List of U.S. Navy acronyms
This article needs additional citations for verification. (September 2007) |
The United States Navy, like any organization, produces its own acronyms and abbreviations, which often come to have meaning beyond their bare expansions. United States Navy personnel sometimes colloquially refer to these as NAVSpeak. Like other organizational colloquialisms, their use often creates or reinforces a sense of esprit and closeness within the organization.
Official acronyms
For a comprehensive list of unit organizations in the United States Navy, see List of units of the United States Navy.
- 1MC - 1 Main Circuit, shipboard public address system
- 3M - Maintenance and Material Management (3M System)
- 3MC - Maintenance Material Management Coordinator
- 5MC - 5 Main Circuit, Carrier Flight Deck address system
- A-STRIKE - Assistant STRIKE Operations Officer (Carrier Scheduler/Planner)
- AA - Airman Apprentice[1]
- AAW - Anti-Air warfare
- AB - Aviation Boatswain's Mate[1]
- ABE - Aviation Boatswain's Mate (Launching and Recovery)[1]
- ABF - Aviation Boatswain's Mate (Fuels)[1]
- ABH - Aviation Boatswain's Mate (Aircraft Handling)[1]
- AC - Air Traffic Controlman[1]
- ACR - Armored cruiser
- AD - Aviation Machinist's Mate[1]
- ADNS - Automated Digital Network System
- ADSW - Active Duty Special Work (U.S. Navy Reserve, type of active duty orders, typically 6 months in duration)
- ADT - Active Duty Training (U.S. Navy Reserve, type of active duty orders, typically more than 30 days but less than 6 months)
- AE - Aviation Electrician's Mate[1]
- AF - Aviation Photographer's Mate[1]
- AFC - Aviation Fire Control[1]
- AFCM - Master Chief Aircraft Maintenanceman[1]
- AFFF - Aqueous film forming foam
- AFSB - Afloat Forward Staging Base [2]
- AG - Aerographer's Mate[1]
- AIMD - Aircraft Intermediate Maintenance Department (or Detachment)
- Airedale - Aviation Sailor
- AK - Aviation Storekeeper[1] (outdated; merged into LS rating)
- ALNAV - All Navy
- ALPO - Assistant Lead Petty Officer
- AM - Aviation Structural Mechanic[1]
- AME - Aviation Structural Mechanic - Environmental (Air Conditioning, Oxygen, and Ejection Seats), Aviation Mechanical Exception
- AMH - Aviation Structural Mechanic - Hydraulics
- AMMRL - Aviation Maintenance Material Readiness List
- AMO - Assistant Maintenance Officer
- AMS - Aviation Structural Mechanic - Structures
- AN - Airman[1]
- AO - Aviation Ordnanceman[1]
- AOE - Fast Combat Support-Supply ship, operated by Military Sealift Command (US Merchant Marines)
- AOW - Auxilliaryman of the Watch
- AR - Airman Recruit[1]
- ARRS - Afloat Readiness Reporting System
- AS - Aviation Support Equipment Technician
- ASAU - Air Search and Attack Unit
- ASUW - Anti-surface warfare
- ASVAB - Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery
- ASW - Auxiliary SeaWater system
- ASW - Anti-submarine warfare
- ASWO - Anti-Submarine Warfare Officer
- AT - Annual Training (U.S. Navy Reserve, type of active duty orders, typically less than 30 days)
- AT - Aviation Electronics Technician[1]
- AUTEC - Atlantic Undersea Test and Evaluation Center
- AUXO - Auxiliaries Officer
- AVCM - Master Chief Avionics Technician
- AVGAS - AViation Gasoline
- AWCS - Assistant Work Center Supervisor
- AZ - Aviation Maintenance Administrationman[3]
- B/N - Bombardier/Navigator; NFO in A-3B Skywarrior, A-5A Vigilante and A-6 Intruder attack aircraft (no longer used)
- BAM - Bad Ass Marine ("Broad Ass Marine" if used in reference to a female)
- BB - Battleship
- BCD - Bad Conduct Discharge (also colloquially known as "Big Chicken Dinner")
- BCGs - Birth Control Glasses
- BCM - Beyond Capable Maintenance. Equipment status that indicates the item cannot be repaired and must be sent out for rework or disposed.
