Street Fighter (1994 film)
A 1994 movie based on the world widely reknowned fighting game Street Fighter 2 by Capcom. The movie starred an international cast comprised from such actors as the action-star Jean-Claude Van Damme (in the role of William F. Guile) and Puerto Rican acting-legend Raul Julia (as General M. Bison).
The movie altered the plots and motives of Street Fighter characters somewhat and made several comical interludes (one fight-scene for instance plays homage to the old Godzilla movies) which irritated fans of the game. Though it wasn't a commercial success it has gathered some interest, being Raul Julia's last work as he died some time after the movies release.
In the credits the makers of the film say a final goodbye to Raul "For Raul: Vaya con dias" which translates roughly as "go with God".