... that when Mexican suspected drug lord Raúl Meza Ontiveros was arrested, the police discovered he was storing 384 kilograms (847 lb) of cocaine?
Source: [Spanish]: El 27 de mayo de 1997, Torres Félix fue aprehendido en un operativo conjunto por el Ejército y agentes de la Policía Judicial Federal, en posesión de 348 kilos de cocaína, los cuales almacenaban en una bodega que servía de centro de avituallamiento para los recorridos de lanchas rápidas participantes del trasiego del alcaloide desde Colombia ... fue capturado en aquella fecha junto con sus cómplices: Manuel Meza Zamudio, Ramón López Serrano y Raúl Meza Ontiveros..." / [English]: On May 27, 1997, Torres Felix was apprehended in a joint operation by the Army and agents of the Federal Judicial Police, in possession of 348 kilos of cocaine, which were stored in a warehouse that served as a refreshment center for the tours of fast boats participating in the transfer of the alkaloid from Colombia ... He was captured on that date along with his accomplices: Manuel Meza Zamudio, Ramón López Serrano and Raúl Meza Ontiveros ..." (Proceso)
Comment: Subject is dead, BLP does not apply. Though subject was released from prison, the court did not deny the cocaine seizure happened. He was released due to the government's inability to correctly present the case without inconsistencies. Alternate hooks are welcomed. Most sources are in Spanish.
Moved to mainspace by MX (talk). Self-nominated at 03:15, 15 September 2018 (UTC).