Hugtto! PreCure is the fifteenth television anime series in Izumi Todo's Pretty Cure franchise, produced by Asahi Broadcasting Corporation and animated by Toei Animation. The series began airing in Japan on February 4, 2018, succeeding Kirakira PreCure a la Mode in its initial timeslot. The opening theme is "We can!! Hugtto! Precure" (We can!! HUGっと! プリキュア, We can!! Hagutto! Purikyua) by Kanako Miyamoto. The first ending theme is called "Hugtto! Future✩Dreamer" (HUGっと! 未来☆ドリーマー, HUGtto! Mirai✩Dorīma) performed by Rie Hikisaka, Rina Hon'izumi, and Yui Ogura, while the second ending theme is called "Hugtto! Yell For You" (HUGっと! YELL FOR YOU, HUGtto! YELL FOR YOU) performed by Rie Hikisaka, Rina Hon'izumi, Yui Ogura, Nao Tamura, and Yukari Tamura.