- Bird Farm - Aircraft Carrier
- BJOQ - Blue Jacket of the Quarter
- BJOY - Blue Jacket of the Year
- Black shoe - Refers to surface Navy personnel. AKA "shoe". Sometimes used in a derogatory manner among aviation Navy personnel. "Did you see what he did? Yea, he's just a f'in shoe."
- BM - Boatswain's Mate[1]
- BMOW - Boatswain's Mate of the Watch
- BOHICA - Bend Over Here It Comes Again
- BOL - Bupers Online[4]
- Boot - Lowest human in Naval Service, rookie, inexperienced
- Brown shoe - Refers to Aviation officers and Chief Petty Officers who wear brown shoes with khaki uniforms whereas surface Navy officers and CPOs wear black shoes.
- BT - Boiler Technician
- BU - Builder[1]
- Bug Juice - Kool-Aid as typic
- Bull Ensign - Senior ranking Ensign, usually at the ship or aviation squadron level, in a given Fleet or Shore Establishment command
- BUMED - Bureau of Medicine and Surgery[5]
- BUPERS - Bureau of Naval Personnel[6]
- BuSandA - Bureau of Supplies and Accounts
- BuWeps - Bureau of Naval Weapons
- BZ - Bravo Zulu (meaning Well Done)
- CA - Construction Apprentice[1]
- CA - Heavy Cruiser (outdated)
- CAG - Guided Missile Heavy Cruiser (outdated) or Commander Air Group
- CAPT - Captain
- CDB - Career Development Board
- CDO - Command Duty Officer
- CDR - Commander
- CE - Construction Electrician's Mate[1]
- CEC - Civil Engineer Corps
- CEC- Cooperative Engagement Capability
- CENTCOM - U.S. Central Command (USCENTCOM)
- CF - Charlie Foxtrot Polite form of "Cluster Fuck"
- CG: Guided Missile Cruiser
- CGN: Guided Missile Cruiser, Nuclear Powered (outdated)
- CHENG: Chief Engineer (Surface only)
- CIC - Combat Information Center
- CICO - Combat Information Center Officer
- CIS - CASREP Information System
- CIVLANT - "Civilian Life" as defined by Atlantic Fleet personnel
- CIVPAC - "Civilian Life" as defined by Pacific Fleet personnel
- CIWS - Close-In Weapon System
- CM - Construction Mechanic [1]
- CMC - Command Master Chief
- CMC - Command Master Chief [3]
- CMDCM - Command Master Chief
- CMDCS - Command Senior Chief
- CMS-ID - Career Management System-Interactive Detailing
- CN - Constructionman [1]
- CNATRA - Chief of Naval Air Training
- CNAVRES - Chief of Navy Reserve
- CNET - Command Naval Education and Training
- CNO - Chief of Naval Operations
- CO - Commanding Officer[NB 1]
- COB - Chief Of the Boat (traditionally found only on submarines; pronounced "cob"). Can also be used for "close of business" (pronounced "C-O-B").
