Emma's Theatre
Emma's Theatre is an Israeli-Canadian-British 3D animated television series that formerly airs on Kids' CBC in Canada and Playhouse Disney in the United States between July 10, 2007 and June 9, 2009. The show was produced by PitchiPoy Animation Productions for the 3D animation technique in Jaffa, Israel for the pilot presentation on October 10, 2006.
The program aims to introduce babies and toddlers to different cultures and to expose them to different places and countries through short stories. The show is distributed by Decode Entertainment, a DHX Media Company. The show was currently aired on BabyTV in the United Kingdom and Ireland. In addition to PitchiPoy Animation Productions, the show was also aired on BabyTV in Israel.
A little girl plays with a puppet theatre in her room, taking viewers on an adventure to a different place in the world in each episode. Through short stories, Emma introduces different countries and cultures with the help of her cute little puppets. There is also a magic door that has rainbows, a sun and trees. During ending credits, Emma thanks them and says goodbye.
- Emma
- Emma (voiced by Tabitha St. Germain, Andrea Harris in the UK, and Rona Bekerman in Israel) is a 5-year-old girl that puts on a play with her cute little puppets.
- Puppet #1
- Puppet #1 (voiced by Kathleen Barr, Carrie Mullan in the UK, and Einat Azulay in Israel) is a young male puppet with short black hair and a yellow t-shirt.
- Puppet #2
- Puppet #2 (voiced by Britt McKillip, Joanna Ruiz in the UK, and Talya Barkay in Israel) is a young female Puppet with short blonde hair with two pigtails and a magenta t-shirt.
- Puppet #3
- Puppet #3 (voiced by Chantal Strand, Jo Wyatt in the UK, and Dikla Hadar in Israel) is a young female puppet with short black hair and a scarlet dress.
- Puppet #4
- Puppet #4 (voiced by Ian James Corlett, Ben Small in the UK, and Dan Kiesler in Israel) is a young male puppet with spiky orange hair and a green t-shirt.