9/Tenths is a 2006 film directed by Bob Degus. The film stars Gabrielle Anwar, Henry Ian Cusick and Dave Ortiz. The film was filmed outside of Los Angeles, CA in Canyon Country. The world premiere of the film was at the 2006 Sedona International Film Festival on February 24th, 2006.
Sometime in the not too distant future. Terrorist attacks continue to escalate. Cities are the primary targets.
William and his wife Jessica, flee the city seeking safety. Upon reaching their newly purchased ranch, in the middle of nowhere, they discover, Elias a Mexican ranch hand already living there. Just as the property dispute escalates to a dangerous level, a massive terrorist attack causes widespread, catastrophic destruction - the world, as they know it, no longer exists.
The film takes a brutal, unflinching look at mankind stripped bare of the thin veneer of social convention. It is a daring, bold, often painful journey into the darkness of our primal, carnal selves.
We all live amid the threat that the world we know could be devastated by some kind of terrorist destruction. If we survived, how long could we last without the trappings of civilization? What would we do to survive?
What might we become?
These are questions most of us have mulled over at one time or another. In 9/Tenths three people find out the shocking answers.
Jessica (Gabrielle Anwar) and husband William (Henry Ian Cusick) have fled the city amid ever-increasing terrorist threats. William is excited to relocate to his newly purchased ranch hundreds of miles from nowhere. Jessica reluctantly humors her husband and his paranoid fears by going along.
On their arrival, William and Jessica discover someone already living in their house. Elias (Dave L. Ortiz) proves quite an intimidating presence when the couple discovers him in their kitchen butchering a freshly killed animal. But Elias soon explains in his broken English that he was the caretaker for the previous owner who had promised to let him continue living there as a reward for his services.
William knows of no such arrangement and quickly attempts to get rid of this man he sees as nothing more than a trespasser. Elias sees the couple the same way and develops his own ideas about sending them back to the city. Meanwhile, it quickly becomes obvious that William is of little use in this rustic environment that Elias calls home. Even a simple task like fixing a broken water heater is beyond William's range of expertise. "I pay people to do these things for me," he blurts out. Obviously successful in the professional world, William is at a loss in his newfound sanctuary. William's frustration festers as he observes Elias's adroitness with such tasks.
Just as the property dispute escalates to a dangerous level, the three hear parts of an emergency radio broadcast indicating that an extremely large terrorist attack has caused widespread, catastrophic destruction in the world around them.
The three are cut off from everything, completely in the dark as to whether anybody at all, is left alive in the area, the country or even the world. Civilization as they have to know it may have ended.
This, obviously, alters the dynamic between the pampered city couple that are totally invested in what is known as civilization, and the self-sufficient Elias. As time goes by and the couple's supplies diminish, Elias, formerly a second-class citizen at best, finds himself in a position of power. He can survive. He can take possession of the house. He could easily kill the couple without facing any consequences. And he might have done just that if it weren't for his attraction Jessica.
This attraction, intertwined with the desperate circumstances, leads all three down a frightening and depraved path none would have ever expected.
The music score for the film was composed by Brian Ralston. The score features 3 solo instruments (solo viola, solo female soprano and solo flamenco guitar) that are symbolic of the three main characters in the film over an orchestral foundation. A soundtrack for the film has not yet been released.
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