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Index of music articles

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

This is an old revision of this page, as edited by (talk) at 21:10, 15 December 2004 (F). The present address (URL) is a permanent link to this revision, which may differ significantly from the current revision.

This page aims to list articles related to music. This is so that those interested in the subject can monitor changes to the pages by clicking on Related Changes in the sidebar and on the bottom of the page. This page links to itself, so we can track changes to it, too. If you want to create articles about music, consult the list of requested articles about music.

This list is not necessarily complete or up to date - if you see an article that should be here but isn't (or one that shouldn't be here but is), please update the page accordingly. Do note, however, that there is already a list of musical instruments, a list of musical instruments by Hornbostel-Sachs number, a list of musical ensembles, and similar lists exist at composer, musician, record producers, arranger, list of genres of music, list of record labels, and list of songs by name. Please don't add things here that belong on those pages.


A cappella -- Absolute pitch -- Accidental -- Accompaniment -- Ad libitum -- Adagio -- Added tone chord -- Additive rhythm -- Album -- Aleatoric music -- Allegro -- Alto -- Ambiguity -- American Music Awards -- Antiphon -- Arrangement -- Articulation -- Aspects of music -- Atonality -- Audio mixing -- Auditory illusion -- Authentic performance -- Augmentation -- Augmented chord --


BACH motif -- Back beat -- Ballet -- Bar (music) -- Baroque -- Bass -- Basso continuo -- Beat AND Beat (music) -- Beatmatching -- Bel canto -- Binary form -- Blue note -- Blues -- Blues ballad -- Bohlen-Pierce scale -- Boogie woogie -- Braille music -- Break -- Bridge -- British opera --


Cadence (music) -- Cadenza -- Call and response (music) -- Canon (music) -- Cantillation -- Castrato -- Cent (music) -- Chaconne -- Chamber music -- Child singer -- Choir -- Chorale -- Chord (music) -- Chord progression -- Chorus -- Chromatic -- Chromatic scale -- Cimbasso -- Circle of fifths -- Clapping -- Clef -- Close harmony -- Coda -- Combination tone -- Compound metre -- Composer -- Concert band -- Conclusion -- Consonance -- Counterpoint -- Cover version -- Crescendo -- Cubase


Da capo -- Da capo aria -- Dance -- Dance and music of Latin America -- Definite pitch -- Definition of music -- Deutsch's scale illusion -- Diapason -- Diapente -- Diatessaron -- Diatonic functionality -- Diatonic scale -- Diesis -- Diminished chord -- Diminished scale -- Diminuendo -- Diminution -- Dissonance -- Dominant -- Drone -- Dubreq Stylophone -- Duet -- Duple -- Dynamics


Ear training -- Electronic music -- Equal temperament -- Enharmonic -- Ethnomusicology -- Exposition


Falsetto -- Feedback -- Flatted fifth -- Fifth -- Finale notation program -- Figured bass -- Forte -- Fortissimo -- Fourth -- Frequency -- Fruityloops -- Fugue


Gamelan -- Glissando -- GNU LilyPond-- Genre


Harmonic -- Harmonic accompaniment -- Harmonic series (music) -- Harmony -- Hammond Organ -- Hearing (sense) -- Hemiola -- Hexachord -- Hornbostel-Sachs -- Hymn


Improvisation -- Indefinite pitch -- Inharmonic -- Instrumentation -- Interactive music -- Interval (music) -- Interval class -- Intonation -- Inversion (music) -- Irrational rhythm -- Isorhythm


Just intonation --


Key (music) -- Key signature


Largo -- Larghetto -- Leading-tone -- Learning music by ear -- Leitmotif -- Ligature -- Limit (music) -- Linear -- List of major chord shapes for guitar -- List of popular music terms -- Legato


Madrigal -- Major chord -- Major second -- Major scale -- Major seventh -- Major sixth -- Major third -- Maqam -- Mathematics of the Western music scale -- Meantone temperament -- Measure -- Melody -- Metre -- Metronome -- Mezzo-soprano -- Micropolyphony -- Microtonal music -- Microtone -- Minor chord -- Minor second -- Minor scale -- Minor seventh -- Minor sixth -- Minor third -- Missing fundamental -- Mix -- Mixing -- Modulation (music) -- Monophony -- Motet -- Motif (music) -- Mouthpiece -- Music -- Music history -- Music technology -- Music theory -- Musical band -- Musical composition -- Musical ensemble -- Musical genre -- Musical instrument -- Musical keyboard -- Musical mode -- Musical notation -- Musical ornament -- Musical piece -- Musical terminology -- Musical tuning -- Musician -- Musicology -- Mute (music)


Nonchord tone -- Note -- Novelty song -- Numerical sight-singing


Octave -- Octave illusion -- Opera -- Operetta -- Oratorio -- Orchestra -- Orchestration -- Organ -- Organology -- Ornament -- Ostinato -- Overtone


Parallel minor/major -- Passacaglia -- Passion -- Patriotic song -- Pensato -- Pentatonic scale -- Perfect fourth -- Perfect fifth -- Period -- Periodic -- Phonograph -- Phrase (music) -- Piston valve -- Pitch (music) -- Pitch space -- Pizzicato -- Plainsong -- Politics in music -- Polyphony -- Polyrhythm -- Polytonality -- Power chord -- Precompositional -- Presto -- Protest song -- Pseudo-octave -- Psychoacoustics -- Pulse -- Pythagorean comma -- Pythagorean tuning


Quartal -- Quintal -- Quodlibet


Radio Luxembourg -- Raga -- Raggamuffin -- Range -- Reason (program) -- Recitative -- Record label -- Recording industry -- Register (music) -- Relative minor/major -- Relative pitch -- Relaxation -- Remix -- Resolution (music) -- Resonance -- Rhapsody -- Rhythm -- Rhythmic gesture -- Rhythmic unit -- Riddim -- Riff -- Rosegarden -- Rotary valve -- Round


Sampling (music) -- Sargam -- Scale (music) -- Scratching -- Second -- Secondary dominant -- Secundal -- Serial music -- Sequence -- Seventh -- Sheet music -- Shepard tone -- Sibelius notation program -- Singing school -- Single -- Sight reading -- Simple meter -- Simultaneity -- Simultaneity succession -- Sixth -- Skip -- Solo -- Solfege -- Sonata form -- Sonata -- Song -- Soprano -- Sound -- Sound recording -- Sound sculpture -- Sound system -- Staccato -- Staff -- Step -- Stochastic -- Strähle's construction -- Subdominant -- Substitute dominant -- Succession -- Suite -- Suzuki method -- Suspension (music) -- Swung note -- Symmetry -- Symphony -- Syncopation -- Syntonic comma


Tablature -- Temperament -- Tempo -- Tenor -- Tension -- Ternary form -- Tertian -- Tertium major -- Tertium minor -- Third -- Tie (music) -- Timbre -- Timeline of trends in music (1900-1950) -- Timeline of trends in music (1951-present) -- Time signature -- Time unit box system -- Tone cluster -- Tone row -- Tonic (music) -- Tonicization -- Tonic Sol-fa -- Transposing instrument -- Transposition (music) -- Tremolo -- Triad (music) -- Trill -- Triplet -- Tritone -- Tuning -- Tuplet -- Twelve-tone technique




Verse -- Vertical -- Vibrato -- Video game music -- Vocal music -- Voice registers --


Wah-wah -- Wolf interval --



