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On the year 70's, it was the year of MARTIAL LAW, throughout the entire Nation. Violence are common on that era because of Politics in the Government as will in the different Colleges and Universities due to Fraternity Rumbles. they compete each other in who among them are the strongest and the best. but they ended in chaos and death. on Nov. 28, 1978 a group known as Epsilon Delta Sigma (EDS-Epsidians) fraternity and Sorority was discovered at Mandaue City. a big change for the image of Fraternity because the founder used it in SERVICE to community not in violence. unfortunately in the late 80's the group weakens its foundation due to certain problems. the organization declined its membership and in that year the country was on its disorder, everwhere there's mass revolution againts the PRESIDENT of the Republic for being corrupt and abuse of power, until the Death of Ninoy Aquiño in 1986. On the year 1987 after the chaotic year's of politics the group was revived by some former members of EDS, but the name of the group was change to ALPHA BROTHERS (AB) it spread like wind to different place here in Cebu and mostly Mandaue City. but still didnot last long, some members where involved in different riots and frat wars. Until this late 90's five former members of EDS had there reunion at Uril Banilad, Mandaue City because that same day was the fiesta celebration in that Barangay. they discuss all about fraternities and come up with an idea to rebuild a new organization which concentrate on the true essence of BROTERHOOD, JUSTICE, PEACE AND EQUALITY.the Phi Omega Chi (ΦΩΧ)fraternity and sorority was establish and constituted on Dec. 19,1990 in Uril Banilad Mandaue City. it was also called as the Knights of Phioxian or PHIOXIAN Society. founders adopt the teaching of Columbus as a knighthood. two(2) of the founders wheir also a members of the International Service fraternity of KNIGHTS of COLUMBUS thats way same rules where taken from it.

Knights of PHIOXIAN and SYDRON

PHI- Protector of the OMEGA- Orders of CHI- Columbus