Reputsom is the act of studying, reviewing, pondering, or memorizing information while dreaming. It encompasses the use and skill of both Lucid dreaming and the Method of Loci, although, strictly speaking, not required. This is accomplished by storing the information in a loci temporarily. Then, while dreaming, the information is "fully" memorized or reviewed. In this way, the person can also have a "log" or "overview" of all the information they have accumulated in a the form of a memory city. The term was coined by Isaac Lenox.
Reput comes from the latin reputo that means "think over" or "reflect". Som comes from the latin Somniare which means "to dream".
Reputsom is an effective way of utilizing the hours during the sleep stage REM. It is accomplished by building a "memory city" and reviewing the information in the memory city while you are lucid dreaming. In this way, the person has a overview and detailed log of everything they have learned. This helps to prevent the loosing of information (not completely forgetting, since the information is still there, just lost). Furthermore, one could lightly accumulate or "skim over" information in waking life, then during a lucid dream they could actually memorize it. For example, when you first lightly store information in a "loci" or location using the Method of Loci, it is there but takes a little while to retrieve and is not firmly memorized. But when you review and go over it multiple times it begins to become more "solid" and retrieval becomes faster.
Reputsom is done during the 4th sleep stage, REM or Rapid eye movement sleep, while lucid dreaming. During this stage, you are in Sleep paralysis, therefore you won't act anything out (sleep walking and talking occurs during non-REM). It primarily utilizes the retrosplenial cortex, medial parietal cortex, and the hippocampus.