- COD - Carrier Onboard Delivery
- COMCVW - Commander, Carrier Air Wing
- COMDESGRU - COMmander, DEStroyer GRoUp
- COMDESRON - COMmander, DEStroyer squadRON
- COMEX - Commence Exercise
- COMLANTFLT - COMmander, u.s. atLANTic FLeeT (see CINCLANTFLT)
- COMMO - COMMunications Officer
- COMNAVAIRES - COMmander, NAVal AIR force, REServe
- COMNAVAIRLANT - COMmander, NAVal AIR force, atLANTic
- COMNAVAIRPAC - COMmander, NAVal AIR force, PACific
- COMNAVSECGRU - COMmander, NAVal SECurity GRoUp
- COMPACFLT - COMmander, PACific FLeeT (formerly CINCPACFLT)
- COMPATRECONGRU - Commander, Patrol and Reconnaissance Group
- COMPATRECONWING - Commander, Patrol and Reconnaissance Wing
- COMPTUEX - COMPosite Training Unit EXercise
- COMSEC - COMmunications SECurity
- COMSUBFOR - COMmander, SUBmarine FORce
- COMSUBLANT - COMmander, SUBmarine force AtLANTtic
- COMTACGRU - Commander, Tactical Air Control Group
- COMTRAWING - Commander, Training Air Wing
- CORTRAMID - Career Orientation and Training for Midshipmen
- COS (also CoS) - Flag Officer's Chief of Staff
- CPO - Chief Petty Officer
- CPOM - Chief Petty Officer's Mess
- CR - Construction Recruit[1]
- CRG - Coastal Riverine Group
- CS - Culinary Specialist[1]
- CSADD - Coalition of Sailors Against Destructive Decisions
- CSC - Combat Systems Coordinator
- CSC - Command Senior Chief
- CSC - Culinary Specialist Chief (E-7)
- CSEC - Computerized Self Evaluation Checklist
- CSMC - Combat Systems Maintenance Center
- CSOOW - Combat Systems Officer of the Watch
- CSOSS - Combat Systems Operational Sequencing Systems
- CT - Cryptologic Technician
- CTI - Cryptologic Technician Interpretive
- CTM - Cryptologic Technician Maintenance
- CTN - Cryptologic Technician Networks
- CTR - Cryptologic Technician Collection
- CTT - Cryptologic Technician Technical
- CVN - Nuclear-powered Aircraft Carrier (Aircraft Carrier, Nuclear),[7] i.e. CVN-72 USS Abraham Lincoln
- CVW - Carrier Air Wing
- CWO - Chief Warrant Officer
- Carrier (Lighter-than-air) (No longer in use)
- DAPA - Drug and Alcohol Programs Advisor
- DC - Damage Controlman[1]
- DCA - Damage Control Assistant
- DCAG - Deputy Air Wing Commander (see CAG)
- DCC - Damage Control Central
- DCO - Damage Control Officer (Chief Engineer)or Direct Commission Officer
- DCPO - Damage Control Petty Officer
- DD - Destroyer
- DDG - Guided Missile Destroyer
- DDR - Radar Picket Destroyer
- DE - Destroyer Escort
- DESDIV - DEStroyer DIVision
- DESRON - DEStroyer squadRON
- DEVGRU - Naval Special Warfare DEVelopment GRoUp, formerly (and informally still) SEAL Team SIX
- DFM - Diesel Fuel Marine (F-76), standard Navy bunker fuel
- DIRNSA - DIRector of the National Security Agency
- DL - Destroyer Leader (outdated)
- DLG - Guided Missile Destroyer Leader (outdated)
- DLGN - Nuclear-powered Guided Missile Destroyer Leader (outdated)
- DM - Destroyer Minelayer (outdated)
- DM - Illustrator Draftsman
- DMHRSi - Defense Medical Human Resources System - internet
- DoD - Department Of Defense
- DON - Department Of the Navy
- DRB - Discipline Review Board
- DRRS-N - Defense Readiness Reporting System - Navy
- DSG - Defense Strategic Guidance [2]
- EAOS - End of Active Obligated Service
- EAWS - Enlisted Aviation Warfare Specialist
- ECRC - Expeditionary Combat Readiness Center
- EDMC - Engineering Department Master Chief (Submarines)
- EDO - Engineering Duty Officer
- EEBD - Emergency Escape Breathing Device
- EIDWS - Enlisted Information Dominance Warfare Specialist
- EM - Electrician's Mate[1]
- EM - Emergency Management
- EMCON - Emissions Control
- EMI - Extra Military Instruction
- EMO - Electronics Materiel Officer
- EN - Engineman[1]
- ENS - Ensign
- EO - Equipment Operator[1]
- EOD - Explosive Ordnance Disposal
- EOOW - Engineering Officer of the Watch
- EOS - Enclosed Operating Space
- EOSS - Engineering Operational Sequencing Systems
- ERS - Engineroom Supervisor
- ESWS - Enlisted Surface Warfare Specialist
- ET - Electronics Technician[1]
- EW - Electronic Warfare
- EWS - Engineering Watch Supervisor
- EXW - Expeditionary Warfare
- F/MC - Fleet (or Force) Master Chief
- FA - Fireman Apprentice[1]
- FAC - Forward Air Controller
- FAC/A - Forward Air Controller/Airborne
- FC - Fire Controlman[1]
- FCDSSA - Fleet Combat Direction Systems Support Activity
- FCF - Functional Check Flight
- FCPCP - Fleet Computer Programming Center of the Pacific
- FCPOM - First Class Petty Officer's Mess
- FDO - Flight Deck Officer
- FICEURLANT - Fleet Intelligence Center Europe & Atlantic
- FIS - Fire Inhibit Switch
- Flag Officer - Commissioned officer in the rank of Rear Admiral (Lower Half and Upper Half), Vice Admiral, Admiral or Fleet Admiral
- Flat Top - Aircraft Carrier
- FMF - Fleet Marine Force
- FMSS - Field Medical Service School
- FN - Fireman[1]
- FOD - Foreign Object Damage (Debris and Detection also used in some cases)
- FR - Fireman Recruit[1]
- FRC - Fleet Readiness Center
- FRS - Fleet Replacement Squadron (Formerly RAG)
- FSA - Food Service Attendant
- FSO - Food Service Officer
- FTN - Forget the Navy (Polite Form)
- FTN - Full-time Navy (Humorous Form)
- FTS - Full-time Support (full time active duty personnel in U.S. Navy Reserve)
- GCCS-M - Global Command and Control System-Maritime
- Geedunk - Junk food, especially the variety found in vending machines.
