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Wikipedia:WikiProject Spam/LinkReports/static.scribd.com

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Reporting statistics of link static.scribd.com; 15 records.


  1. 18:14:01, Tue Apr 15, 2008 en:user:Urban_Rose <-> static.scribd.com (0%/0%/0% - Added link: static.scribd.com/docs/3ji6hh6c1s9f6.swf (Monitored rule: \bscribd\.com - reason for monitoring \bscribd\.com: Automonitor: reported to en:Wikipedia talk:WikiProject Spam (diff)) - en:Communication - diff - COIBot UserReport - en:Special:Contributions/Urban_Rose.
  2. 07:17:12, Fri Mar 21, 2008 en:user:Ice_Cold_Beer <-> static.scribd.com (0%/0%/0% - Added link: static.scribd.com/docs/8deo8fwbo2y96.swf (Monitored rule: \bscribd\.com - reason for monitoring \bscribd\.com: Automonitor: reported to en:Wikipedia talk:WikiProject Spam (diff)) - en:Gravitation - diff - COIBot UserReport - en:Special:Contributions/Ice_Cold_Beer.
  3. 05:43:16, Fri Feb 15, 2008 en:user:1Anabaptist <-> static.scribd.com (0%/0%/0% - Added link: static.scribd.com/docs/ek40je74a3qyx.swf?initial_view=width (Monitored rule: \bscribd\.com - reason for monitoring \bscribd\.com: Automonitor: reported to en:Wikipedia talk:WikiProject Spam (diff)) - en:New_Schweizer_Confession - diff - COIBot UserReport - en:Special:Contributions/1Anabaptist.
  4. 14:39:15, Mon Feb 11, 2008 en:user:Dethme0w <-> static.scribd.com (0%/0%/0% - Added link: static.scribd.com/docs/4b7j9i83zecbp.pdf (Monitored rule: \bscribd\.com - reason for monitoring \bscribd\.com: Automonitor: reported to en:Wikipedia talk:WikiProject Spam (diff)) - en:Democracy - diff - COIBot UserReport - en:Special:Contributions/Dethme0w.
  5. 11:28:40, Sat Feb 09, 2008 en:user:EliasAlucard <-> static.scribd.com (0%/0%/0% - Added link: static.scribd.com/docs/4b7j9i83zecbp.pdf (Monitored rule: \bscribd\.com - reason for monitoring \bscribd\.com: Automonitor: reported to en:Wikipedia talk:WikiProject Spam (diff)) - en:Democracy - diff - COIBot UserReport - en:Special:Contributions/EliasAlucard.
    User is on global Whitelist: EliasAlucard <-> * (Over 5000 edits on en wikipedia)
  6. 16:56:54, Fri Feb 01, 2008 en:user:Silly_rabbit <-> static.scribd.com (0%/0%/0% - Added link: static.scribd.com/docs/8deo8fwbo2y96.swf (Monitored rule: \bscribd\.com - reason for monitoring \bscribd\.com: Automonitor: reported to en:Wikipedia talk:WikiProject Spam (diff)) - en:Gravitation - diff - COIBot UserReport - en:Special:Contributions/Silly_rabbit.
  7. 04:30:14, Fri Feb 01, 2008 ro:user:Asybaris01 <-> static.scribd.com (0%/0%/0% - Added link: static.scribd.com/docs/dhwgrs1rs1pzd.swf?initial_view=width (Monitored rule: \bscribd\.com - reason for monitoring \bscribd\.com: Automonitor: reported to en:Wikipedia talk:WikiProject Spam (diff)) - ro:Personalităţile_comunei_Racoviţa - diff - COIBot UserReport - ro:Special:Contributions/Asybaris01.
  8. 08:20:13, Tue Jan 29, 2008 en:user:Eubulides <-> static.scribd.com (0%/0%/0% - Added link: static.scribd.com/docs/j79lhbgbjbqrb.pdf (Monitored rule: \bscribd\.com - reason for monitoring \bscribd\.com: Automonitor: reported to en:Wikipedia talk:WikiProject Spam (diff)) - en:Abiogenic_petroleum_origin - diff - COIBot UserReport - en:Special:Contributions/Eubulides.
