Ho-Ren-So”, the same pronunciation with spinach in Japanese, is an “abbreviation of “Hokoku” (Reporting), “Renraku (Informing)” and “Sodan”(Consulting) which is considered and used as a basic business rule in Japan in order to smooth business communication. The origin of “Ho Ren So” comes from Tomiji Yamazak who is the ex-president of Yamatana Security firm. He has started using the term for better business communication in his firm in 1982 and it has been widely spread and used throughout Japan by his book, “ほうれんそうが会社を強くする (Strengthen your company by Ho-Ren-So)”.
Hokoku is to report on a process or result of business from a subordinate to a superior.
In Japan, subordinates don't have any authority to make business decision. The decisions are made by an organization as a whole.
Therefore a subordinate must report everything to superiro immediately, and exactly.
It's especially important to report a mistake or a problem immediately because a superior has the responsibility about that.
Renraku is inform a factually. One must inform the facts and decision to the relevant parties. One should not include one opinion and guesses. If Renraku is not done or not completed, then you can't control your team. And then, Renraku communicated to the people who need it. Finally, Renraku done quickly. Its Content might need to prepare for the next action.
Soudan is to consult or to discuss.For example, a superior give a subordinate an advice, and an employee talks over with superior about some unnecessary consultation in Japanese business.Becouse a superior rarely speaks to a subordinate in the Japanese company, but, they want to be ask for their advice. They sant other to think that "you can always count on me." So, they feel better if they receive request for consultation from their subordinate.
Pros and Cons
There is a lot of pros in "Ho-Ren-So" as below.
First, If a trouble of tasks is reported, it can be resolved quickly. Because a manager controls it and decides how to resolve it.
Next, If an information is contacted with team members and it is known all members of a team, they can control a schedule and a task each other.
Finally, If an information is consulted from a subordinate, a decrease of quality will be prevented and it will not be worked again.
On the other hand, There are some cons in "Ho-Ren-So".
First, There is a cost of management. It needs a lot of times to do it. Thus employees can't get enough time to do your work.
Next, a subordinates always waits for an order from his/her manager. It prevents that they don't consider of their tasks by themselves.