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The Best Christmas Ever (That '70s Show)

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"The Best Christmas Ever (That '70s Show)"

The Best Christmas Ever is an episode from That 70s Show.

Instead of buying a tree with the money his father gives him, Eric cuts down a tree along the interstate so the gang can use the money to buy beer for a Christmas party in the basement.

Plot summary


Instead of having to go through the same old boring christmas party, Eric decides to ask his dad if he can throw a party in the basement. Red let's him do it and even gives him $40 when he asks for money, but there's one catch, he's gotta get a christmas tree and the money left over he can use for his party. Laurie, home from college, is jealous that Eric's getting his own party and she's not. At work Bob asks Red to fill in for him on Christmas Eve which he agrees to do.

Hyde and Kelso come up with a great way to save money for the party to buy beer by cutting down a tree along the interstate. Kelso says that they shouldn't get any presents so there's more money for beer, but he's alone in that thought because Eric and surprisingly Hyde are buying gifts for Donna. Hyde asks Midge what a girl like Donna would like and asks Jackie who doesn't help at all. Jackie is in a giving mood herself because she and three other cheerleaders are going to distribute gift baskets to the less fortunate. Kitty makes cookies and punch for Eric's party and Laurie sees the opportunity to put some rum in it to get him in trouble.

As the party starts Kelso sees that people are bringing gifts so he leaves immediately for Jackie's gift. He goes to the only store open, Bargain Bob's, where he finds Red and after playing pong with him buys hot rollers. Back at the party Jackie and the cheerleaders are only drinking the punch, and are much drunker than those that are drinking the beer and are all over Fez, much to his delight.

Upstairs the adults are singing next to the piano along with Grandma, who is home for Christmas, and the Pinciotti's when a state trooper knocks on the door asking to confiscate the tree. Red heads downstairs but not before Eric & Hyde give Donna their presents. Hyde gives her a photograph of him and her in fifth grade to which she says is the sweetest thing anyone has ever given her. Eric gives her White Shoulders, a perfume she likes, but she clearly doesn't like it as much as Hyde's gift. Red comes down and sends everyone home telling Eric he's grounded and to clean up the mess with Hyde. Before Donna leaves she gives her presents to Eric and Hyde. To Eric she gives a small gift and Hyde a big one. Eric opens first, an I.D. bracelet, then Hyde, tube socks, to which Eric shows extreme relief.

See also