Personal Notes
Great work putting the party list here! I was too lazy to memorize these and was reluctant to do it. Since I already transferred the article, we should do this work in the main namespace...
Also, we only need the party/state marking the first time the name is used.
- PT = Workers' Party (Brazil)
- PMDB = Party of the Brazilian Democratic Movement
- PL = Liberal Party (Brazil)
- PSDB = Brazilian Social Democracy Party
- PTB = Brazilian Labour Party
- PP = Progressive Party (Brazil)
- PSOL = Socialism and Freedom Party
- AL = Alagoas
- AM = Amazonas
- BA = Bahia
- CE = Ceará
- GO = Goiás
- MG = Minas Gerais
- MT = Mato Grosso
- MS = Mato Grosso do Sul
- PE = Pernambuco
- PR = Paraná
- RO = Rondônia
- RJ = Rio de Janeiro (state)
- RS = Rio Grande do Sul
- SP = São Paulo (state)
Which form do you prefer?
- Vanderval Santos (PL-SP)
- Vanderval Santos (Liberal Party)
- Vanderval Santos (Liberal Party - SP)
- Vanderval Santos (Liberal Party - São Paulo) * this one is probably best -- what about no spaces though?
- Vanderval Santos
- Vanderval Santos (Liberal Party-São Paulo)
Which form do you prefer?
- Workers' Party (PT) * maybe use the first time it is mentioned
- Workers Party (PT)
- Workers' Party * because it is used elsewhere on Wikipedia -- I prefer Workers Party personally, but we should be consistent
- Workers Party
- PT
- Instead of "Vote-for-Cash CPI" I suggest using "Vote Buying CPI" because this last one is more widely known (see Google).
Good... I still think we should consider changing the article title as well. I'm not sure to what. Perhaps even the Scandal of the Mensalao.
We also might consider putting the timeline in a separate page at some point... Don't know.
Wiki References
Workers Party
- Celso Daniel - Prefeito de Santo André, do Partido dos Trabalhadores. Segundo o Ministério Público foi assassinado porque descobriu que algumas pessoas estavam desviando para si mesmas o dinheiro de um esquema de corrupção na prefeitura para arrecadar fundo para o Partido dos Trabalhadores.
The allied figures
- Adhemar Palocci - engenheiro, diretor de Planejamento e Engenharia da Eletronorte e irmão do ministro da Fazenda, Antonio Palocci. É acusado de ter intermediado contratos com a seguradora Interbrasil com empresas estatais. Em troca a Interbrasil contribuiria para campanhas do Partido dos Trabalhadores. A Interbrasil fez negócios com empresas estatais no valor de R$ 4,6 bilhões apesar de ter um patrimônio de apenas R$ 60 milhões.
The following section needs revision
Timeline of key events
Nothing for now. This section will be updated soon! (I hope)