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Brown's gas

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Brown's gas (named for its inventor, Yull Brown, a Bulgarian-American inventor) is a mixture of oxygen and hydrogen produced by electrolyzing water.

Brown's Gas possesses both extraordinary properties and scientifically rational properties that are inconsistent and consistent with the laws of physics respectively.

Claims that are Inconsistent with the Laws of Physics and/or Traditional Electrolysis Theory

  • It is claimed to be produced by a "special" electrolysis apparatus needs less energy than can be gained from burning it, making it a building block of a perpetual motion machine. Perpetual motion is a claim that is inconsistent with commonly subscribed laws of physics, and belief in perpetual motion is often ridiculed.

(Note) The use of Brown's Gas in a perpetual motion machine is not being persued by any mainstream authority at this time, and the primary focus of ongoing research is its practical applications that are consistent with the laws of physics. Investigators often avoid researching use in a perpetual motion machine to matain integrity and credibility with the mainstream scientific community. Independant of it's claimed use in a perpetual motion machine there are ample properties, and applications that are economically viable and consistent with commonly subscribed physics law. See the references section in this article for a list of companies around the world currently researching, marketing, and generally involved with the scientifically rational properties of Brown's Gas.

  • It is claimed to behave different than a normal mixture of hydrogen and oxygen (ie. Oxy-Hydrogen).
  • It is claimed that primary viability exists not because of its low flame temperature, but because of an extraordinary phenomena that occurs when it is applied to a material. Substantial temperature is induced in the material to which Brown's Gas is ignited and applied.
  • The volume of gas produced is greater than what is expected by traditional electrolysis theory. Note that volume is a parameter independant of mass or molar quantity.
  • Independent of the controversy between explosion and implosion, Brown's Gas is undeniably combustible. It is claimed that under certain circumstances it implodes rather than explodes when ignited.

Properties of Brown's Gas

  • Brown's Gas has a flame temperature of approximately 274 degrees Farenheit. Water Torch.
  • Brown's Gas is produced from water, therefore it contains a 2 to 1 ratio of Hydrogen versus Oxygen respectively.
  • Brown's Gas contains Oxygen, therefore it has oxidative properties.
  • Brown's Gas is less dense than atmosphere therefore it will not settle in a closed space and tends to dissipate rapidly.
  • Brown's Gas is colorless, and odorless.
  • Brown's Gas is stable and will not reform into water without the presence of a PEM or comparable material.
  • Brown's Gas is breathable because of its Oxygen content.

Method of Production

  • Brown's Gas is produced in common ducted electrolyzers that contain no independent ducting; the hydrogen and oxygen gases, immediately after production, are allowed to be in the presence of one another and build pressure. (In an Oxy-Hydrogen production system independent ducting exists, and immediately after production the hydrogen and oxygen gases are separated from one another not to meet again until just prior to combustion at the torch tip.) An Arizona Hydrogen webpage.
  • This well defined distinction between Brown's Gas production and Oxy-Hydrogen production is the claimed reason that Brown's Gas behaves differently than Oxy-Hydrogen. While this claim helps explain the properties of Brown's Gas that are consistent with the laws of physics, the properties that are inconsistent with the laws of physics are yet to be satisfactorily explained.
  • A main aspect of Brown's Gas production is the avoidance of storage. Brown's Gas is specifically designed to be consumed immediately after production in inherently On-Demand, common ducted electrolytic generators.

A Clear Distinction Between the Production of Brown's Gas, Oxy-Hydrogen, and pure Hydrogen

  • Brown's Gas is the result of common ducted electrolysis specifically designed not to separate the gases. Note that the gaseous mixture is allowed to pressurize prior to utilization.
  • Oxy-Hydrogen is the result of independantly ducted electrolysis specifically designed to separate the gases only to recombine them at the torch tip. Note that the gaseous mixture is not allowed to pressurize prior to utilization; if pressurization is utilized the gasses are independantly pressurized.
  • Pure Hydrogen is the result of independantly ducted electrolysis specifically designed to separate the gases. Unlike Oxy-Hydrogen the gases are typically meant for storage purposes. Pure hydrogen systems are also marketed as home-fuel-substitution sytems where the homeowner is willing to take on the burden of electricity requirements in favor of the cleanliness of Hydrogen combustion over Carbon Fuel combustion.


Economically Unviable

  • Note that complete substitution is not overwhelmingly economical for the majority of common applications, which is a similar situation that is also the case for pure Hydrogen.

