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Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez

Section 1

Political positions Ocasio-Cortez is a member of the Democratic Socialists of America[7] and embraces the democratic socialist label as part of her political identity. In an interview on NBC's Meet the Press, she described democratic socialism as "part of what I am. It's not all of what I am. And I think that that's a very important distinction."[150] In response to a question about democratic socialism ultimately calling for an end to capitalism during a Firing Line interview on PBS, she answered: "Ultimately, we are marching towards progress on this issue. I do think that we are going to see an evolution in our economic system of an unprecedented degree, and it's hard to say what direction that that takes."[151]

Ocasio-Cortez supports progressive policies such as single-payer Medicare for All, tuition-free public college and trade school,[152] a federal job guarantee,[153] the cancellation of all $1.6 trillion of outstanding student debt,[154] guaranteed family leave,[155] abolishing U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement,[156] ending the privatization of prisons, enacting gun-control policies,[157] and energy policy relying on 100% renewables.[158] She is open to using Modern Monetary Theory (MMT) as an economic pathway that could provide funding and enable implementation of these goals.[159] Ocasio-Cortez rejects the state socialist politics and economics of Cuba, the Soviet Union and Venezuela, and favors policies that "most closely resemble what we see in the U.K., in Norway, in Finland, in Sweden."[160][161]

Politische Einstellung

Ocasio-Cortez ist Mitglied der Democratic Socialists of America (de: Demokratische Sozialisten Amerikas) und sieht dieses Label als Teil ihrer politischen Identität. Sie unterstützt progressive Ansätze wie z.B. Medicare for All (ähnlich einer Bürgerversicherung)[1], ein kostenfreies Studium an öffentlichen Hochschulen (zusätzlich zum Erlass der noch Ausstehenden $1.6 trillion (de: ca. 1,4 Billionen Euro))[2][3], die Auflösung der U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (de: Polizei- und Zollbehörde des Ministeriums für Innere Sicherheit)[4], ein Ende für die privatisierung von Gefängnissen, die Durchsetzung strengerer Waffengesetze und ein kompletter Umstieg auf erneuerbare Energien.[5] Sie ist der Modern Monetary Theory als Möglichkeit für die Finanzierung der zuvor genannten Ziele gegenüber offen eingestellt. Ocasio-Cortez lehnt sozialistische Ansätze, wie wir sie in Kuba, der Sowjetunion und Venezuela sehen, klar ab und zieht es vor sich an Ländern wie Norwegen, Finnland, Schweden und Großbritanien zu orientieren.[6][7][8]

Section 2


Ocasio-Cortez speaks on a Green New Deal in front of the Capitol Building in February 2019.

Ocasio-Cortez has called for "more environmental hardliners in Congress,"[162] describing climate change as "the single biggest national security threat for the United States and the single biggest threat to worldwide industrialized civilization."[163] Referring to a recent United Nations report indicating that the effects of climate change will be irreversible unless carbon emissions are reined in over the next 12 years, she said, "Millennials and people—you know, Gen Z and all these folks that will come after us are looking up and we’re like: ‘The world is gonna end in 12 years if we don’t address climate change and your biggest issue is how are we gonna pay for it?'"[164][165][166]

Ocasio-Cortez's environmental plan, termed the Green New Deal, advocates for the United States to transition to an electrical grid running on 100% renewable energy[143] and to end the use of fossil fuels within 10 years. The changes, estimated to cost roughly $2.5 trillion per year, would be financed in part by higher taxes on the wealthy.[167][168][169]


Ocasio-Cortez unterstützt den Green New Deal, an dessen Formulierung sie maßgeblich beteiligt war.[9] Das Konzept beinhaltet unter anderem auch Vorschläge, wie ein umfassendes soziales Netz und das Ziel, innerhalb der nächsten 10 Jahre komplett auf klimaneutralen Strom umzusteigen.[10]

Section 3

Tax policy Ocasio-Cortez proposed introducing a marginal tax as high as 70% on income above $10 million to pay for the Green New Deal. According to tax experts contacted by The Washington Post, this tax would bring in extra revenue of $720 billion per decade.[170][171] Ocasio-Cortez has opposed and voted against the pay-as-you-go rule supported by Democratic leaders, which requires deficit-neutral fiscal policy, with all new expenditures balanced by tax increases or spending cuts. She and Representative Ro Khanna have condemned the rule as hamstringing new or expanded progressive policies.[172][173] She cites Modern Monetary Theory as a justification for higher deficits to finance her agenda.[159][174] Drawing a parallel with the Great Depression, she has argued that the Green New Deal needs deficit spending like the original New Deal.[162]

Steuer Politik

Ocasio-Cortez schlägt vor einen Grenzsteuersatz von 70% auf Einkommen über $10 Millionen einzuführen. Die Erhobenen Steuern würden benutzt um den Green New Deal zu finanzieren. Laut Experten würden so über eine Periode von zehn Jahren insgesamt rund $720 Billionen zusammen kommen.