- GM - Gunner's Mate[1]
- GQ - General Quarters (Call to battle stations)
- GSA - General Services Administration
- GSE- Gas Turbine Systems Technician - Electrical
- GSM- Gas Turbine Systems Technician - Mechanic
- HA - Hospital Apprentice[1]
- HEDSUPPACTLANT - Headquarters, Support Activity Atlantic
- HELO - Helicopter
- Hinge - LCDR
- HM - Hospital Corpsman[1]
- HMFIC - Head Mother Fucker In Charge (See SOPA Below)
- HN - Hospitalman[1]
- Hoover - S-3A and S-3B Viking
- HR - Hospital Recruit[1]
- HS - Helicopter Squadron (HS-4 Black Knights)
- HT - Hull Maintenance Technician[1]
- Hummer - E-2C and E-2D Hawkeye
- IAMM - Individual Augmentation Manpower Management
- IAP - In Assignment Processing
- IAW - "in accordance with"
- IC - Interior Communications Electrician[1]
- ICO - "in case of" "in care of"
- IHO - Industrial Hygiene Officer
- IMF - Intermediate Maintenance Facility
- IMRL - Individual Material Readiness List
- IP - Irish Pennant - A loose thread of a Naval or Marine uniform.
- IRT - "in reference to..."
- IT - Information System Technician
- ITS - Information Technology Submarines
- JAG - Judge Advocate General's Corps, U.S. Navy
- JBD - Jet Blast Deflector (carriers)
- JHSV - Joint High Speed Vessel [2]
- JO - Journalist[1] (obsolete), Junior Offier
- JP-5 - Jet Propellant no. 5, standard Navy jet fuel (F-44, AVCAT)
- JTF - Joint Task Force
- JTFEX - Joint Task Force Exercise
- KISS - Keep it simple, stupid
- LANTCOM - Atlantic Command
- LaWS - Laser Weapon System
- LCDR - Lieutenant Commander
- LCPO - Leading Chief Petty Officer
- LDO - Limited Duty Officer
- LES - Leave and Earnings Statement
- LHA - Landing Helicopter Assault (Amphibious Class Ship)
- LHD - Landing Helicopter Deck i.e. LHD-1 USS WASP[8] i.e. LPD-18 USS New Orleans
- LKA - Amphibious Cargo Ship i.e. LKA-117 USS El Paso
- LPD - Land Platform Dock (Amphibious Class Ship, Diesel Propulsion),
- LPO - Leading Petty Officer
- LPOD - Last Plane On Deck
- LRAD - Long Range Acoustic Device
- LS - Logistic Specialist
- LSO - Landing Signal Officer
- LT - Lieutenant
- LTJG - Lieutenant Junior Grade
- MAA - Master At Arms
- MALS - Marine Aviation Logistics Squadron
- MC - Mass Communication Specialist
- MCO - Material Control Officer
- MCPO - Master Chief Petty Officer
- MCPON (pronounced "Mick Pon") - Master Chief Petty Officer of the Navy
- Metalsmith - AMS
- MIDN - Midshipman
- MIDRATS - MIDnight RATions
- MM - Machinist's Mate[1]
- MMCO - Maintenance/Material Control Officer
- MMCPO - Maintenance Master Chief Petty Officer
- MO - (pronounced "Moe") Maintenance Officer
- MOA - Memorandum of Agreement
- MOU - Memorandum of Understanding
- MPA - Main Propulsion Assistant
- MPA - Military Patrol Craft (P-3 Orion, etc.)
