I am a process chemist. Having worked for an international regulating body, I have inspected a wide range of chemical industrial facilities and r&d units.
My main reference sources are journals, reporting, consulting and news services. For example, articles/reports accessible to me via the Royal Society of Chemistry, ChemSystems, Chemical Week, ICIS, Kirk-Othmer Encyclopedia, Patent search engines, Ullmanns Encyclopedia etc. As far as I am able I will reference material that can be readily verified for free, for example, that are contained in publicly released abstracts, freely viewable news releases, journals accessible free via the internet or public libraries.
The main articles I focus on are/will be those related to developments in chemical processes with viable or potentially viable industrial/commercial economics, and more specifically, focused on petrochemicals, catalysis and kinetics since this where most of my experience rests.
New articles I created
Articles I contributed to
- Hydrogen Peroxide (added sub-sections "New Developments", and "Chemical applications"; and revised part of Manufacture)
- Styrene (revised part of Production)
- Dimethyl Ether (revised part of Production)