Friends (1979 TV series)
Friends is a children-oriented drama that aired in the spring of 1979. The series, which was produced by Aaron Spelling and aired on ABC, starred Charlie Aiken, Jill Whelan, and Jarrod Johnson as Pete Richards; Nancy Wilks and Randy Summerfield, three Southern Californian 11-year-olds. Karen Morrow also appeared as Pete's mother, Pamela. Five one-hour episodes were produced before the series was cancelled.
- Brooks, Tim; Marsh, Earle. The Complete Directory to Prime Time Network and Cable TV Shows 1946–Present. Eight Edition. New York: Ballantine, 2003.
External links
- American Broadcasting Company network shows
- 1970s American television series
- 1979 American television series debuts
- 1979 American television series endings
- American children's television series
- Television series by Spelling Television
- Television series by CBS Television Studios
- American children's television series stubs