- MRDB - Material Readiness Database
- MSG - Message
- MSW - Main Seawater System
- MT - Missile Technician
- MTS - Master Training Specialist
- MU - Musician
- NAB - Naval Amphibious Base
- NAF - Naval Air Facility
- NALCOMIS - Naval Aviation Logistics Command Management Information System
- NAS - Naval Air Station
- NAS JRB - Naval Air Station / Joint Reserve Base
- NATOPS - Naval Air Training and Operational Procedure Standardization
- NAVAIR - Naval Air Systems Command
- NAVCOMP - Comptroller of the Navy
- NAVEDTRA - Chief of Navy Education and Training
- NAVFAC - Naval Facilities Engineering Command
- NAVFLIGHTDEMRON - Navy Flight Demonstration Squadron (Blue Angels)
- NAVMAT - Naval Material Command
- NAVMILPERSCOM - Navy Military Personnel Command
- NAVSEA - Naval Sea Systems Command
- NAVSECGRUACT - Naval Security Group Activity
- NAVSTA - Naval Station
- NAVSUBASE - Naval Submarine Base
- NAVSUP - Naval Supply Systems Command
- NAVTRA - Chief of Naval Training
- NAVY -Never Again Volunteer Yourself
- NAWCAD - Naval Air Warfare Center - Aircraft Division
- NAWCWD - Naval Air Warfare Center, Weapons Division (formerly Pacific Missile Test Center)
- NBSD - Naval Base San Diego
- NCDU - Navy Combat Demolition Unit
- NCF - Naval Construction Force (Seabees)
- NCIS - Naval Criminal Investigative Service
- NCM - Navy Commendation Medal
- NCTAMS - Naval Computer and Telecommunications Area Master Station
- NCTS - Naval Computer Telecommunications Station
- NECC - Navy Expeditionary Combat Command
- NeL - Navy eLearning
- NEX - Navy Exchange
- NFAAS - Navy Family Accountability and Assessment System
- NFO - Naval Flight Officer / Normal Fuel Oil
- NJROTC - Navy Junior Reserve Officers' Training Corps
- NKO - Navy Knowledge Online
- NMCI - Navy/Marine Corps Intranet
- NMPS - Navy Mobilization and Processing Site
- NMTI - Navy Military Training Instructor
- NNSY - Norfolk Naval Shipyard
- NOSC - Navy Operational Support Center (a U.S. Navy Reserve shore command)
- NOSR - Network On-Site Representative
- NPC - Navy Personnel Command[9]
- NROTC - Navy Reserve Officer Training Corps
- NSAWC - Naval Strike and Air Warfare Center
- NSGA - Naval Security Group Activity
- NSIPS - Navy Standard Integrated Personnel System
- NSWC - Naval Surface Warfare Center
- NSWG - Naval Special Warfare Group
- NSY - Naval Shipyard
- NTC - Naval Training Center
- NUWC - Naval Undersea Warfare Center
- NWTD - Non Watertight Door
- NWU - Navy Working Uniform
- OAE - Old Antarctic Explorer
- OBA - Oxygen Breathing Apparatus
- OCS - Officer Candidate School, located at Naval Station Newport
- OFS - Out Freaking Standing (polite)
- OM - On the Move
- OMPF - Official Military Personnel File
- OOD - Officer of the Deck
- OOMA - Optimized Organizational Maintenance Activity
- Operation GOLDENFLOW - Urinalysis Testing
- OPNAV - Office of the Chief of Naval Operations
- OPS-O - Operations officer
- OSA - Overseas Contingency Operation Support Assignments
- OSTR - Optimal Ship Track Route[10]
- PACOM - Pacific Command
- PAPERCLIP - People Against People Ever Reenlisting Civilian Life is Preferred
- PAX - Passengers[11]
- PCO - Prospective Commanding Officer
- PCS - Permanent Change of Station
- PDHA - Post-Deployment Health Assessment
- PDHRA - Post-Deployment Health Re-Assessment
- PFA - Physical Fitness Assessment
- PHA - Physical Health Assessment
