RoboCup is an international contest for autonomous robots, intended to promote research and education in AI. Currently has two major categories, the robot soccer contest, and the robot rescue contest.
For the soccer category, there are many different leagues from simulation, to full-size humanoid.
External links
- RoboCup Soccer
- Federation of International Robot-soccer Association (FIRA) - note: another robot soccer contest, but not RoboCup
- RoboCupRescue
- RoboCup Teams
- Chulalongkorn University (TH) - Plasma Z, 2003 Thailand champions
- Carnegie Mellon University (US) CMDragons (Small-size League)
- Carnegie Mellon University (US) CMPack, 2002 World champions (Legged League)
- Cornell University (US) - BigRed, 2003 World champions (Small-size League)
- Fraunhofer AiS (DE)
- IU Bremen (DE)
- Politecnico di Milano (IT)
- Philips
- RWTH Aachen (DE) - The AllemaniACs
- Sirindhorn International Institute of Technology, Thammasat University (TH)
- Swinburne University (AU)
- TU Darmstadt (DE) - Dribbling Dackels (Four-Legged League)
- TU Wien (DE)
- University of Freiburg (DE)
- Uni Koblenz (DE) - RoboLog Koblenz (Simulation League)
- University of Pennsylvania (US) - 2003 World runners up (Four-Legged League)
- University of Queensland (AU) - RoboRoos, 2003 World runners up
- University of Tübingen (DE) - 2003 Technical Challenge Award (Middle-Size League)
- UNSW (AU) - rUNSWift, 2003 World champions (Four-Legged League)
- University of Bremen (DE): B-Smart(Smallsize) - Bremen Byters (four-legged)