Tales of Symphonia: The Animation
On June 20, 2006, Namco announced an official OVA (anime) for Tales of Symphonia planned to come out in Japan in 2007. It will be directed by Haruo Tonosaki (director of 2x2=Shinobuden) and feature character designs by Akira Matsushima (Rurouni Kenshin OVAs.)[1]
On December 28th 2006, a video appeared on Youtube.com featuring footage from the Tales of Symphonia OVA. The footage shows several scenes, including Kratos Aurion at Anna's grave, an edited beginning scene in the Martel Temple, and a scene with Lloyd Irving and Colette Brunel outside in a field. As of yet, fan reaction has been mostly positive to the scenes, although several complaints about the camera angles of the video have been made, as it as at an angle to the screen showing the footage. However, the scenes shown do appear to confirm that the storyline will be following that of the Lloyd and Colette pairing path of the game, dispelling some fan's hopes of a pairing of Lloyd with one of the other girls of the game. (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NVq9GtXoYzw)