- For the taxi see Tro tro.
Trotro is a French animated television show aimed at young children. The show is about a young donkey named Trotro. The show is based on the books of Bénédicte Guettier. The show is produced in a series of 78 episodes of 4 minutes each.[1]
Title: Trotro
Director: Eric Cazes and Stephane Lezoray
Scenario: Mary Luz Drouet (supervision) from the books of Bénédicte Guettier
Sets: Evelyne Badami
Storyboards: Lavocat Cecile, Emilie Van Liemt, Jean-Pierre Tardivel
Animation: Michael Battle, Stephanie Delmas, Philippe Grivot Stephanie Kloutz, Olivier Nicolas, François Bertin
Music: Francis Médoc, Frédéric Durieux
Production: Odile Limousin, Delphine Pialot, Jean-Michel Spiner
Production companies: Storimages, 2 Minutes
Number of episodes: 78 (2 seasons)
Time: 4 min
First publication date: 2004 (France 5)
French voices
- Florine : Lili
- Muriel Flory : mother Trotro
- Vincent Jaspard : the father of Trotro
- Caroline Combes : Nana
- Simon Koukissa : Boubou