A Neptunian is a four-armed purple alien species which appears in the animated series Futurama, their homeworld being Neptune.
While they are normally of similar height compared to humans and other humanoids, in the episode where they make a significant appearance in ("A Tale of Two Santas"), they (or a subpopulation) are depicted as diminutive, although the subpopulation in question were living under the rule of Robot Santa in the North Pole of Neptune, where they are 'employed' as Santa's elves. Considering Santa's nature, they now live in a ghetto-like society in squalor and extreme poverty foraging for scraps to survive, resulting in stature-stunting protein deficiencies; this state of affairs is likely to continue indefinitely since Santa has no actual use for them.
While the above example may not be a good representation of the Neptunian species in general, it does illustrates various aspects of Neptunian life, most notably the fact that they 'appear' to live as either close families or, more commonly, as couples regardless of sexual orientation. Another notable aspect of Neptunian life is that couples often travel together holding each other's hands.
Other than Robot Santa's elfin slaves, the only notable Neptunian is the chef Elzar, depicted at right. Other Neptunians appear as background characters, such as Beck's drummer in "Bendin' In the Wind", a court security officer in "A Taste of Freedom", Heather (the spa worker) in "Teenage Mutant Leela's Hurdles", the representative for the political party "People for the Ethical Treatment of Humans" in A Head in the Polls and the waitress in Elzar's restaurant in "Bender Gets Made".