Hangman Island
Located in Quincy Bay, Massachusetts, Hangman Island is a barren outcrop of bedrock. Approach to this island should be made with care and with the use of a nautical chart since there are many rocks and shoals in the immediate area. There is a small pebbly beach on the southern side.
On a 1775, London chart, this island was labeled Hayman's Island and shows a greater amount of acreage than presently exists. There is no historical evidence that this island was use as a location for hanging criminals. The source of its current name has a hazy history. In 1882, several fishermen built fishing shacks on Hangman Island and were reported to have cultivated a vegetable garden here among the rocks.
Currently, there are no human inhabitants on Hangmans Island. It is being used as a bird sanctuary and landing on this island is discouraged. Local private fishermen fish for striped bass among the rocks located on and near this island during the summer season.
Frank J. Larkin flarkin1@earthlink.net