Section 4

Immigration Ocasio-Cortez has expressed support for defunding and abolishing the U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) agency on multiple occasions. In February 2018 she called it "a product of the Bush-era Patriot Act suite of legislation" and "an enforcement agency that takes on more of a paramilitary tone every single day".[175][176] That June she said she would "stop short of fully disbanding the agency," and would rather "create a pathway to citizenship for more immigrants through decriminalization."[177] She later clarified that this does not mean ceasing all deportations.[178] She has called the Department of Homeland Security's immigration detention centers "black sites", citing limited public access to them.[179] Two days before the primary election, Ocasio-Cortez attended a protest at an ICE child-detention center in Tornillo, Texas.[180] She was the only Democrat to vote against H.R. 648, a bill to fund and reopen the government, because it funded ICE.[181]


Bereits mehrere Male hat Ocasio-Cortez eine Auflösung der United States Immigration and Customs Enforcement (auch bekannt als ICE) gefordert.[11][12]

Section 5

Detention centers for undocumented immigrants In June 2019, Ocasio-Cortez compared the detention centers for undocumented immigrants at the Mexico–United States border to "concentration camps". She cited "expert analysis", linking to an Esquire article quoting Andrea Pitzer, author of One Long Night: A Global History of Concentration Camps, who had made a similar claim.[182][183] Some academics supported Ocasio-Cortez's use of the term for the forced detention of immigrants;[184][185] other figures strongly criticized it, saying it showed disrespect for Holocaust victims.[186] In response to criticism from Republicans, Ocasio-Cortez said they had conflated concentration camps ("the mass detention of civilians without trial") with death camps.[187] She refused to apologize for using the term: "If that makes you uncomfortable, fight the camps, not the nomenclature."[188]

In July 2019, Ocasio-Cortez visited migrant detention centers and other facilities in Texas as part of a congressional delegation to witness the border crisis firsthand. Ocasio-Cortez described conditions she called "horrifying." She said that women in one cell said they had not had access to showers for two weeks and were told to drink water from the toilet when their sink broke, and that one woman said that her daughters had been taken from her two weeks earlier and she did not know where they were.[189][190]

Section 6

Healthcare Ocasio-Cortez supports transitioning to a single-payer healthcare system, viewing medical care as a human right.[191][192] She says that a single government health insurer should cover every American, reducing overall costs.[153] Her campaign website says, "Almost every other developed nation in the world has universal healthcare. It's time the United States catch up to the rest of the world in ensuring all people have real healthcare coverage that doesn't break the bank."[192] The Medicare-for-all proposal has been adopted by many Democratic 2020 presidential contenders.[155]

Anti-poverty In September 2019, Ocasio-Cortez introduced an anti-poverty policy proposal (packaged in a bundle called "A Just Society") that would take into account the cost of childcare, health care, and "new necessities" like Internet access when measuring poverty. The proposal would cap annual rent increases and ensure access to social welfare programs for people with convictions and undocumented immigrants.[193] According to the U.S. Census about 40 million Americans live in poverty.

Section 7

LGBTQ equality Ocasio-Cortez is a proponent of LGBTQ rights and LGBTQ equality. She has said she supports the LGBTQ community and thanked its members for their role in her campaign.[194][157] She publicized and later appeared on a video game live stream to help raise money for Mermaids, a UK-based charity for trans children.[195] At the January 2019 New York City Women's March in Manhattan, Ocasio-Cortez gave a detailed speech in support of measures needed to ensure LGBTQ equality in the workplace and elsewhere.[196] She has also made a point of recognizing transgender rights, specifically saying, "It's a no-brainer ... trans rights are civil rights are human rights."[197]

Puerto Rico Ocasio-Cortez has called for "solidarity with Puerto Rico." She has advocated for granting Puerto Ricans further civil rights, regardless of Puerto Rico's legal classification. She advocates for voting rights and disaster relief. Ocasio-Cortez was critical of FEMA's response to Hurricane Maria and the federal government's unwillingness to address Puerto Rico's political status.[198] She believes the federal government should increase investment in Puerto Rico.[157]