    User is on global Whitelist: Eubulides <-> * (admin on en wikipedia)
  9. 01:29:39, Thu Jan 24, 2008 es:user:Roblespepe <-> static.scribd.com (0%/0%/0% - Added link: static.scribd.com/docs/jidsx49tblh9d.txt (Monitored rule: \bscribd\.com - reason for monitoring \bscribd\.com: Automonitor: reported to en:Wikipedia talk:WikiProject Spam (diff)) - es:Asociación_Amateur_de_Football - diff - COIBot UserReport - es:Special:Contributions/Roblespepe.
  10. 12:15:52, Tue Jan 22, 2008 ar:user: <-> static.scribd.com (0%/0%/0% - Added link: static.scribd.com/docs/f7fbd1yf1y115.pdf (Monitored rule: \bscribd\.com - reason for monitoring \bscribd\.com: Automonitor: reported to en:Wikipedia talk:WikiProject Spam (diff)) - ar:إدارة_المعرفة - diff - COIBot UserReport - ar:Special:Contributions/
  11. 16:01:07, Sun Jan 13, 2008 en:user:Islescape <-> static.scribd.com (0%/0%/0% - Added link: static.scribd.com/docs/71ag0y725v27y.pdf (Monitored rule: \bscribd\.com - reason for monitoring \bscribd\.com: Automonitor: reported to en:Wikipedia talk:WikiProject Spam (diff)) - en:Lyari_River - diff - COIBot UserReport - en:Special:Contributions/Islescape.
  12. 21:49:45, Fri Jan 11, 2008 en:user:Gogo_Dodo <-> static.scribd.com (0%/0%/0% - Added link: static.scribd.com/docs/ghnvi6g2fepvm.swf (Monitored rule: \bscribd\.com - reason for monitoring \bscribd\.com: Automonitor: reported to en:Wikipedia talk:WikiProject Spam (diff)) - en:Magnet - diff - COIBot UserReport - en:Special:Contributions/Gogo_Dodo.
    User is on global Whitelist: gogo dodo <-> * (User is whitelisted on linkwatcher.)
  13. 16:12:57, Sat Dec 22, 2007 en:user:MapsMan <-> static.scribd.com (0%/0%/0% - Added link: static.scribd.com/docs/6wfl4g62vle8w.swf?initial_view=width (Monitored rule: \bscribd\.com - reason for monitoring \bscribd\.com: Automonitor: reported to en:Wikipedia talk:WikiProject Spam (diff)) - en:Metropolitan_line - diff - COIBot UserReport - en:Special:Contributions/MapsMan.
    User is on global Whitelist: MapsMan <-> * (Over 5000 edits on en wikipedia)
  14. 01:09:50, Tue Dec 11, 2007 en:user:Keegan <-> static.scribd.com (0%/0%/0% - Added link: static.scribd.com/docs/ghnvi6g2fepvm.swf (Monitored rule: \bscribd\.com - reason for monitoring \bscribd\.com: Automonitor: reported to en:Wikipedia talk:WikiProject Spam (diff)) - en:Magnet - diff - COIBot UserReport - en:Special:Contributions/Keegan.
    User is on global Whitelist: Keegan <-> * (Over 5000 edits on en wikipedia)
  15. 09:15:28, Sun Dec 09, 2007 es:user:Juliho.castillo <-> static.scribd.com (0%/0%/0% - Added link: static.scribd.com/docs/e1un4fvtd627j.swf?initial_view=width (Monitored rule: \bscribd\.com - reason for monitoring \bscribd\.com: Automonitor: reported to en:Wikipedia talk:WikiProject Spam (diff)) - es:Artabán - diff - COIBot UserReport - es:Special:Contributions/Juliho.castillo.

COIToolBot reported 15 links.

Below a full report on all use of the link static.scribd.com.

