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Sixth chords, blah blah blah:


And so blah blah blah

Some problems present the Plachutta theme in a much more complex form. To the right is a problem by Milan Vukcevich, published in Chess Life in 1988, a mate in four. The key is 1.Na2, which is not a Plachutta sacrifice, but which threatens one: 2.c4+ (221 in Wizadry)

Absurd: commedia dell'arte, music hall, surrealism (Adamov), pataphysics (specif Ubu Roi, cf Mondrian and abstract expres), nonsense (Carroll, Lear, others), check biblio in Esslin.

for graphic notation, [1]

scales, birdsong, links to things like psychoacoustics, headers, multiple parts: performance, composition, history, function, society, instruments, whatever. big references works (Grove etc).

Lengths of symphonies - It.ovt length -> Mahler etc. Also key relationships between movements (and Monn's D 1740 all being in one key). Beethoven: symph as struggle; finale as culmination of work (not light relief). Dearth of symphs after Beethoven (only abstract works by Schumann and Mendelssohn - others forgotten). symphonic poem.

Grove up: Edo de Waart, Eliahu Inbal, Eugene Istomin, Kurt Eichhorn, Talk:Paul Paray. Check Golombek, Whyld, etc for Opera box game

Vaudeville has a different meaning in the US to France, music, etc.

"Vertical" rhythm in Bruckner 6 (Talk:Anton Bruckner) (notes in black box - check on recording)

[2] for Stalin Prize.

DW strikes again (maybe) (check lib)

Kirsan Ilyumzhinov [3]

endgame, Troitzky line