Divine Child High School
Divine Child High School is a private Catholic high school in Dearborn, Wayne County, Michigan, United States. It handles grades 9 through 12, with an average of around 875 students. The average graduating class consists of approximately 210 students. This school is not related to the similarly-named Hall of the Divine Child, a now-closed military boarding school for boys, located in Monroe, Michigan.
The Divine Child was founded in 1958 by Monsignor Herbert Weir, who at the time was pastor of the Church of the Divine Child. The school opened with only 84 freshmen, two Bernadine Franciscan Sisters, and one athletic coach. The graduating class of 1962 contained 69 students.
Divine Child High School also offers many athletic oppurtunities. They are as follows: Soccer, Basketball, Track and Field, Wrestling(boys), Pom Pon(girls), Cross-Country, bowling, golf, cheerleading(girls), volleyball(girls), Hockey(boys), Figure Skating(girls), Baseball(boys), Softball(girls), and Football(boys). Divine Child has many awards in sports including their baseball team who were State Champions in the Class B Division for two years in a row. The Hockey team also has won the State Championship a few years ago and has gone to the quarterfinals and semifinals in more recent years. The Pom Pon team one the 2005 state title. The award winning Cheerleading squad has also won many titles in the state. Even the soccer team made the State Quarter Finals two years ago.
Divine Child also offers many clubs and after school programs. D.C. has four bands(symphonic, marching, jazz, and pep), numerous after school clubs, and many scheduled events such as Spirit Week or Homecoming that are available to the students attending there.