Endaro Mahaanubhaavulu
Endaro Mahaanubhaavulu is a song written by Tyagaraja and is now famous all over the world. This song was further made popular by the popular carnatic singer Jon B. Higgins, who was born in Andover, Massachusetts.
In this song Sri Thyagaraja explains the virtues of many great people in this world and he bows to them all. He then proceeds to explain what these virtues are. Any person who:
- Has control over their senses,
- Has attained bliss and spiritual heights of happiness,
- Has filled their heart with the supreme lord Rama,
- Has followed the path of wisdom and friendship,
- Has spread the light of kindness
- has gathered the Ocean of knowledge in Bhagavatha, Ramayana, Bhagavad Gita and vedas
While he sings the praises of Lord Rama, he also reminds people that wisdom and kindness are essential virtues of great men of past and present.