This list is intended to see how the external link gets used, it does not imply that involved accounts are having a conflict of interest in adding the link, or that the involved accounts are spamming the link.

LinkWatcher records:

  1. 2008-04-15 13:58:09: User Urban Rose (talk - contribs; 1070) to Communication (diff) - Link: static.scribd.com/docs/3ji6hh6c1s9f6.swf.
    * Links added in this diff: www.aber.ac.uk/media/Documents/short/trans.html (1070, 18, 1, 1) www.cs.tut.fi/ (1070, 8, 1, 1) www.knowledgebank.irri.org/communicating/Communicating_for_change_and_impact.doc (1070, 3, 1, 1) static.scribd.com/docs/3ji6hh6c1s9f6.swf (1070, 15, 1, 1) publishing.royalsociety.org/index.cfm?page=1313 (1070, 12, 1, 1) dictionary.reference.com/browse/media (1070, 492, 1, 1) www.k12.wa.us/CurriculumInstruct/Communications/default.aspx (1070, 3, 1, 1)
  2. 2008-04-13 21:43:57: User AlexiusHoratius (talk - contribs; 2095) to Communication (diff) - Link: static.scribd.com/docs/3ji6hh6c1s9f6.swf.
    * Links added in this diff: www.k12.wa.us/CurriculumInstruct/Communications/default.aspx (2095, 3, 2, 1) www.aber.ac.uk/media/Documents/short/trans.html (2095, 18, 1, 1) www.cs.tut.fi/ (2095, 8, 1, 1) www.knowledgebank.irri.org/communicating/Communicating_for_change_and_impact.doc (2095, 3, 1, 1) static.scribd.com/docs/3ji6hh6c1s9f6.swf (2095, 15, 1, 1) www.dr-mueck.de/HM_Kommunikation/meta-conversation-meta-Communication-Bettina-Umminger.htm (2095, 1, 1, 1) dictionary.reference.com/browse/media (2095, 492, 4, 1) publishing.royalsociety.org/index.cfm?page=1313 (2095, 12, 1, 1) dictionary.reference.com/browse/media (2095, 492, 4, 1) www.k12.wa.us/CurriculumInstruct/Communications/default.aspx (2095, 3, 2, 1)
  3. 2008-04-09 18:11:35: User Longhair (talk - contribs; 933) to Democracy (diff) - Link: static.scribd.com/docs/4b7j9i83zecbp.pdf.
    * User is on global Whitelist: Longhair <-> * (Over 5000 edits on en wikipedia)
  4. 2008-04-08 22:20:31: User Vsmith (talk - contribs; 139) to Petroleum (diff) - Link: static.scribd.com/docs/j79lhbgbjbqrb.pdf.
    * User is on global Whitelist: Vsmith <-> * (Over 5000 edits on en wikipedia)
  5. 2008-04-08 21:01:02: User Bobo192 (talk - contribs; 198) to Petroleum (diff) - Link: static.scribd.com/docs/j79lhbgbjbqrb.pdf.
    * User is on global Whitelist: Bobo192 <-> * (Over 5000 edits on en wikipedia)
  6. 2008-04-06 15:05:20: User Oxymoron83 (talk - contribs; 3223) to Democracy (diff) - Link: static.scribd.com/docs/4b7j9i83zecbp.pdf.
    * User is on global Whitelist: Oxymoron83 <-> * (Over 5000 edits on en wikipedia)
  7. 2008-03-27 22:12:20: User Aznxmoto (talk - contribs; 61) to Democracy (diff) - Link: static.scribd.com/docs/4b7j9i83zecbp.pdf.