- PHRA - Physical Health Re-Assessment
- PIR - Pass In Review
- Plane Captain - Naval Aviation Crew Chief
- PO(3/2/1) - Petty Officer (Third/Second/First Class)
- POC - Point Of Contact
- POD - Plan of the Day
- POM - Plan of the Month
- POOW - Petty Officer of the Watch
- POTUS - President of the United States
- POW - Plan of the Week
- POW - Prisoner of War
- PRD - Projected Rotation Date
- PRIFLY - PRImary FLight Control (Aircraft carriers)
- PRT - Physical Readiness Test
- PSNS and IMF - Puget Sound Naval Shipyard and Intermediate Maintenance Facility
- PT - Physical Training
- PTS - Perform to Serve
- PWD - Public Works Department
- PXO - Proespective Executive Officer
- QAWTD/QAWTH - Quick Acting Water Tight Door/Quick Acting Water Tight Hatch
- QM - Quartermaster[1]
- QMOW - Quartermaster of the Watch
- RADCON - RADiation CONtrol
- RADM - Rear Admiral (United States) (Upper Half)
- RAG - Replacement Air Group, now known as Fleet Replacement Squadron (FRS)
- RCA - Reactor Controls Assistant
- RDC - Recruit Division Commander
- RDML - Rear Admiral (United States) (Lower Half)
- RHIB (RIB) - Rigid Hull Inflatable Boat
- RIMPAC - Rim of the Pacific
- RIO - Radar Intercept Officer (NFO in F-4 Phantom II and F-14 Tomcat)
- RL - Restricted Line Officer
- RMD - Restricted Maneuvering Doctrine
- Roof - Aircraft Carrier Flight Deck
- RPOC - Recruit Petty Officer in Charge or Recruit Chief Petty Officer
- RT - Radiotelephone (voice radio)
- RTC - Recruit Training Command, Great Lakes, Illinois
- S1C - Seaman 1st Class
- S2C - Seaman 2nd Class
- S2F - Speed to Fleet[2]
- SA - Seaman Apprentice[1]
- SAG - Surface Action Group
- SAM - Surface-to-air missile[NB 1]
- SAPR - Sexual Assault Prevention and Response
- SARC - Special Amphibious Reconnaissance Corpsman
- SAU - Search and Attack Unit
- SCAT - Small Craft Attack Team
- SCBA - Self-contained breathing apparatus
- SCPO - Senior Chief Petty Officer
- Scuttle - A small, round deck or bulkhead fitting with quick acting hand wheel. Also: to intentionally sink one's own ship to prevent capture by the enemy.
- SCW - Seabee Combat Warfare Specialist insignia
- SE - Support Equipment
- SEALs - United States Navy SEALs (stands for SEa, Air, Land), officially termed Special Warfare Operators.
- SEAOPDET - Sea Operational Detachment
- SECDEF - United States Secretary of Defense
- SECNAV - United States Secretary of the Navy
- SICLOS - Shift Inspect Clean Lube Oil Strainers
- SLBM - Submarine-launched ballistic missile
- SN - Seaman[1]
- SNA - Student Naval Aviator
- SO - Special Warfare Operator, aka US Navy SEAL.
- SOFA - Status of Forces Agreement
- SOP(A) - Senior Officer Present (Ashore)
- SOPA - Senior Officer Present Afloat
- SOQ - Sailor of the Quarter
- SOY - Sailor of the Year
- SPAWAR - Space and Naval Warfare Systems Command
- SPAWARSYSCEN - Space and Naval Warfare Systems Center
- SR - Seaman Recruit[1]
- SRB - Selective Reenlistment Bonus
- SRW - Shutdown Roving Watch
- SS - Submarine Specialist or submersible ship
- SSBN (aka Boomers) - Hull classification symbol for ballistic missile submarine. The SS denotes submarine, the B denotes ballistic missiles, and the N denotes nuclear-powered.
- SSES - Ships Signals Exploitation Space. A compartment on a ship where embarked NAVSECGRU personnel, known a Cryptologic Technicians, do their work.
