- Ask the Universe what you want to know The New Look
- Don't Criticize...Dale Carnegie
- You Can Put Lipstick on a Pig...But It's Still Just a Pig
- We Are Always in the Process of "Becoming" and We Always Will Be
- [[Think
TwiceThrice, Edit Once]] - Let Go and Let the Universe Do Its Job!
- Elvis has Left the Building...and now Edits on Wikipedia
- Are Vowels really necessary?
- Where I Fit in the World is Where I Find Myself
- [["As I go off to spring fishing, I must remember to bring my sketchbook" WINSLOW HOMER]]
- half of 8 is 0
- Perfection is Gods Realm. Excellence is Mans
- Politeness is Necessary Between Faceless Editors
- Who is John Galt?...Atlas Shrugged
- Never Fart in an Empty Elevator. Miss America may be getting on in 5 seconds...B7
- Some ideas float, others sink...Editor Corporate Minion.
- Don't put off a hard decision just becauses it's hard...B7
- Speak Softly, But Carry a Big Shtick...Henny Youngman
- 6,666,666,666 POV's
- How can we know what information JANE will need to save the Galaxy?
- Vanquish the Vandals
- Spend when you have to, Save when you can...Rick
- A Penny Saved is Still Only a Penny
- If it looks like crap and smells like crap and feels like crap, you don't taste it to verify what you know
- Change Your Mind...Change the Results
- If Love is Blind What's the Point of Lingerie?
- Just Because I'm Paranoid Doesn't Mean They're Not Out to Get Me
- The Collegial Editing Environment on Wikipedia Would be Just Fine if it Wasn't for All Those Other People
- One thing is crystal-clear: Our country faces unmitigated disaster if the Other Side wins...Either side..
- What The Truth Sounds Like by Michael Erik Dyson
- Brevity is the Sister of Talent
- Keep an Open Mind...but Not So Open That Your Brains Fall Out
- Trust Yourself when you have an "in the moment" Idea
- In WAR Your Foe Should Remain UN-Enlightened
- When in Rome, Dress Like a Roman
- HINT: Only a Troll Will Call You a Troll
- Manners are the Lubricants between Editors
- [["It's all part of the soup"...GEORGE HARRISON]]
- Fight the Real Enemy--Wasted Time
- What is Your Role Here?
- Don't Panic
- I Didn't Say It Was Your Fault, I Said I Was Blaming You
- TalkSpace is Even More Educational Than MainSpace
- If you Do IT Right the First Time, you Don't Have to Do It Again, Twice
- A Tart is NOT just a Pastry
- To Fish is To Hope
- When You Hear Hoffbeats, Think Horses Not Zebras
- Model the Behavior You Would like to See
- Pigs Get Fat, Hogs Get Slaughtered
- Just Because It Kills Your Liver Doesnt Mean It Isn't Medicine
- When All is Said and Done, All is Usually Neither Said Nor Done
- We Are Each Responsible For Our Own Reality
- The Cock May Crow...but...It's the Hen that Lays the Eggs
- Bad Editors Drive Out Good Editors
- If I Die of Smoking My Wife is Gonna KILL Me
- [["I don't seek, I find"...PICASSO]]
- The Trend is Your Friend
- Opportunity Favors The Prepared Mind
- The Foundation of Integrity--Honor Your Word
- Yes We Can
- "Make the most of your time on Earth"...ROUGH GUIDES
- "My job is to Save Your Ass, not Kiss it"...CHICAGO POLICEMAN
- [[When You Are a Hammer, Everything in the World Looks Like a Nail
- Pack Your Own Parachute
- [["I'm always happy with who I am"...PHILIPPE PETIT, a French High-wire walker and Academy Award winner]]
- It takes Two to Tango...a Bull and a Matador, but Only the Matador has Dinner at Home
- [[Give Them Who You Are...MISTER ROGERS
- Channel your Anger in a Constructive Way
- Be--->Do--->Have
- Our Brains Work Best in Community
- [[Sometimes the Longest Way is the Quickest...EDWARD de BONO]]
- [[Oz Never Did Give Nothing to the Tin Man that He Didn't Already Have...AMERICA]]
- [[Results are the GURU]]
- [[Never Volunteer for Execution...DONALD TRUMP
- A Basic Rule When Using A Public Toilet:Check the Toilet Roll First!
