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I am a PhD student at the University of Tennessee (Ecology & Evolutionary Biology), where I study developmental biology and evolutionary morphology in cichlids. My academic website can be found here.

I was part of a working group that published a paper on wikipedia in 2009:

Callis, K.L., Christ, L.R., Resasco, J., Armitage, D.W., Ash, J.D., Caughlin, T.T., Clemmensen, S.F., Copeland, S.M., Fullman, T.J., Lynch, R.L., Olson, C., Pruner, R.A., Vieira-Neto, E.H.M., West-Singh, R., Bruna, E.M. Improving Wikipedia: educational opportunity and professional responsibility. Trends in Ecology & Evolution. 24 (4): 177-179. link


  • Is the project still active with articles being generated? If not it might be appropriate to update the templates used for it (to past/inactive status).--Kmhkmh (talk) 18:55, 16 January 2018 (UTC)