- SSGN - Hull classification symbol for cruise missile submarine. The SS denotes submarine, the G denotes guided missile, and the N denotes nuclear-powered.
- SSN - Hull classification symbol for general-purpose fast attack submarines. The SS denotes submarine, while N denotes nuclear-powered.
- SSOQ - Senior Sailor of the Quarter
- SSOY - Senior Sailor of the Year
- SSTG - Ships Service Turbo Generator
- STG – Sonar Technician Surface
- STREAM - Standard Tension REplenishment Alongside Method
- STS – Sonar Technician Submarines
- SUBRON - SUBmarine squadRON
- SUBSAFE - SUBmarine SAFEty program
- SUPPO - SUPPly Officer
- SWCC (swick) - Special Warfare Combatant-craft Crewmen, the Special Operations Forces who operate and maintain an inventory of boats used to support special operations missions, particularly those of the U.S. Navy SEALs.
- SWO - Surface Warfare Officer
- TACK - Meaning dash or hyphen.
- TAD - Temporary Additional Duty
- TADCEN - Training and Distribution Center
- TAO - Tactical Action Officer (Fights the ship under the supervision of the Captain)
- TAR - Training and Administration of the Reserve (U.S. Navy Reserve, former designation for FTS personnel)
- TE - Task Element
- TF - Task Force
- TFO - Temporary Flight Orders. Non-aircrew personnel that have passed the minimum requirements to act as part of the aircrew for some purpose, e.g. secondary door gunner.
- TFOA - Things Falling Off Aircraft
- TG - Task Group
- TILLIE - Large mobile crane on Flight Deck to pick up and move disabled aircraft. Came from original crane designation: T1-E
- TM - Torpedoman's Mate[1]
- TOPGUN - United States Navy Fighter Weapons School
- TSP - Troubled Systems Process
- TU - Task Unit
- UA - Unauthorized absence, equivalent to Army absent without leave
- UA - Urinalysis
- UAS - Unmanned Aerial System
- UAV - Unmanned Aerial Vehicle
- UCMJ - Uniform Code of Military Justice
- UDT - Underwater Demolition Team
- UNODIR - UNless Otherwise DIRected
- UNREP - Underway replenishment
- UNSAT - Unsatisfactory
- URL - Unrestricted line officer
- USMC - United States Marine Corps, organized under the United States Department of the Navy
- USN - United States Navy
- USNA - United States Naval Academy (Annapolis)
- USS - United States Ship
- UWT - Underwater telephone
- VA/VAM - Fixed Wing Attack/Fixed Wing Medium Attack (no longer used)
- VAQ - Fixed Wing Electronic-Attack Squadron
- VAW - Fixed Wing Airborne Early Warning Squadron
- VBSS - Visit, board, search, and seizure
- VCNO - Vice Chief of Naval Operations
- VDS - variable depth sonar [2]
- VERTREP - Vertical replenishment
- VF - Fixed Wing Fighter (no longer used)
- VFA - Fixed Wing Strike Fighter Squadron
- VP - Fixed Wing Patrol Squadron
- VRC - Fleet Logistics Support Squadron (VRC-30 Providers)
- VTU - Volunteer Training Unit
- VX - Air Test & Evaluation Squadron (VX-4 Evaluators)
- WAVES Women Accepted for Volunteer Emergency Service
- WCS Workcenter Supervisor
- WO Warrant Officer
- WSO (Wizzo) - Weapon Systems Officer (Naval Flight Officer) in USMC F/A-18D Hornet and USN F/A-18F Super Hornet)
- WTC Watertight Compartment
- WTD Watertight Door
- WTF Whiskey Tango Foxtrot, usually an interrogative phrase, but may also be used in a declarative manner
- WTH Water Tight Hatch
- XO - Executive officer
- Yellow Gear - Aviation Support Equipment
- Yellow Sheet - Document to sign custody of Naval Aircraft for flight
- YN - Yeoman[1]
See also
- List of acronyms
- List of military slang terms
- Glossary of nautical terms
- United States Navy bureau system
- List of U.S. government and military acronyms
NNPTU :Naval Nuclear Power Training Unit. NUKE: Navy sailor trained in Nuclear power.
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External links
Look up Appendix:U.S. Navy slang in Wiktionary, the free dictionary.