Economically Viable

Vague Theories Attempting to Explain Extraordinary Phenomena

  • Yull Brown purported that Brown's Gas contains 36 isomers and allotropes of hydrogen and oxygen atoms; this notion has given rise to many theories to attempt explanation of its extraordinary properties. 3/4 the way down the page is the reference.
  • The most popular theory presented to explain these properties is that Brown's gas contains monatomic hydrogen and oxygen in significant proportions. In particular, monatomic hydrogen and oxygen would burn with a hotter flame because the monatomic form has more energy than the normal diatomic form and this extra energy would be released as heat. There are different explanations for how the monatomic gasses can exist at normal pressure instead of immediately combining (there is no activation energy because there are no bonds to be broken), none of which is fully satisfactory.
  • An alternative theory proposes that Brown's gas is really a hitherto unknown high-energy gaseous form of water, called "electrically expanded water".

Opinionated Criticism

  • Little substantive information exists that has been produced by overwhelmingly mainstream authorities, directly leading to much confusion and the creation of inflated stereotypes.
  • Skeptics point out that there is no solid evidence for any of these unusual properties, and suggest that all these observations of unusual properties are bad science.
  • This mixture of oxygen and hydrogen would be dangerously explosive.


Ongoing Research

  • The mixing of carbon fuels with Brown's Gas to determine the extent in which a quantity of carbon fuel can be replaced with a quantity of Brown's Gas without changing the net energy output of the ignited mixture. This research will highlight the viability of Brown's Gas as a carbon fuel enhancer; it will help clarify the extent to which Brown's Gas can be used in carbon fuel enhancement applications while proving economically viable.
  • Oxidating properties are clear because of the Oxygen content, but it seems to be the case that Brown's Gas behaves oxymoronoically as a consumable catalyst. This notion is an attempt to explain carbon fuel enhancement properties of Brown's Gas that are above and beyond the sole potential of an oxidative compound. This research investigation will require the use of standard thermodynamics equipment, including primarily, but not limited to a Brown's Gas generator, a bomb calorimiter, and a heat exchanger.
  • Ongoing research at Stanford University, in California, by Dr. Anders Nilsson is using X-Ray diffraction technology to probe quantities of water. His investigations are highlighting that water possesses properties that are inconsistent with the traditional tetrahedron formation of the hydrogen and oxygen atoms within. His research has produces implicit images that suggest "a two component system" and that water consists of a sea of rings and chains of hydrogen and oxygen atoms. This research will help show that because the structure of water possesses hitherto unknown properties, the structure of gaseous hydrogen and oxygen may also possess yet to be identified features. The quote in this passage is from an email by Dr. Nilsson providing an update to his research, and the claim about the existence of ring and chain formations is from a Wall Street Journal Article published on the front page Friday, March 10, 2006 titled "The Structure of Water Isn't Certain After All; Marketers Take Note". The article was written by Sharon Begley.


  • Arizona Hydrogen A domestic manufacturer of Brown's Gas generators. This company is an operation that was born from the work of William Rhodes.
  • BEST Korea The primary Korean manufacturer of Brown's Gas generators. They have the worlds largest ongoing manufacturing operation of Brown's Gas generators. They have a slew of intelecual property rights in Korea. They possess novel designs for systems that use Brown's Gas as the sole fuel in residential heating, and incineration systems.
  • Stan Rubinstein & Assoc. An American manufactuer of Brown's Gas generators specifically for precision jewlery applications.
  • The Water Torch Collective, LTD A Canadian organization providing access and substantial information about Brown's Gas technologies.
  • Eagle Research. A Canadian research organization that has documented substantive information about Brown's Gas. "Brown's Gas Book 1" and "Brown's Gas Book 2", that the company provides, are some of the most important contributions to the field of Brown's Gas since in invention. The book contains extremely pertinent research data, practical analysis, and implication consideration.
  • Yull Brown's generator patent filed with the USPTO and issued in 1977.



Companies Working with Analagous Technologies

Automotive Fuel Enhancement Systems

  • Hy-Drive Company. This Canadian company is using on-demand electrolysis sytems in automotive fuel enhancement applications. Their cleintel is primarily large scale commercial vehicles (18 wheelers). Note that this company is publicly traded on the Toronto Stock Exchange.
  • Hypower Fuel, INC. This is another Canadian company that is using on-demand electrolysis systems in automotive fuel enhancement applications. Their cleintel is also focused in large scale commercial vehicles (18 wheelers).


  • HTA (Hydrogen Technology Applications, INC. This company has re-introduced Brown's Gas within a completely novel conceptual framework. HHO, for all practical purposes, behaves in the exact same fashion as Brown's Gas. The new conceptual framework purports a "magnecule" rather than a traditional molecule; specifically because of the boldness required to introduce a completely un-heard-of atomic configuration, or molecular structure, a certain level of dubiousness should be taken when considering HHO a novel entity compared to Brown's Gas.

On-Demand Electrolysis

  • Norsk Hydro Company. A Business that produces On-Demand electrolysis technologies. These generators obviously produce a pure hydrogen gas, but the main similarity to Brown's Gas is that both electrolysis systems are specifically designed to produce gas On-Demand, as needed, with no storage intended.