Buddy system
The buddy system is where two people, the buddies, operate as a single unit so that they are able to monitor and help each other. Improved safety is the main benefit of the system in adventurous or dangerous activities where the buddies are often equals. When this system is used as part of training or the induction of newcomers to an organisation, the less experienced buddy learns more quickly from close and frequent contact with the experienced buddy than when operating alone.
The buddy system is used in:
- Scuba diving, where it is called buddy diving
- Firefighting, where it is called the two-in, two-out principle.
- For participants in NaNoEdMo, buddy system refers to the mandatory practice of staying in touch with a partner who can give advice or help with editing if needed, and testify that 50 hours of work have been done.
Other uses of the term:
- In computing, buddy system is often used as a synonym for buddy memory allocation.
- The BUDeSYSTEM is a Content management system designed by The Buddy Group.