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Talk:Urban Indian

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I'd love to have an image of either a pow-wow in an obviously urban setting or one of the oldest urban Indian centers (something over 50 years old). Meanwhile, I've added an image of an interesting recent cultural center here in Seattle as a placeholder. - Jmabel | Talk 16:04, 30 April 2009 (UTC)[reply]

Other Countries

Should this be changed to include Urban Aboriginals in Canada? Or should there be a separate entry for that? — Preceding unsigned comment added by Gebrelu (talkcontribs) 19:48, 26 November 2015 (UTC)[reply]

Census Data Needs Updating

Hi, I'm a student doing research on urban Indians and I noticed the census data for this article is still 2010 Census data. I've never updated or made suggestions on Wikipedia so I was hoping someone more familiar could help me out. It's really important the Census data gets updated because, "In 2020, the NUIFC [National Urban Indian Family Coalition], funded a coalition of 24 urban Indian centers across 18 states to help make the invisible visible in the 2020 Census." (https://www.nuifc.org/about-census).

In addition, the 2020 Census made improvements to the way data was collected. It found that "From 2010 to 2020, the American Indian and Alaska Native in combination population increased by 160%. In 2020, the American Indian and Alaska Native alone population (3.7 million) accounted for 1.1% of all people living in the United States, compared with 0.9% (2.9 million) in 2010. An additional 5.9 million people identified as American Indian and Alaska Native and another race group in 2020, such as White or Black or African American. Together, the American Indian and Alaska Native alone or in combination population comprised 9.7 million people (2.9% of the total population) in 2020, up from 5.2 million (1.7%) in 2010." (https://www.census.gov/library/stories/2021/08/improved-race-ethnicity-measures-reveal-united-states-population-much-more-multiracial.html) (talk) 12:54, 14 December 2024 (UTC)[reply]