Pastorale officium
Pastorale Officium was a Apostolic Brief issued by Pope Paul III , May 29 1537, to Cardinal Juan Pardo de Tavera which declares that anyone who enslaved or despoled indigenous Americans would be automatically excommunicated .[1][2][3] It was subsequently annulled the following year in "Non Indecens Videtur" after complaints by Charles V arguing tha it was injurious to the Imperial right of colonization and harmful to the peace of the Indies.[4] The weakened position of the pope and the memory of the JSack of Rome (1527) a decade earlier y imperial troops, made the ecclestical authorities hesitant in engaging in any possible confrontation with the Emperor.[5]
The Pastorale Officium has been seen as a companion document for the papal bull Sublimis Deus.
See also
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