- For Those who Understand, no Explanation is Needed. For Those who do NOT Understand, no Explanation is Possible
- Life is Full of Little Pricks...sign in a Doctors Office
- The Right Changes at the Right Time for the Right Reasons...Anonymous Editor
- Some Worship the Cows, Others Eat Them...Editor NVO
another break
- Allow People the Validity of Their OWN Emotions
- He who Speaks in Anger Makes His Anger Heard, but His Words are Forgotten...WP:Motto
- "War is a Continuation of Politics - by Other Means"...[[von Klausewitz|von KLAUSEWITZ
- Revenge Yourself on Your Enemies by Not Becoming Like Them
- [[The Problem with Socialism is that Eventually You Run Out of Other Peoples Money...MARGARET THATCHER
- Age Is Mind Over Matter. If You Don't Mind, It Doesn't Matter
- [[The Show Doesn't Go On Because It's Ready. It Goes On Because It's 11:30 Saturday Night...LORNE MICHAELS
- In Politics, Bugs Bunny Would Get More Votes than Daffy Duck
- It Requires far less Skill to Run a Wrecking Company than it Does to Be An Architect
- I Used to be Indecisive, Now I'm Not So Sure...Editor Writegeist
- Actual Practice is Always More Complex than Written Policy...Jimbo
- "Be ever thankful for the two sides, for always between them lies the way. Without the two sides there would be no way, and we would ever wander aimlesessly without a path."...Taoist priest (circa ?)]]
- He Could Sweet-talk a Dog off a Meat Truck
- Its Tough to Make Preditions...Especially About the Future
- I Do Desire that we be Better Strangers...As You Like It
- [[1/3rd of His Weight is Gravitas]]
- [["I have told thee often and I will tell thee again and again---I HATE THE MOOR"}}...The Republican Iago from Othello]]
- It's Tough to Make Predictions. Especially about the Future!
- Wikipedia is like Crack. Those who like it Can't Get Enough of it, and those who don't like it Think it Should be Illegal...Editor GoPhightins
- Religion is what Keeps the Poor from Killing the Rich...Napoleon, I think.
- We can not play innocents in a world that is not innocent...President Reagan
- People rarely succeed unless they have fun in what they are doing...Dale Carnegie
2023 year-end break
- I will continue to enforce WP:NFC and WP:NFCC as I have done for more than a decade. Editor Hammersoft|29 August 2023
- EVERY word we utter is a conscious choice. Even more so when we type it.
- Try not. Do or do not. There is no try." - Yoda
- Act as if what you do makes a difference. Because, It does. William James
- It took me quite a long time to develop a voice, and now that I have it, I am not going to be silent. Madeleine Albright
- We Don't Want Nobody Nobody Sent...Abner Mikva
- Ek praat 'n ou taal van Vlaams wat baie soos Afrikaans lyk
- "Unhockey" - Is that Canadian for people who still have their teeth? (Space4T)February 2022
- "The last time...despite knowing every evil he committed, 74 million people still voted for Trump." Don Winslow
- "Not all those who voted for Trump are Racists, but, all those who are Racist voted for Trump"
- "I choose the moments of my Life"
- "I own my Life"
- "A is A"
- "Why? Because!"
- "Vanilla or Chocolate? You choose"
- "Opportunity exists only in the future"
"Tears In Rain Monologue"
- fleeting and fragile life truly is for us humans. Everything that I am: my memories, my experiences, my emotions...are all unique to me, and only me. No one else can ever live them or understand them; even if I were somehow able to upload them to a computer for future playback, no one else could possibly understand why I am who I am today. Treasure the life that you have - truly live it
- Collect the clips of your life that you think are important enough to save...and important enough to share with your future generations