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In mathematics, an ultrapolynomial is a power series in several variables whose coefficients are bounded in some specific sense.


Let and a field (typically or ) equipped with a norm (typically the absolute value). Then a function of the form is called an ultrapolynomial of class , if the coefficients satisfy for all , for some and (resp. for every and some ).


  • Lozanov-Crvenković, Z.; Perišić, D. (5 Feb 2007). "Kernel theorem for the space of Beurling - Komatsu tempered ultradistibutions". arXiv:math/0702093.
  • Lozanov-Crvenković, Z (October 2007). "Kernel theorems for the spaces of tempered ultradistributions". Integral Transforms and Special Functions. 18 (10): 699–713. doi:10.1080/10652460701445658. S2CID 123420666.
  • Pilipović, Stevan; Pilipović, Bojan; Prangoski, Jasson (2021). "Infinite order $$\Psi $$DOs: Composition with entire functions, new Shubin-Sobolev spaces, and index theorem". Analysis and Mathematical Physics. 11 (3). arXiv:1711.05628. doi:10.1007/s13324-021-00545-w. S2CID 201107206.