Friends of Canadian Broadcasting
Friends of Canadian Broadcasting, commonly shortened to FRIENDS, is a Canadian advocacy group that monitors developments in the Canadian television and radio broadcasting industries. The group promotes expansion of public broadcasting, investment in Canadian content, and production of local news while opposing concentration of media ownership and foreign ownership of Canadian broadcasters.
FRIENDS also presents the Dalton Camp Award, named in honour of journalist and political commentator Dalton Camp. The $10,000 award is presented to the winner of an essay competition on the link between Canadian media and democracy.
The group is semi-partisan and is strongly supportive of government funding for a national broadcaster.
Force foreign media giants in the Canadian marketplace to make appropriate contributions to Canadian programming and pay their fair share Ensure CBC’s editorial independence through governance reform and reduced dependence on advertising Give CBC’s newly independent Board the power to hire and fire its President Defend local broadcasting in small/medium sized communities where media are most threatened Close the tax loophole that favours foreign digital advertising over Canadian media Safeguard Canadian ownership and control of media – including Internet media Defend Canadian programming and predominant use of Canadian creative resources.
further information
The organization is exempt from income tax by virtue of Section149 (1)(1) of the Income Tax Act.