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User:Josh Grosse

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This is an old revision of this page, as edited by Josh Grosse (talk | contribs) at 04:58, 3 May 2003. The present address (URL) is a permanent link to this revision, which may differ significantly from the current revision.

A student of pure mathematics, with interests also including sciences and histories. I came into wikipedia relatively early, from an invitation on the original wiki, and have since been dropping by from time to time to dabble in biology, history, and other fields. For the most part I've been dealing with the Protista, which so far has attracted relatively little attention from other editors. Protist pages I've made significant contributions to are:

Protista - Alga - Green algae - Zygnematales - Red algae - Glaucophyte - Stramenopile - Diatom - Chromulinales - Synurid - Axodine - Silicoflagellate - Actinodine - Actinophryid - Haptophyte - Dinoflagellate - Dinophyceae - Noctilucales - Cryptomonad - Chlorarachniophyte - Protozoa - Flagellate - Euglenozoa - Kinetoplastid - Euglenid - Excavate - Heterolobosea - Amoeboid - Ramicristates - Pelobiont - Entamoebae - Vampyrellids - Nucleariid - Centrohelid - Desmothoracid - Gymnosphaerid - Acantharea - Ciliate - Heterotrichea - Spirotrichea* - Litostomatea - Nassophorea - Oligohymenophorea - Peritrichia - Hymenostomatida - Peniculida - Plagiopylida

Not having any chances to examine them, I've never had much interest in marine or parasitic groups, so these are mostly absent from the above. Several of the above need reworking. Also, there are notable groups of protists which we absolutely should have pages on, but don't yet:

Granuloreticulosa - Phaeodarea - Polycystinea - Xenophyophorea - Retortamonad - Diplomonad - Oxymonad - Parabasalia - Oomycota - Opaline - Xanthophyte - Eustigmatophyte - Raphidophyte - Proteromonad - Labyrinthulid - Myxomycetes - Dictyostelid - Acrasid - Phyllopharyngea - Suctoria - Colpodea - Karyorelictea - Prostomatea - Sticholonche - Ebriid - Ellobiopsid - Stephanopogon - Jakobid - Gregarinasina - Coccidiasina - Haemosporasina - Piroplasmasina - Desmid - Charales

You are encouraged to help out! This is a big and important kingdom, or kingdomish-thing.

I've also made some notable contributions to some animal pages:

Animalia - Cnidaria - Platyhelminthes - Rotifer* - Roundworm* - Mollusk - Arthropod - Trilobite - Chelicerata - Uniramia - Hymenoptera - Ant - Water flea - Cypriniform - Characiformes - Perciform

On the pages marked *, I've also added a photo I took through a light microscope. Others are on this page. This is fairly hard to do, I find, but a few are good enough to be used here, at least until someone decides to replace them. We do encourage amateur attempts.

I think we should be very careful working with taxonomies systems. Wikipedia has a good opportunity to stay up on current thought, and it would be shame to squelch that. Especially we should avoid rigorously adhering to some on-line database, which are generally slow to change and often idiosyncratic, without considering its merits. We should also try and relate things to older or alternative schemes when we can, but this is very hard to do. Failed attempts have led to a horrible mess on Magnoliophyta and related pages.

In history, I've mostly worked on some military stuff on classical Greece and the like:

Artabazus - Conon - Hoplite - Second Punic War - Thrasybulus - Trireme - Xenophon

And in other topics, I've helped with some polyhedra like the cuboctahedron, and contributed to various random things. Many wikipedians are considerably more significant in such matters - you will notice the above lists are actually very small. Also, much of the material listed here needs a considerable amount of work. Special thanks to anyone who improves or fleshes out the material.