what they've done last night, so they go to the pub once more. They think the guy who called Viktor is just a prankster. But is he? (not aired) |
8 | 2 | The call: Part 2 | Nikola Djokic, Viktor Tasic | Nikola Djokic, Viktor Tasic | 4 April 2016 | Nikola wakes up at Viktor's place, and Viktor wakes up at Nikola's place. They discover what they have done last night, and decide that there is no more drinking. Nikola looks up online to find them a new mystery to solve. He discoveres a remarkable coincidenece. |