Hi, my name is Artem Badassian Davtian, I am a PhD in philosophy by the UAB (Spain) with a thesis called "Brain, psyche and power". Currently I am also a Martial Arts teacher (Aikido, Ryushin Shouchi Ryu Iai Jutsu/Ken Jutsu and Kyusho Jitsu (DKI/AEKJ) and psychologist (psychoanalitical branch mixed with yoga and meditation for my patients) in Spain (Catalonia). I begun my way in Martial Arts at 6 years old with my father practicing Judo and Chi Kung, at my 10 I practiced Taekwondo, at 11 Karate Kyokushinkai. At 13 I begun my Aikido training until now, combining it with other martial arts and with my academical activities. I was born in Russia but I have armenian origins, so I speak russian, armenian,english, spanish and catalan . For any issue talk to me right here or adress me in
Thank you very much for your visit and attention,
ArtemArchie (Artem Badassian Davtian) 16:56, 2 April 2020 (UTC).