Lucas the Spider
Lucas the Spider is an animated character appearing in a series of YouTube videos. Lucas the Spider was created by animator Joshua Slice and voiced by Slice's nephew. Lucas the Spider is based on a jumping spider. Since the release of Lucas the Spider, Slice has made a assortment of Lucas the Spider plushes found at his website [1][2] The character first appeared in a YouTube video in November 2017.[3][4]
Fresh TV has acquired the rights to Lucas the Spider and plans to create an animated series using the character.[5]
In December 2018, Lucas the Spider has been part of the YouTube Rewind 2018.
- ^ McLean, Tom. "Fresh TV to Expand 'Lucas the Spider' Web Videos". Animation World Network. Retrieved 18 May 2018.
- ^ Rittmeyer, Brian. "YouTube sensation 'Lucas the Spider' challenges fears of arachnids". Tribune-Review. Retrieved 18 May 2018.
- ^ Beggs, Scott. "The Adorable Lucas The Spider Is Cold And Wants To Come Inside". Nerdist. Retrieved 18 May 2018.
- ^ Hadley, Glenn. "Lucas The Spider Movie: Fans Ask Disney Pixar For Film With Adorable Animated Arachnid, Viral YouTube Star". Inquisitr. Retrieved 18 May 2018.
- ^ Milligan, Mercedes. "'Lucas the Spider' Snares Fresh TV in Its Adorable Web". Animation Magazine. Retrieved 18 May 2018.