Section 8

Other domestic issues Education: Ocasio-Cortez campaigned in favor of establishing tuition-free public colleges and trade schools. She has said she is still paying off student loans herself and wants to cancel all student debt.[192] Impeachment of President Trump: On June 28, 2018, Ocasio-Cortez told CNN she would support the impeachment of President Trump, citing Trump's alleged violations of the Emoluments Clause and stating that "we have to hold everyone accountable and that no person is above that law."[199][200] Amazon HQ2: Ocasio-Cortez opposed a planned deal by New York City to give Amazon.com $3 billion in state and city subsidies and tax breaks to build secondary headquarters in an area near her congressional district, saying that the city should instead invest the $3 billion in their district themselves.[201][202][203] Some right-wing commentators criticized her remarks on the grounds that they implied she did not understand that "New York does not have $3 billion in cash."[204]

Section 9

Political endorsements: In the Democratic Party primary election for Queens County District Attorney on June 25, 2019, Ocasio-Cortez endorsed Tiffany Cabán. Ocasio-Cortez's district includes part of Queens.[205] Cabán appeared to have narrowly defeated Melinda Katz, the term-limited Queens Borough President endorsed by Andrew Cuomo and many other establishment Democrats. This was seen as a test of Ocasio-Cortez's influence in New York politics,[206] as Cabán and Ocasio-Cortez share ideas on criminal justice reform.[207] After a manual recount of all ballots, the New York City Board of Elections certified Katz as the winner of the primary. Cabán's legal challenge to that result failed, and she conceded.[208][209] In the 2020 Democratic Party presidential primaries, Ocasio-Cortez endorsed Bernie Sanders.[210][211]

Section 10

Foreign policy Israel

In May 2018, Ocasio-Cortez criticized the Israel Defense Forces' use of deadly force against Palestinians participating in the 2018 Gaza border protests, calling it a "massacre" in a tweet.[212] In a July 2018 interview with the PBS series Firing Line, she said she is "a proponent of a two-state solution"[213] and called Israel's presence in the West Bank an "occupation of Palestine."[214] Her use of the term "occupation" drew backlash from a number of pro-Israel groups and commentators.[215][216] Others defended her remarks, citing the United Nations' designation of the territory in the West Bank as occupied.[217][218] In July 2019, Ocasio-Cortez voted against a House resolution introduced by Democratic Congressman Brad Schneider of Illinois opposing the Global Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions Movement targeting Israel.[219] The resolution passed 398-17.[220]

Other foreign policies Ocasio-Cortez voted to withdraw U.S. military aid for Saudi Arabia's war in Yemen.[221] She criticized President Trump's administration for escalating tensions with Iran.[222]

  1. ^ https://www.handelsblatt.com/politik/deutschland/kaempferin-des-jahres-alexandria-ocasio-cortez-will-das-leben-aller-amerikaner-verbessern/25328372.html
  2. ^ https://eu.usatoday.com/story/news/politics/elections/2019/06/24/bernie-sanders-student-loan-debt-proposal/1544864001/
  3. ^ https://www.handelsblatt.com/politik/deutschland/kaempferin-des-jahres-alexandria-ocasio-cortez-will-das-leben-aller-amerikaner-verbessern/25328372.html
  4. ^ https://www.handelsblatt.com/politik/deutschland/kaempferin-des-jahres-alexandria-ocasio-cortez-will-das-leben-aller-amerikaner-verbessern/25328372.html
  5. ^ https://www.handelsblatt.com/meinung/kolumnen/expertenrat/wenzel/expertenrat-eike-wenzel-diese-demokratin-will-mit-ihrem-manifest-die-usa-radikaler-veraendern-als-trump/24027928.html
  6. ^ https://www.handelsblatt.com/politik/international/modern-monetary-theory-eine-neue-geldtheorie-spaltet-die-wirtschaft/24108180.html
  7. ^ https://www.handelsblatt.com/finanzen/geldpolitik/geldpolitik-ein-radikaler-vorschlag-von-ocasio-cortez-sorgt-fuer-aufregung/24145560.html?ticket=ST-853016-hnZDOrCidlEic3DB3uBV-ap4
  8. ^ https://www.cbsnews.com/news/alexandria-ocasio-cortez-the-rookie-congresswoman-challenging-the-democratic-establishment-60-minutes-interview-full-transcript-2019-01-06/
  9. ^ https://www.sueddeutsche.de/politik/usa-umwelt-demokraten-republikaner-1.4330453
  10. ^ https://www.sueddeutsche.de/politik/usa-umwelt-demokraten-republikaner-1.4330453
  11. ^ https://www.sueddeutsche.de/politik/us-zwischenwahlen-kampf-der-demokraten-gegen-die-deportationspolizei-1.4037033
  12. ^ https://www.stern.de/politik/ausland/alexandria-ocasio-cortez--so-protestierte-sie-gegen-trumps-einwanderungspolitik-8567644.html