Fontecilla is a family name found in Spain, Italy, Chile, Mexico, Venezuela, The United States, and Canada.
Fontecilla is one of a set of surnames related to or descended from 'Fuentes,' meaning fountains.[1] These names include Fuente, de la Fuente, Fuentecilla, Fuéntez, Fuentez, Font, Fonte, Fontes, Fontecilla, Fontana, Fontano, Fontanal, Fontanales, Fontanals, Fontanella, Fontanet, Fontanillos and many more.[1]
The name Fontecilla is a diminutive of fuente, a cognate of fountain.
It is a common surname in Chile and Italy (Torino).
In Santiago, Chile, there is a street named La Fontecilla.
Notable Persons named Fontecilla
- Mercedes Fontecilla (The 2nd first lady of Chile, 1811–1813).[2]
- José Miguel Carrera Fontecilla (Chilean revolutionary, 1820–1860)
- Francisco Vargas Fontecilla (Chile's Minister of the Interior and Foreign Affairs, 1867–1868).[3]
- Mariano Sánchez Fontecilla (Chile's Minister of Foreign Affairs, Cult and Colonization, 1889–1890 and 1894–1895).[3]
- Aída Laso de Fontecilla (educator and 1932 Guggenheim Fellow).[4]
- Ernesto Fontecilla (Chilean artist - 1930s).
- Eduardo Fontecilla (1956 Olympic competitor from Chile).[5]
- Rafael Fontecilla Riquelme (President of Chile's Supreme Court, 1960–1963)[6]
- Rodrigo Fontecilla (Chilean/Venezuelan Chess Master and Venezuelan National Chess Champion, 1979)
- Ezequiel Fontecilla (Chilean architect whose famous work includes Templo Parroquial)[7]
- Andrés Fontecilla (Chilean banking business enterprising developer to college Banca Xpress, 2011-2013)
- Andrés Fontecilla (Canadian (Quebec) politician, born 1967)