George and Elizabeth Peckham
George W. and Elizabeth G. Peckham were early American arachnologists, specializing in the study of jumping spiders (Salticidae).
From 1883 to 1909 they described 63 genera and 366 species.
The North American Peckham Society is named after them. It is dedicated to salticid research, the irregular publication is titled Peckhamia.
Taxa named after the Peckhams
The salticid genus Peckhamia is named in their honor, along with 20 species and one subspecies:
- Cicurina peckhami (Simon, 1898)
- Acragas peckhami (Chickering, 1946)
- Bellota peckhami Galiano, 1978
- Chapoda peckhami Banks, 1929
- Compsodecta peckhami Bryant, 1943
- Corythalia peckhami Petrunkevitch, 1914
- Goleta peckhami Simon, 1900
- Habrocestum peckhami Rainbow, 1899
- Habronattus peckhami (Banks, 1921)
- Hasarius peckhami Petrunkevitch, 1914
- Heliophanus peckhami Simon, 1902
- Hyllus brevitarsis peckhamorum Berland & Millot, 1941
- Myrmarachne peckhami Roewer, 1951
- Pachomius peckhamorum Galiano, 1994
- Pelegrina peckhamorum (Kaston, 1973)
- Pensacola peckhami Bryant, 1943
- Salticus peckhamae (Cockerell, 1897)
- Telamonia peckhami Thorell, 1891
- Thiodina peckhami (Bryant, 1940)
- Uroballus peckhami Zabka, 1985
- Viciria peckhamorum Lessert, 1927