Greetings from me- Anthony A.
I have used this site for quite a while, and it has helped immensely with research papers, general information, and sheer procrastination. I feel it is my responsibility to share what little knowledge I have to the world via Wikipedia. That is why I have contributed what I have. Mainly, I perform minor edits such as spelling, grammar, clarification, etc. However, I have created a few topics, and significantly edited a couple others.
I'm from Spartanburg, SC, and I attend the University of Notre Dame, where I am majoring in Aerospace Engineering.
Aerospace Engineering articles I hope to make/contribute to when I find time:
- Drag Divergence - Mean Aero Chord - Brequet formulas - Geopotential altitude
Miscellaneous articles I have created/significantly contributed to:
- Spartanburg, SC - Marlboro 27s - The DesChamps Band, which seems to have been deleted... - BBM - Peachoid