No till garden
Not Dig, Not Till, Garden, Farm, Less Watering, Methods. Just planting, seeding, harvesting, after ´some´ preparations.
With mulch (hay, straw, leaves, grass clippings, wood chips, every green ´wastes´) [1] [2]. Biodegradeable materials.
Not dig, to interfere, into the soil structure, when the soil is healthy, is one point of this method, not to destroy this structure.
This means: already existing good (healthy) soil just may be unregular done mulching.
In all other cases ´good soil´ life first has to be brought to into the soil. This can be done with manure (dung (disambiguation page)), compost, Terra Preta, EMs (effective microorganisms), at least the first year, but also some more years. Without the need to be mixed, just as layers.
(Even cardboard can be used as layer. Quote "... cardboard may be composted ..." [3], or/and paper, for example news-paper, and so on.) (Here I would like to cite links to videos at youtube, but not knowing if this is OK. As instruction / for sight.)
Referring to Wikipedia Articles
Regenerative agriculture, (Quote "... philosophies like permaculture, ...")
Sheet mulching, (Quote "composting in place"), (redirect from ´Lasagna gardening´),
Hügelkultur, (Quote "Samples from hügel sites contained almost twice as much water as those from flat control plots." [4])
Organic horticulture, (redirect from ´Organic gardening´),
No dig gardening,
No till farming,
Terra Preta (Quote (1)"adding a mixture of charcoal, bone, broken pottery, compost and manure to the low fertility Amazonian soil". Quote (2)"created by farming communities between 450 BCE and 950 CE".)
Further more
Soil fertility
Carbon farming
Soil food web
Biosolids, (Quote (1)"... solid organic matter recovered from a sewage treatment process and used as fertilizer". Quote (2)"Some municipalities, states or countries have banned the use of biosolids on farmland".)
Reuse of excreta, Quote "Reuse of excreta refers to the safe, beneficial use of animal or human excreta, ..."
Forest gardening (redirect from ´Food forest´), the "Seven-layer_system" and in "Forest_garden_project", by Robert Hart (Quote "Robert Hart pioneered a system based on the observation that the natural forest can be divided into distinct levels.") [5]
Sustainable agriculture
- Franklin Hiram King, (1911), Farmers of Forty Centuries, or Permanent Agriculture in China, Korea and Japan
- Ruth Stout, (1955), How to have a Green Thumb without an Aching Back: A New Method of Mulch Gardening, (Quote from ´Roots of ...´ "In the Spring of 1944")
- Masanobu Fukuoka, (1975, to english 1978), The One-Straw Revolution, Quote "1947 he took up natural farming again with success, using no-till farming methods to raise rice and barley"
- Julius Hensel, (1894), Bread from Stones. A New and Rational System of Land Fertilization and Physical Regeneration. Translated from the German. A. J. Tafel, Philadelphia, 1894 [6] [7]
- Patricia Lanza, (1998), Lasagna gardening: A new Layering System for bountiful gardens: no digging, no tilling, no weeding, no kidding. Emmaus, PA. ISBN 978-0-87596-795-0. OCLC 733752184.
- Robert Hart, (1976) Forest Farming: Towards a Solution to Problems of World Hunger and Conservation, co-authored with James Sholto Douglas, Rodale Press (1976). ISBN 0-7224-0142-6.
(By Author: expandable)
Reasons for this article
So many (no dig) methods are being recovered, that I want a summary of ´No-Dig, No Till, Garden, Farm, Less Watering, Methods´ as a one own topic. But this as title for a wikipedia article is just too long. (Meant for as ´development history´ and ´methods collecting´, under these term.)