    * Links added in this diff: www.shankaranarayanan.com/financial-democracy-improved-alternative/ (61, 6, 1, 1) www.iefd.org/index.php (61, 3, 1, 1) www.sfgd.org (61, 3, 1, 1) xroads.virginia.edu/ (61, 92, 1, 1) www.greens.org/s-r/36/36-22.html (61, 14, 1, 1) theprometheusinstitute.org/politics/politics/54-politics/311-democracy-is-overrated (61, 21, 1, 1) www.enterstageright.com/archive/articles/0105/0105churchilldem.htm (61, 3, 1, 1) www.conservativeclassics.com/books/libertybk/BK08.PDF (61, 3, 1, 1) www.lewrockwell.com/hoppe/hoppe4.html (61, 44, 1, 1) www.ncert.nic.in/textbooks/testing/Index.htm (61, 5, 1, 1) dca.tufts.edu/features/aas (61, 20, 1, 1) www.researchmethods.org/demomeasure (61, 11, 1, 1) www.whydemocracy.net (61, 3, 1, 1) www.opendemocracy.net (61, 36, 1, 1) www.idea.int/ (61, 5, 1, 1) www.fareedzakaria.com/articles/other/democracy.html (61, 3, 1, 1) www.nytimes.com/cfr/international/20040901facomment_v83n4_siegle-weinstein-halperin.html (61, 2701, 1, 1) www.infinityfoundation.com/ECITdemocracyindiaframeset.htm (61, 21, 1, 1) bostonreview.net/BR28.2/abou.html (61, 25, 1, 1) topics.developmentgateway.org/governance (61, 6, 1, 1) www.ifes.org (61, 3, 1, 1) www.democracywatch.org (61, 3, 1, 1) www.journalofdemocracy.org (61, 3, 1, 1) www.americaabroadmedia.org/DemocracyPromotion.html (61, 4, 1, 1) static.scribd.com/docs/4b7j9i83zecbp.pdf (61, 15, 1, 1) etext.lib.virginia.edu/cgi-local/DHI/dhi.cgi?id=dv1-78 (61, 184, 1, 1) plato.stanford.edu/entries/democracy (61, 510, 2, 1) www.freetrade.org/node/681 (61, 9, 1, 1) www.democracynature.org/dn/vol1/fotopoulos_athens.htm (61, 4, 1, 1) www.inclusivedemocracy.org/journal/vol2/vol2_no2_Takis_liberal_socialist.htm (61, 11, 1, 1) www.huss.ex.ac.uk/politics/research/readingroom/CastiglioneRepublicanism.pdf#search=%22republicanism%20historiography%22 (61, 4, 1, 1) www.un.org/News/Press/docs/2007/ga10655.doc.htm (61, 659, 1, 1) www.george-orwell.org/Politics_and_the_English_Language/0.html (61, 8, 1, 1) www.archives.gov/national-archives-experience/charters/declaration_transcript.html (61, 164, 1, 1) www.m-w.com/dictionary/democracy (61, 110, 1, 1) www.apsanet.org/imgtest/verba.pdf (61, 9, 1, 1) www.iep.utm.edu/a/aristotl.htm (61, 75, 1, 1) www.humanities.mq.edu.au/Ockham/y6704.html (61, 8, 1, 1) www.freedomhouse.org/template.cfm?page=25&year=2002 (61, 50, 3, 1) www.independent.org/publications/tir/article.asp?issueID=47&articleID=599 (61, 19, 1, 1) (61, 52, 1, 1) mars.wnec.edu/ (61, 17, 1, 1) www.oxonianreview.org/issues/2-2/2-2-6.htm (61, 4, 1, 1) www.nationalarchives.gov.uk/pathways/citizenship/struggle_democracy/getting_vote.htm (61, 79, 2, 1) www.nationalarchives.gov.uk/pathways/citizenship/rise_parliament/making_history_rise.htm (61, 79, 2, 1) anglicanhistory.org/oceania/whonsbon-aston1961.html (61, 16, 1, 1) scholar.google.se/url?sa=U&q=http://www.ssc.upenn.edu/ (61, 8, 1, 1) www.iroquoisdemocracy.pdx.edu/html/activity4.htm (61, 5, 1, 1) annourbis.com/Ancient-Rome/8rome10.html (61, 7, 1, 