Court Martial (Star Trek: The Original Series)
"Court Martial" is an episode of Star Trek: The Original Series. It is a first season episode, #20, production #15, and was aired on February 2 1967. It was written by Don M. Mankiewica, and Stephen W. Carabatsos, and directed by Marc Daniels.
Overview: Captain Kirk stands trial on charges of negligence.
On stardate 2947.3, the starship USS Enterprise, under the command of Captain James T. Kirk, sustains severe damage from an ion storm and seeks repairs at Starbase 11. Soon after the Enterprise arrives, Commodore Stone begins an investigation of the only reported casualty; the death of Lt. Commander Ben Finney. Reports show Finney had been killed during the storm when his research pod was jettisoned from the ship. Kirk claims the ejection of the pod was necessary to save the Enterprise. Stone refers to computer logs which show Kirk had ordered the pod ejected while the ship was at "Yellow Alert" status; indicating the ship was not yet considered to be in serious danger.
Kirk however, maintains his claim that the ship was at "Red Alert" status during the ejection of the pod. Suspicion grows when Stone uncovers that Mr. Finney was disgruntled with his Captain. This stemmed from an incident aboard the USS Republic, when a young Ensign Kirk accused Ensign Finney of carelessly leaving a switch to the atomic matter piles open which would have blown the ship up in a matter of minutes. Since the incident, Starfleet has put Finney at the bottom of the promotion list and Finney accused Kirk of "keeping him down".
Stone believes there is enough evidence for Kirk to be guilty of negligence and urges Kirk to stand down as Captain of the Enterprise, and take a ground assignment for the rest of his career. Kirk denies the accusations as absurd and demands to be put on trial to prove the charges. Kirk seeks legal representation from attorney Samuel T. Cogley on the advice of Lt. Ariel Shaw, a former girlfriend of his. Kirk finds Cogley quirky, but very meticulous. Kirk is taken aback when he learns that Shaw herself will be acting as the prosecutor in the trial. The trial is overseen by Commodore Stone with a bench consisting of Kirk's peers; including Starfleet Command Representative Lindstrom, and starship captains Chandra and Krasnovsky. Among the trial audience is Finney's young daughter Jamie. Kirk is given an uncomfortable glare by Jamie who believes he killed her father.
The trial begins and testimony is given by Dr. McCoy, Mr. Spock, and Kirk himself, but none of it is enlightening or consistent with computer records. During the trial, Spock checks to make sure nothing is wrong with the computer system which diagnostics show to be functioning normally. The prosecution presents a computer recording of the events on the Enterprise bridge during the ion storm in question. The evidence proves damning as the recording clearly shows Kirk hitting the button to jettison the pod while still at Yellow Alert. Kirk and his counsel are all but ready to give up, and Kirk notes to Spock that he might find an better chess opponent in his new captain. This comment gives Spock an idea.
Later during recess, McCoy discovers Spock playing 3D chess and he angrily questions how Spock can just waste time with all that is going on. Spock then reveals he had in fact been conducting an investigation of the computer, noting he has been able to beat it at chess five times. This is despite the fact that Spock was the one who wrote the computer's chess program and the machine should therefore be incapable of doing any worse than a stalemate. McCoy asks how that is possible, and Spock explains he is convinced that the system has somehow been tampered with since game programming he made three months before has now been altered.
The court martial resumes and the bench is prepared to hand down a sentence; however, Spock enters, ready to present new evidence on behalf of his Captain: the suspected tampering of the computer system. Without any real evidence to back up the claim, Spock insists that aside from himself and the Captain, only Mr. Finney had the knowledge and clearance to alter the computer logs and he believes Finney is still aboard the Enterprise. Kirk's lawyer asks the trial to reconvene aboard the Enterprise to see proof of the defense's new theory. The prosecution objects to the new request, stating the computer files are proof enough of Kirk's guilt. The court overrules when Cogley states that a man's guilt can not be proven by a machine, since machines can make mistakes. The court seems to agree.
Now aboard the Enterprise, Kirk orders all unnecessary personnel to disembark for the time being. Dr. McCoy then takes an auditory sensor that detects the slightest sound, and attaches it to the ship's computer. The device is so sensitive, it detects all remaining human heartbeats that are still aboard the ship. One heartbeat is found unaccounted for and located down in engineering. Tracking the sound to its source, Kirk discovers Finney alive, and in an agitated mental state, and that he has tapped into the ship's control systems.
Upon the discovery, Kirk goes after Finney and a struggle ensues. Kirk subdues Finney, but the crazed officer informs Kirk he is too late and points out he has drained the Enterprise's energy circuits which will eventually cause the ship to fall out of orbit and burn up in Starbase 11's atmosphere. Kirk manages to trick Finney however, telling him that his daughter Jamie is also aboard the ship to sit in the trial. Alarmed, Finney breaks down and realizes has no choice but to surrender. He then tells Kirk how to regain control of the ship.
After undoing the damage, Kirk has Finney taken into custody, and Kirk's record is cleared.
This section's factual accuracy is disputed. |
- Although many people today have a personal computer in their homes or carry with to work, this was the only episode of the original series that featured a personal computer, belonging to Captain Kirk's attorney, Samuel T. Cogley. Normally, computer use as seen on the show was represented as a terminal connected to the ship's computer.