1) www.bbc.co.uk/history/ancient/greeks/greekdemocracy_01.shtml (61, 1970, 2, 1) www.bbc.co.uk/history/ancient/greeks/greekdemocracy_01.shtml (61, 1970, 2, 1) plato.stanford.edu/entries/plato-ethics-politics/#4.5 (61, 510, 2, 1) www.nipissingu.ca/department/history/MUHLBERGER/HISTDEM/INDIADEM.HTM (61, 11, 1, 1) www.freedomhouse.org/template.cfm?page=35&year=2005 (61, 50, 3, 1) dwardmac.pitzer.edu/anarchist_archives/bookchin/soclife.html (61, 46, 2, 1) dwardmac.pitzer.edu/ANARCHIST_ARCHIVES/proudhon/grahamproudhon.html (61, 46, 2, 1) www.themercury.co.za/index.php?fArticleId=3985561 (61, 24, 1, 1) www.britannica.com/ebi/article-9273962 (61, 741, 2, 1) www.britannica.com/ebi/article-9273962 (61, 741, 2, 1) www.freedomhouse.org/template.cfm?page=130&year=2007 (61, 50, 3, 1) www.economist.com/markets/rankings/displaystory.cfm?story_id=8908438 (61, 308, 1, 1)
  8. 2008-03-27 18:11:09: User NeilN (talk - contribs; 454) to Democracy (diff) - Link: static.scribd.com/docs/4b7j9i83zecbp.pdf.
    * User is on global Whitelist: NeilN <-> * (Over 5000 edits on en wikipedia)
  9. 2008-03-27 17:25:12: User ClueBot (talk - contribs; 194020) to Democracy (diff) - Link: static.scribd.com/docs/4b7j9i83zecbp.pdf.
    * User is on global Whitelist: cluebot <-> * (Bots don't have a COI)
  10. 2008-03-27 16:03:53: User ClueBot (talk - contribs; 194020) to Communication (diff) - Link: static.scribd.com/docs/3ji6hh6c1s9f6.swf.
    * User is on global Whitelist: cluebot <-> * (Bots don't have a COI)
  11. 2008-03-26 01:20:59: User Dreadstar (talk - contribs; 1181) to Petroleum (diff) - Link: static.scribd.com/docs/j79lhbgbjbqrb.pdf.
    * User is on global Whitelist: Dreadstar <-> * (Over 5000 edits on en wikipedia)
  12. 2008-03-26 01:19:01: User ClueBot (talk - contribs; 194020) to Petroleum (diff) - Link: static.scribd.com/docs/j79lhbgbjbqrb.pdf.
    * User is on global Whitelist: cluebot <-> * (Bots don't have a COI)
  13. 2008-03-24 11:04:43: User ClueBot (talk - contribs; 194020) to Communication (diff) - Link: static.scribd.com/docs/3ji6hh6c1s9f6.swf.
    * User is on global Whitelist: cluebot <-> * (Bots don't have a COI)
  14. 2008-03-21 03:17:01: User Ice Cold Beer (talk - contribs; 28) to Gravitation (diff) - Link: static.scribd.com/docs/8deo8fwbo2y96.swf.
    * Links added in this diff: www.fourmilab.ch/gravitation/foobar/ (28, 21, 1, 1) www.physorg.com/news85310822.html (28, 41, 1, 1) www.howstuffworks.com/question232.htm (28, 9, 1, 1) www.newton.dep.anl.gov/askasci/phy99/phy99x10.htm (28, 7, 1, 1) static.scribd.com/docs/8deo8fwbo2y96.swf (28, 15, 1, 1) geophysics.mines.edu/cgem (28, 2, 1, 1) einstein.stanford.edu/ (28, 9, 1, 1) www.lightandmatter.com/html_books/1np/ch10/ch10.html (28, 11, 1, 1) www.muslimheritage.com/uploads/Merv.pdf (28, 12, 1, 1) arxiv.org/abs/physics/0310001 (28, 473, 1, 1)
  15. 2008-03-21 03:16:46: User ClueBot (talk - contribs; 194020) to Gravitation (diff) - Link: static.scribd.com/docs/8deo8fwbo2y96.swf.
    * User is on global Whitelist: cluebot <-> * (Bots don't have a COI)